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DarCowAlways Blog

New Medic Achievements out Today!

Today was an eventful one for Team Fortress 2, with the first specific class-based achievement set released! Finally!

Quite a lot of them require specific teamwork, so don't expect to get by on skill alone :(

I have earned 17/39 of these achievements, which has earned me the (only unlockable I really wanted) Blutsauger syringe gun, the one that steals health from the enemy when you hit them with it! The other two unlockables are the crit medigun and the ubersaw, of which the only one I want is the saw... Though I will get all of the achievements over time, the only motivation is the saw, so I can get ubers really quick and get out of a sticky situation.

These new achievements rock. You should've seen the games. ALL MEDICS. :D

Massive Room Cleaning/Re-decoration - 2ND UPDATE

Whoa- I can hardly recognize my room.

For years I've had piles of old crap- school papers, valentines, broken plastic toys, the works- piling up and taking up tons of space in my already cramped room. Most of the things in these piles either aren't mine, or are never useful but can't be thrown out, which is why they've lasted so many years.

Today, Dad and I cleaned for hours upon hours, mercilessly throwing out years of childhood memories. :D

We also moved the bookshelf of mine- with it's rather fine collection of books, if I may say so myself- over from the feet of my bed to my head, where I can use it for storage and easily access my books. It was also I great time to re-organize and discard books and crap I didn't want on its shelves to other places or the trash.

Soon we're planning on raising my bed up higher. Right now it's just like a bunk bed- but without the bottom bunk. Right now it stands 4 feet off the ground, and we're going to raise it to 6 feet, and I'll be able to move my chair, computer desk and more under there, effectively doubling my usable room! The only (daunting) task ahead is cleaning up the underside of the bed, which at one point I had totally cleaned up, save for a few things such as a printer my dad threw in my room and a foam pad of theirs. Soon it was back to the disrepair it's in now, and now it needs to be cleaned again.

...Another day.

UPDATE: Wow. Once again, we've done the impossible. In only a few hours, my parents and I not only totally cleaned up the underside of the bed, which is now EMPTY, but we also vacuumed, organized my closet... wow.

NEW UPDATE: My bed is now totally finished, and sits a full 6 feet off the ground (previous 4)!

Internet's Fixed!!


To recap, when I installed my new controller's software, the internet no longer worked. "You are not connected to any networks..."

So, I hooked it up wirelessly while I tried to figure out what to do with it.

BUT, the wireless adapter overheats easily with the kind of constant internet use I have, so I unplug it at night so it doesn't just keep heating itself up overnight.

Then comes this morning. I do my normal internet business, check blogs, check my mail... Then I look over at the wireless adapter a few minutes ago.



Level 25 and No School!

...among other things!

Tomorrow is Take your Child to Work Day, so I get to skip school and have an uber-long weekend; there's no school on Friday either- since that's grading day. Add that to me being home sick yesterday, and you have a pretty awesome 2-day school week. And a four-day weekend :D

Also, I finally turned level 25 today, waking up from accidentally feeling asleep and joining the Defias Brotherhood!

My group is exponentially increasing in size, going from 11 members less than a week ago to more than 60 now!

Have any of you ever played Super Demo World? What it is is a full hack of Super Mario World to create a totally new, way more challenging game. It's played through and emulator like SNES9x (emulator's aren't illegal- retail games played with them are). I've gotta say it's a fun game, but I'm stuck trying to figure out some secret exits- it's nowhere near as forgiving as the original. At least I have my new controller to play it with!

And while I'm here, let me tell you how I fixed my internet: I made it wireless. I really hate making it wireless when it could be wired, but it simply wasn't fixing itself!! So, for now, my internet is crappy wireless.

Happy 2-day school week for all!

Internet Problems + New Controller

I'm writing this blog from my laptop, because my main computer can't connect to the internet right now.

The same thing happened when I first used a direct ethernet cable on my last setup: it says there's no connection, and to install networking hardware. Well, it came with an ethernet port, and I plugged and ethernet cable in there, and nothing happened. It was pretty depressing. Then, after a few days of trying to get that to work, *shazam!* the little image of earth appeared in place of the red x, and the internet was mine!

But now it's doing it again on my new computer. It was working fine, until...


I got this bad boy you see here, for my SNE*cough*, N6*cough*, and PS*cough* emu*cough*ion. Sorry, there's something going around. Anyway, it works perfectly! But the software did some crazy voodoo that messed up my internet connection, which brings me back to writing this on my laptop. So I'm leaving my computer on like this while I wait for it to *shazam!* it's internet connection back like last time.

Well, it definitely gives me time to catch up on games like Call of Duty 4, Crysis, Bioshock and the SNE*cough*, N6*cough* and PS*cough*!

And isn't that what Christmas is all about? :P

TF2 Madness, Records, Skins


Yesterday I made a few, rather decent records.

Most Kills: 75 (Sniper)

Most Headshots: 75 (Sniper)

I believe this constitutes "on fire" :lol:


Also, I played a match today on Mario Kart where everything was about 200% speed, so I played spy and shot my (now) machine gun at everyone- surviving a little bit until I got killed by a fellow spy. But that's not the crazy part- the crazy part's my new damage record from that life: 52,208.

But that's not the only insane record I got; I also got 27,121 Healing Points as a Medic :shock:


But that's not all!!

I finally got With Friends Like These!! I couldn't have done it without JD! This means I now have every Team Fortress 2 Achievement! ...Until those new Medic achievements come out, at which point I'll have to start all over :cry:


But that's STILL not all! For quite some time my friends have been referring me to FPSbanana, but I never went there. Then, yesterday, I hear a guy talk about a custom weapon skin his friend found there for TF2, so I tried it out.

Now every weapon has a custom skin for me, and several characters and buildings :D


And, yet again, that is STILL not all!

I gained about 50 friends on Steam, and so, my group more than quadrupled in size! How great is that?!

My (new) PC Specs

A lot has changed in my PC- in and out- since my last specs blog. So here it is:

Motherboard: Asus P5KC

CPU: Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 @ 2.4Ghz

GPU: NVIDIA EVGA e-GeForce 8600 GT

PSU: 500 Watt AthenaPower


RAM: 2GB Corsair DDR2

Disc Drives: 2x DVD Readers/Writer with Lightscribe

Other Drives: Card Reader

Speakers: Logitech R-10 Stereo speakers

OS: Windows Vista Home Premium

Keyboard: Rocketfish Wireless Bluetooth Multimedia Keyboard

Mouse: Razer Lachesis 4000DPI

Monitor: Samsung Syncmaster 226BW 22" 16:10 LCD @ 1680x1050

There you go! Hopefully soon I'll get an 8800 GT and another Gigabyte of RAM. A Nintendo Wii would be nice, too.