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Dark_Priestess Blog

Waiting is a ... well, you know

Hello my lil' cucumber slices!

I'm happy to say that the job interview went well :) I'm supposed to get a call-back today. Well, actually, he said that he was gonna call me back in a day or two. And today is day 2 :P. If not, then I'm gonna call him tomorrow. What's more, if I don't get the Secretary position, he said that I can work there as a telemarketer (because of my past experience). I don't mind either way -- so long as I'm working now, that's all that matters to me right now :D

[color=lightblue]I got RPG Fever, I got RPG Fever![/color]

I'm half-way done making the RPG for Walter's first story, "The Heart of the Light". @_@ I never thought balancing character stats would be so hard! Just when I think I have it figured out, I forget to take their equipment into consideration... and then they end up being too uber-powerful against the enemies :o I have about 2 more dungeons to map out, then add some more cut-scenes and an intro... and Version 1.0 will be all done-done! Hell, maybe I could be done all that this week-end... <_< no promises, though :P

[color=yellow]Parent's Guide to buying video games[/color]

I finally thought of something to write for an article. A web site called Fine Tuning allows writers to submit 1000-word Features or smaller Capsule articles (articles that compliment the Feature article). I'm gonna write a Capsule entitled "Parent's Guide to buying video games". I need to think of some pointers, though... so far I've thought of these:

  • * Play games with your kids and ask questions
  • * Know the Ratings System
  • * Read Game Reviews
  • * Ask the Store Staff

I would like to think of a couple more, though... any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. :)

That's it for now. Keep watching the skies... for those candy-coated saucers that hover by in the form of UFOs. They're out there... dum dum duuuuuuuuuuuuuuum... :P

My bologna has a first name...

Hello my lil' Hero Sandwiches!

I heart bologna. It's one of God's little miracles... along with toilet paper and smores :P Bologna tastes so good with cheese... and lettuce... on a sesame seed bun... @_@ I'm hungry now :P

[color=lightblue]No more surprises[/color]
:cry: Walter guessed my uber-surprise for him yesterday. So now it won't be a surprise anymore! I'm in the process of editing his story... AND I'm gonna make it into an RPG with RPG Maker 2003 :D He said that the RPG would still be a surprise, since he'll have no idea how it will look as an RPG... but it still won't have the impact of an UBER-surprise. Oh well. :P I'm about half-way done making the maps, and making enemy parties. Still have much to do in terms of sorting out the spells and weapons and such.

[color=yellow]No more empty pockets... hopefully[/color]
I have a job interview on Monday. It's for a Secretary gig, doing a bit of general office work and a bit of customer service. Knock on wood for me, peeps... I hope that I get it!

[color=orange]I keep Blitzing and Blitzing...[/color]
I played FFX a bit this morning. Been playing Blitzball like crazy. My players are getting good, and we're on a winning streak (14 wins straight). One of my players is behind in terms of levels though. I haven't bothered signing up any new players yet... I might do that... soon...

Guess that's all for now. Toodles! :P

Yea, it's hot, hot, HOT! And then cold, cold, COLD...

Hello my PMS Mother Natures of Insanity!

Well, it's certainly been a while since I've written in here. Mainly because I've been busy runnin' 'round like a headless chicken... with BBQ sauce and a Fruit Punch Gatorade. The last few days have been a combination of extremely hot and extremely cold days. I think Mother Nature's goin' through PMS... <_< or even worse... Menopause! O_O The hot flashes and night sweats, then the chills... it's all there! It won't be long now before She loses her Mojo...

[color=lightblue]Creativity runs amok[/color]

I've been thinking about new ideas to write... and have been quite busy writing. :P I was also inspired to do somethin' else... and it's all thanks to Walter! :D He has no idea what it is either... and I have no intention of telling him until it's done. :P I hope I get it finished MWA HA HA HA...

[color=yellow]No... more... REHASHES!!!!!!!11111oneoneoneone[/color]

I want to smack Capcom with my mallet. :|

Why, oh WHY must they continue to release all of these rehashes? DarkStalkers for the PSP... Breath of Fire I & II for GBA... Mega Man Legends for PSP... I'm sick of seeing all of these rehashes! Look what they did to Street Fighter II! They rehashed that up the ying-yang! And when Street Fighter III finally came along... well, it kinda went plop @_@. You want me to buy your Hadoken? I can tell you where to stuff your Hadoken... you can Shoryuken it up your hash. I like my pretty Blue Hadoken compared to your icky Red-Super-Uber-Fire-Make Smores and Fix your Car-Hadoken... 'cause I can whip your a** willy-nilly with it old-school style.

I've been a loyal fan... why must I suffer? Don't I deserve the next chapter in series? Why must I be forced to wait along with these other folks? I've been waiting 7 YEARS for a new DarkStalkers game... and you decide to release a rehash of the first 3 games!? What kinda poop is that!? I want a new DarkStalkers game! Or I shall unleash an army of Domo that will plague you ALL!

Capcom used to be the King of the Hill. But then they got pushed off ‘cause they got lazy. Now they’re stumbling to get back up. Maybe they’re stumbling ‘cause they’re being weighed down… by the evil HASHES!

No more rehashes! I already had hashes for breakfast, and now I'm stuffed like a pig! Gimme somethin' new and good to stuff in my gaming mouth so that I can roll away on my belly happy!

Okay, I'm tired with ranting... I need a nap. Bye for now :D

26 years of gaming... old-school style. Show your love!

Hello my party people!

Today is Walter's birthday! Yippie! He's 26 years young... and still thinks he can whoop me at Guilty Gear X2 <_<. Anyhoo, we're having a party thread for him at the Overworld Union, so feel free to stop on by and give your best wishes!

As for pressies... well, I gave him three last night. I sent him a Peanuts e-card and made him two sigs:

But those were only part of his overall pressies! I sent him some stuff, but they won't make it in time... he'll get them sometime next week! O_o' I can't tell you what they are, 'cause I don't want him to know beforehand <_<...>_>... :P

[color=yellow]I think I found my freelance calling...[/color]
I found a website that's looking for freelance writiers! We can write whatever we want, but they really like the more helpful how-to type of articles. The only thing that's stopping me from going ahead with it is their method of payment: they only pay you through PayPal. Now I know millions of people use it without incident, but I know there's lots of people who have nightmare-like stories too. I would register for an account, but I want to read more about it; weigh the pros and cons of getting a PayPal account. Besides... having an account attached to my credit card is a lil' unsettling O_o' Maybe if I open a bank account solely for PayPal activity... blah! Any PayPal feedback and suggestions would be greatly appreciated :)

[color=pink]Are you read for some Blitzball?![/color]
I decided to start playing Final Fantasy X over again! I'm spending a WHOLE lot more time playing Blitzball... all so that I can get Wakka's Overdrives :D I forgot how fun it was! XD

[color=lightgreen]Oh, Canada...[/color]
A couple of weeks ago, the new American Idol was named. Now, it is us Canadians' time to bring forth the best we have to offer, for our Canadian version of American Idol (called... wait for it... CANADIAN Idol :P) just started airing this week. They finished the auditions... and my ears still won't stop bleeding. :| Yes folks, we Canucks have as many bad singers as the U.S... perhaps even more so! :P

[color=lightblue]Get your ghetto on[/color]
A few days ago, I was talking to Walter with Yahoo, and we used "The Apprentice" IMVironment. He made the comment that Donald Trump looked like a thug with his arms crossed like that:

So I decided to run with that idea and, well...


Anyhoo, I guess that's all for now! Ta-ta for now! :D

I'm on fire... like a fox!

Hello my lil' flame-tailed compatriots!

Yesterday I decided to check out all the hub-bub and downloaded Firefox. Gotta say... I love it! Tabbed Browsing, where have you been all my life? It's sheer brilliance! Sure, it does a lil' dance every time I go onto GameSpot, but hey! It's so puuuurdy. I wish I got this sooner, I really do. ^_^

[color=lightblue]A new home...?[/color]
A couple of days ago I decided to check out I like it there. So much so that I decided to make it my 2nd Gaming site home! My user name? :| Take a guess...

[color=yellow]For the umpteenth time[/color]
I opened up my Visual C++ book again... and this time I'm determined to finish the dang gone thing! Yea, I said the same thing the last few thousand times, but this time I'm gonna finish it! Really! <_<'...>_>'...

[color=pink]Still thinking about pet project...[/color]
I'm still thinking about my pet project. In the off-chance that you're wondering what it's gonna be about (and I know you are), I would like the web site to be about... well, various media (movies, music, writing, anime, and gaming [duh] :P). It would be a place where people can read up reviews for movies, CDs, games, etc. and where up and coming writers can submit their work-in-progress. In addition, folks can download games made by amateur developers (:P those folks who use programs like RPGMaker 2K3 for example). It would be a good incentive for me: it'll inspire me to make games :P

Anyhoo, that's the plan. Have no idea how I'll go about doing it though :? That's why I gotta wait it out and plan more :P

Another short entry! I'm on a roll! <_<' A seasame seed roll... with lettuce and bacon and cheese... and a dab of mayonnaise. Mmmmmm... cheese.... *munch, munch* O_o'

Toodles! :D

What kind of Pension Plans do the Jedi have?

Hello my younglings and Padawan Learners!

Well, Friday I went to see the Final uber-chapter of Star Wars. I really did like it and thought it was one of the better movies in the series. My boy Yoda was struttin' his stuff yet again, showing that size doesn't matter if you're sporting some heavy duty Jedi Bling :P And the best part of them all... Jar Jar Binks only showed up twice (both less than 5 seconds on screen) and didn't say one damn thing! Hallelujah!

During all those many fight scenes, I started wondering... what kind of Pension Plans and Insurance do the Jedi have? I mean, being the all-powerful protectors of the galaxy is one dangerous job! Being blasted by fingertips lightning bolts, getting limbs dissected by Light Sabers, being thrown off high ledges... they better be getting good hazard pay for that! And Yoda... the dude's hundreds of years old! He must have one hell of a nest egg saved up for teh retirement. I can picture Yoda lounging around on a beach somewhere, sipping a Martini while wearing a Hawaiian shirt and Bermuda shorts. :P

Oh! And don't get me started with General Grievous (sp?). This all powerful droid... has a Smoker's Whooping cough. :P Why does a droid have a whopping cough? Sure, he has a human heart stuck in there, but did he inherit a Smoker's heart? <_< Does this mean he have lungs too? O_o' For the love of poop, someone please rationalize this for me @_@.

Anyhoo, I really enjoyed it. Nice to see it end with a bang. ^_^

[color=lightblue]Happy tingles still resonate...[/color]
The ramifications of E3 still rest with me. I still have so many trailers and pictures to gawk at and drool over. And I've been watching the G4TechTV coverage all weekend (I have no idea how the schedule is over in the states, but up here they've been showing the coverage back-to-back... then showing them again a couple of hours later. So yea, the coverage is all consuming). And I'm already thinking of plans of hw to get there next year <_<'...>_>'...

[color=yellow]Pet project for 2006[/color]
I've been think about this for months, but more so recently. I've been thinking about making my own website. There's lots I want to put in it, so I still have to sort out all the lil' details and such. It would be cool if I can get it up and running early next year.

Well, that's all I have for today. Go forth! And may The Force be with you.

<_<' *uses Jedi mind trick to get a chocolate ice cream* >_>'

The Happy Tingles won't cease! - Teh E3 Madness...

Hello my budding Game Boy Micros!

My eyes have officially melted. There's too much E3 uberness! I keep watching the coverage on G4TechTV; I come back here to see purdy pictures... it's getting harder to download stuff though. And I can't stream anything because of my PC (which tasted delicious, but I had to regurgitate it back up because the CPU didn't quite agree with my digestive system :P).

Anyhoo, the Big Three said their piece, and I'm droolin' over the PS3. It's too sexy not to. And those tech demos... sweet mother of Christmas! :shock: The happy tingles wouldn't stop! ^_______________^

Microsoft... well, the things they talked about were interesting, but I wanted more! More, dang you!

And Nintendo... :| I wanted a LOT more from Nintendo. Seriously, they're breaking my heart. They were so dominant, they now seem like a shell of their former existence as a Leader in the Industry. I want them back in the race soooooo badly! I really do! I want them to poke and prod the competition. I want it to be a close race! But Nintendo seems so behind sometimes I just begin to wonder! C'mon, Nintendo! Make me a believer! :cry:

There's just so much... I want DMC 4. <_< Okay so it was only a quick look at what Dante could look like next-gen, but he's so damn sexy! It's good enough for me!

Castlevania... I want a DS just to play Dawn of Sorrow. And I was surprised to hear that Curse of Darkness was heading for Xbox also. I'm happy that Xbox fans who don't have a PS2 will be able to play a Castlevania game on their console ^_^ Share the love! ^o^

What else... <_<' where's my Namco X Capcom!? NAMCO!!!! Why do you forsake me!!?!?!?!!?!? :cry::cry::cry:

Megaman X Collection... it'll be good to relive some of the older Megaman X goodness :P

@_@ ack! Too much goodness to remember. *starts plot to go to L.A. next year* >_>'

[color=lightblue]May the Sith be with you[/color]
My best buddie Pierre is gonna take me to see Revenge of the Sith. I want to see that twerp Anakin go to the Dark Side! :twisted: Seriously, I've been hearing nothing but good about the Movie, so I really can't wait to see it! :D

This is gonna be a short entry... 'cause I wanna see if I can actually download anything >_>' Take care, folks! ^o^

Teh Madness! Teh MADNESS!

Hello my lil' Ghosts N' Goblins!

Well, today be a fine day! Why? Because it be the start of E3!!!!!!!! w00tness!!!!!!! All the uberness, the drooling, the stuff I want now... <_<' I wanna go next year *pouts* Maybe I could pose as one of the media... yea... >_>' and I shall gather me a Squad of Merry Men... and we shall steal from the Booth Babes and give to the Poor Gamer. Yarrrrr....

[color=lightblue]Searching for the lost link in the Chain...[/color]
I managed to find a copy of Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories for my gaming pleasure. I'm really liking it so far! The whole Card battle systems adds a lot more strategy and forces you to think a few steps ahead: much nicer than simple button mashing (<_<' although the mashing of the buttons is good for the soul :P ). I'm not that far in it (I think).

Speaking of Kingdom Hearts, I finished the first one again a couple of days ago. I managed to beat the Hades Cup Time Trial (@_@ finally!), beat Lanc... >_>' er, Sephiroth, and I gots me teh Ultima Weapon! ^_^ Maybe I should actually try the game on Expert... and watch the fur fly :P

[color=yellow]Perhaps freelance is the way to go[/color]
Still looking for that nice lil' job. My mom bought a newspaper on Saturday and I flipped through the Business section. Had an article with tips on how to go about Job hunting online. One of the tips caught my eye: it said that one should search in niche job boards to find one's specialty. O_o' Sounds so simple, yet I never thought of it. So, I've been looking for sites with Jobs for freelance writers. It hasn't been easy though: the ones I found so far were outside of Canada. And those that were in Canada didn't have any writing jobs for Quebec @_@. Blah! I shall keep looking for writing jobs as well as somethin' a bit more stable. In the meantime, I shall keep writing (started writing 2 poems last night, I did! ^_^ ).

[color=pink]Onto Phase 2...[/color]
I finished one of Walter's pressies! Yays! Now onto Phase Deux (Oui, oui! I wrote in French! How exotic! XD ).

[color=orchid]My PC...[/color]
I have decided to eat my PC. It's too old and needs to be put out of its' misery. Besides... all those fancy chips will make me stronger, fast, and able to transform into a Big Rig... or a tape deck... or a yellow Volkswagen Beetle :P

Toodles! And remember, kiddies: Be good, or no Christmas poo for you! :P

Back from the Crypt... and lay off the Duck!

Hello my lil' hyperactive Tinker Bells! :P

Gee, it's been a good week or so since I last checked in. Hope y'all have been good *hugs* ^_^

Well, I'm back from a lil' cowering in my room. Why am I cowering, you ask? Let's start with last Wednesday, the day of my job training. The training went well. We basically call up people who've expressed interest in lowering their mortgage and set up appointments for our broker-clients. The 11am-4pm shift call folks in the UK while the evening shift call folks in the US (I wanted the 11-4 shift :P ). Anyhoo, I filled out the fancy form and all, and the supervisor said she'll call us in a couple of days when our schedule is finalized. I thought "that's cool", and so I went home... and waited... and waited some more... <_<' they never called or sent an e-mail. @_@ I guess the wiser person would've called to find out what's going on, but my gut told me not to and to just move on. Besides, if what I heard from one of the ladies working there is true, then it would've been a tough first day or two (apparently, they see how you do in your first 2 days and if you aren't setting up a lot of appointments then they let you go). So, here I am, continuing my search... blah! Oo'

[color=lightblue]Returning to the Magic Kingdom[/color]
While I was cowering in my room, glued to the phone in the hopes of getting that Fateful phone call, I started playing Kingdom Hearts again. I wanted to do things I didn't do the first time around... like fight all those hidden bosses. It's only now that I notice how weak Donald was at the beginning. I always had to run to his rescue yelling "Lay off the Duck!" before I pound the poor shmuck into Oblivion. :P

I'm at the End of the World, but left to Synthesise some items... I want Ultima Weapon, dang nabbit! I also managaed to beat the Ice Golem on my third try :P And got my a** handed to me by Lance Bass... er, I mean, Sephiroth. I managed to last a good 10 minutes against him <_< now if only I was inflicting damage on him, I would've felt a lil' better about that. I tried fighting Phantom and Kurt Zisa, but they are uber-tricky... I need more training! Training, I tell you! :P

Anyhoo, my plan is to nab a copy of Chain of Memories and play that after. I'm in a Kingdom Hearts mood! ^_^

[color=yellow]In other news[/color]
My mom got a new job here in town. She's working as a Kitchen Helper at a restaurant. I'm happy she found something else to do... she loves it there! I do too... because she gets to bring stuff home :P Saturday it was a small pizza... Sunday was a salad and a sandwich. Yummy! :D

[color=lightgreen]More news[/color]
I started working on Walter's birthday pressie. I hope I get it done in time... bwa, ha, ha, ha, ha...

[color=orchid]Need some filler fluff in here...[/color]
One of the news stations will be showing the unveiling of Xbox 360 this Friday at midnight. I'll be watching... :P

[color=pink]Running out of steam here...[/color]
Eat bran. It's good for you! Right Mr. Hanky, the Christmas poo? :D

Yea, that's it. Toodles!

Ze Gallery of teh Nouveau Art

Hello my lil' pineapple chickens!

Well, I was chatting with good ol' Shennie and I was inspired by the convo. So, I decided to present to you this: The Gallery of Nouveau Art :P

To begin, feast your eyes on this masterpiece donated (unwillingly) by Shennie:

Iz it not beautiful? Next we have this yummy piece. <_< I swear I had no say in this:

I like the coldness in his eyes. So dark... yet so light! ^_^ This next one was... er... "borrowed" from Monica:

Ryu never looked better! ^_^ This next one's an oldie, but a goodie:

Such an original! Speaking of originals:

This will fetch me ze millions of dollars! (insert maniacal laugh here) :| What? Do you not like it? It iz teh all-uber thought provoking! It iz the hypnotizing! It iz... brilliance personified! :P

That iz all for ze art. Ho, ho, ho!

[color=lightblue]New job...?[/color]
Well, I went for the interview this morning. It went well ^_^. I'm going in tomorrow for the training. Hopefully that will go well as... er, well. :P I really like the place, so here's crossing my fingers and toes... again. :P

Guess that's all for now. Toodles! :D