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Dark_Priestess Blog

Year of Yabba-Dabba-Doo-ment!

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!oneoneoneone111

Well, I hope you all behaved yourselves New Year's Day, and that your year is heading off to a good start.  So now we begin a new year... and a new Yearly Assignment!  Get out your pens and papers, I'm gonna quizz you on it after! (Joke... or am I? Dum, dum, duuuuuuum)

This year will be the Year of Yabba-Dabba-Doo-ment!  Therefore, I want y'all to think about the things that you used to do back in your childhood (or within the last few years) that you enjoyed but slowly strayed away from.  The challenge is to get back into those things that you have long forgotten. So long as these things don't hurt you or anybody else, it's all good.  Relive the good ol' days and get in touch with your younger selves!  Have fun and play safe, kiddies! :P

Seeing as how the New Year just started and nothin' really exciting has happened yet, I shall call it a day... or night... or whenever it is that you're reading this :P  This is DP signing off.  And remember: the world is your oyster, so serve it up deep-fried and eat with style!

Toodles! :D

Year of Self-Betterment: Final Thoughts

Hello my lil' New Year's Babies of Bouncing Bliss!

As 2006 comes crashin' in like a baby doin' a nose dive from the Stork's protective beak, it's time to look back upon 2005 and wonder... where the hell did it go!? O_o'  Felt like only yesterday that it was January 2005... now we're in December O_O' Oy! @_@.  Anyhoo, I'd like to know what your best moments of 2005 were.  How did you think this year differ from last year?  (remember, the theme for this year was to improve yourself in one form or another :P ).Yep, that's your homework for today... while I think of an appropriate title for next year <_<'

I think that overall, my year of self-betterment went ok.  I think I matured somewhat, and... O_o oy! What are you laughin' at!? I did mature, you fart-face you! O_O <_<' *ahem*... yes, I'm the personification of maturity (hee, hee, hee! I said fart-face!) :P  The direction to my future is a bit clearer now, and my plot for domination is slowly growin' into something tangible.  So it all comes down to gettin' things done! w00t! XD

This year in gaming has been pretty eventful, full of ups (kick starting the next gen. yays!) and downs (oops! I spilt my Hot Coffee all over Congress! My bad!).  And while confuzzled parents are wonderin' what the fuss is concerning children and their obsession with a highly caffeinated morning beverage, I hope that next year will be a greater year for gaming; when the next gen competition begins to heat up, when controversy like Hot Coffee can be avoided with better diligence on the part of the ESRB, that the public will come to their senses and realize that all gamers are not blood-thirsty, heartless killing machines, and that more folks begin to discover and enjoy that lil' passtime that brought us all to this website in the first place.

Thanks to all of you for reading my blog this year: both those who leave comments and those who read and run away afraid that I will hurl this water balloon upside their head.  It's folks like you who make me wanna rant this crazy stuff in the first place. :P

God bless you and yours!  This is Sonji signing off for 2005!  And remember: DP loves you all!

Cheers! :D *does belly flop in champagne* ^__^

I got attacked by Christmas Elves! O_o

Happy Holidays, my lil' Santa's Helpers!

Hope that you had a fantabulous Christmas!  I did :P  I got the "traditional Christmas pressies" (undies and socks, for those who don't know), a pair of earrings and a pendant, kittie slippers and a pair of boots!  Yays! :D I even bought a lil' something for myself as a self-Christmas pressie: DDRMax 2! :P  I've been having a blast... <_<' even though I only play Beginner and Light modes for now. Anything higher is evil (I'm lookin' at you, evil NonStop mode of DOOOOOM!) >_>'

[color=lightblue]What to do?[/color]
I have this week off! La, la, la!!!!  So much lovely free time... and it's all going to go poofy right now.  Yes, right this minute.  You'll see. <_<'  I've been writing down all the things I want to do on this lovely break o' mine, and hopefully I'll get as much done as possible.  But knowing me, I'll procrastinate and get jack all done ;p

[color=lightgreen]Where the Buffalo roam...[/color]
My bro left for Buffalo this morning.  That means the house will be relatively quiet :P  I could strut around nude... if my mom and dad weren't here (just jokin'~! XD ).  Seriously, I hope he has a good time.  I'm planning to travel more often next year. Here's hopin' eh?

'Tis a short entry, nothing more.  The Christmas cookies have gone to my head.  Boo~!  Oh well.  This is DP signing off.  And remember: Christmas elves have nunchaku hidden beneath their pointy hats... and aren't affraid to use 'em! *rubs head*

Toodles! :D

Another week, another party, another RPG :P

Good evening, my lil' pilots in the sky!

Well, it's been a week since I last typed in here... oy! O_o' I've been busy, preparing for the holidays! My big uber-check came in, and that only means one thing: shopping :P So, I went and did all my Christmas shopping ^_^ I got my mom a gift basket with goodies for her feet (she's always complaining about her feet killin' her from standing around all day washin' dishes), my dad an Old Spice gift set (can never go wrong with teh Old Spice XD ). As for my big bro, I ordered his pressie from Tiger Direct... an MP3 Player and a 128MB Memory Card (I would've ordered a bigger one... <_<' but I didn't wanna break the bank O_O ). Hopefully they will like their pressies ^_^

[color=lightgreen]Office Parties... blah[/color]
RD had a Christmas party on Saturday at the Queen Elizabeth Hotel (it's right across the street from the office... talk about convenient!) It was OK... food was good; too bad I couldn't take any home in a doggie bag <_<' Today we had a Pot Luck party. Since I'm still "the New Kid", I didn't know about it, so I didn't bring anything O_o' I didn't eat much, and they were surprised that I didn't. But I wasn't hungry - I ate my lunch before the party, so there was no point in making a glutton out of myself... but I did partake in Brownies. 'Cause there's always room for Brownies :P

I also found out today that the office is closed next week. :| ... :D Sleeping in is fun! w00tness! w00tNESS!!!!!

I was invited to join Hanger G3, the official community for Grandia 3. I just started getting into Grandia, so it's all good. It's similar to Slime Knights in that you do lil' Mission and earn points that can be traded in for prizes and stuff. And you get to talk about all things Grandia. You can check out the site here:

For those who want to look me up, I'm Shin_Tenshi (Dark_Priestess was already taken...*mumble, grumble* ).

Guess that's all from the funny farm. This is DP signing off. And remember: if it's yellow, then it's mellow. If it's brown, flush it down.

Toodles :P

I am an Aslan junkie :P

Good eeeeeeeevening, my lil' Children of Adam :P

Well, it's been an interesting few days, yep, yep!  I got over my cold and am now back at 110% w00tness :P  So yay for me *eats Christmas Orio cookies*

[color=lightblue]Crazy Friday O_o' [/color]
Friday started out horribly.  Plain and simple :P I didn't get to buy the tickets for Narnia on Thursday (I did force myself to go to work, but I had tons to do @_@ ).  I told myself that I would wake up early to meet Pierre so we could catch the movie at noon.  I woke up at 9:30 O_o'  Scramble to take a shower (took longer than I thought), got dressed and was about to head out the door... when I saw that oodles of snow was waiting for me o_O'  Spent time shoveling the snow and missed my bus.  I thought I would be fine catching the bus at 11 (I would get to teh cafe to meet Pierre at 11:45).  Got to the bus stop... bus was 10 minutes late O_o'  Lots of traffic on the bridge @_@.  Finally got to the metro and hopped on.  All in all, I got to the cafe at 12:15 and ran into Pierre as he was leaving :P  We sat at the cafe for a bit and heading for the theatre hoping for a 1pm showing.  But there was none X_x The next showing was at 3:00, but that would be too late (Pierre had to work that evening), so we bought tickets for the 12:40 showing and ran like a couple of crazy loons :P We didn't miss much though XD  All in all it was a good movie... and now I want a big lion stuffy, so I can call him Aslan :P

[color=lightgreen]Whimsical Saturday[/color]
On Saturday I went to my friend Leif's house (I refer to him as the "Go-To Guy" since he always has these strange games and anime for me to play/ watch).  He gave me a couple of things: a copy of Ys: The Oath of Felghana along with a copy of Ys Premium Music CD Box... a collection of original and remixed music from Ys III: Wanderers of Ys and The Oath in Felghana (8 CDs in all... that's a lot of listenin' :P).  He also gave me a copy of Snatcher.  I'd like to try it, but my backlog of gaming is big enough as it is.

Out of all the things he had to show me, the one game that I really liked was a shooter called "Warning Forever".  It is truly for the masochists out there :P This game consists of only boss fights; pitting you against the mother ship (hence the name Warning Forever: you only hear the warning siren at the beginning of each stage).  The mother ship will morph in the next stage depending on how you take out the core in the previous one.  So if you take out the all big guns and then the core, it would change into something; if you concentrate only on the small guns and then the core it will morph to something completely different.  There's 30 stages in all and I only got to stage 12... the mother ship had consumed a good 90% of the bloody screen O_o  It's uber fun and it's free to download (look for it here ).

Anyhoo, that's it for now.  This is DP signing off.  And remember: Never take Turkish Delights from strangers (they be bewitched, I tell ya!  BEWITCHED!!!111oneoneone).

Toodles! :D

Let them drink soup! X_x

Good early morning, my lil' wet chicken noodles!

Well, I'm nice an' cozy at home on a Tuesday!  What gives!? O_o'  Actually, I'm sick today (almost coughed up a lung last night), so I'm staying home and restin' up.  Hopefully I'll lick this thing by Thursday, so I can get to work... and buy the Narnia tickets :P

[color=pink]New bins![/color]  
Yesterday, those big wigs over at city hall saw fit to bless us with uber recycling bins :P  They're big... and blue.  Kicks the snot outta the old ones, yea?  Since they're giganti-normous, they only collect bi-weekly now.  Which is good, since I only put out the recycling on a bi-weekly basis anyway :P

[color=lightgreen]New decorations![/color]
Mom decided to put up the Christmas decorations.  They look nice... but we don't have a tree.  She threw out Ol' Faithful sometime earlier this year.  Yup, the ol' plastic tree that we've had since I was, like, 5, is finally in that ol' Pine Forest in the sky.  So now we must search for a new tree!  And I shall dub thee... New Faithful!  Yesss!  <_<' Or perhaps Slighty-used Faithful... >_>'

[color=lightblue]New... obsession![/color]
P-chan came by Saturday and lent me Narnia and his cornucopia of anime.  I'm almost done reading The Magician's Nephew, so I'll be starting The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe very soon (hopefully before Friday O_o). As for anime, I finally finished Hikaru no Go (the ending made me cry like a blubbering baby) and watched Ayatsuri Sakon. He only had the first 3 episodes... me likey.  It's one of those mystery who-dun-it a la Scooby Doo... only with psycho puppets :P  This morning I took a gander at Hellsing... *drools* I love Alucard.  I wanna put him on my Anime Hottie list :D

On a last note, Dad came home this morning... and was none-too pleased with the amount of mail that accumilated in his abscene :P  He paid the Satellite bill, but that usually takes a couple of days for it to kick in.  Oh well.

Anyhoo, I'm gonna go curl up in a ball, but after I make some soup (soup... at 9 in the morning... bah!)  This is DP sigining off.  And remember: when you blow your nose in a hanky, open it up and claim your prize!  Salty chunks for all! :D

Toodles! :P *cough, cough, wheeeeeeze!* O_o

Looky here, ma! I'm wireless! :D

Good morn-noon, my lil' boogly-woogly bears of winter solstice!

Can you believe it's already December!? :o Time really flies, don't it!? O_o Well, I've been makin' my list and checkin' it twice, gonna find out who's been naughty or nice.  I now know what to get the ol' family for Christmas pressies... it's now a matter of getting of my bum and go buy them :P

[color=lightgreen]Pretty modem! PRETTY![/color]
Monday I got a neat lil' thing from my ISP, Sympatico... a wireless modem! :D I was offered the chance to try out their new Ultra High Speed Internet Service, which is only about $6 more than what I pay for High Speed.  At first I wasn't going to, but then they told me about the service using a wireless modem and I decided to roll with it.  <_<' Since I am planning to build Das Uber-PC after the holidays, having wireless Internet in the house now will make it easier to set up a decent network later.  Besides, my dad's planning to buy a laptop for himself anyway, so it'll make it easier for him to go online too :P  Speaking of the Uber-PC...

[color=pink]Da Parts for Ze Cheap[/color]
I found an awesome website for my PC part-buying needs! Yippie! Price Canada is a site that lets you compare the prices for an item that your lookin' for. :P  So far, I've found all the parts that I wanna put in my PC for much less than I thought... now it's just a matter of getting of my bum and ordering them :P (lots of getting of my bum to do stuff this week O_o'). The only thing that I haven't thought of yet is a monitor... @_@ blah.

[color=lightblue]Narnia, Narnia! Ra, ra, ra![/color]
P-chan called me last night and wanted to know if I wanted to go see Narnia.  Of course I said yes... I'm going through Lord of the Rings-Theatrical-Viewing withdrawal.  He and I went to all of the LOTR movies when they were out in theatres, and I'm used to going to the theatres around Christmas time to see 2 uber movies: Harry Potter and LOTR.  And with LOTR all done-done, I need another uber-movie to take its' place. :P And that shall be Narnia :P I haven't read the books, but P-chan is gonna lend me The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe today so I can read it before the movie... He's also gonna lend me his anime collection... finally *drools*.  I have to go buy the tickets on Thursday ^_^ I can't wait!  Booyah!

That's about it.  This is DP signing off.  And remember: picking your nose is no fun at all if you can't do it a la Ultra-High-Wireless-Uber Speed.

Toodles! :P

Dance Booboo! DANCE!

Good even-noon, my lil' patriotic Turkeys filled with the uber-stuffing!

 Well, first off I'd like to wish all my American peeps a happy Thanksgiving! Filled with lots of turkey and stuffing! Just be careful: the aluminum allows them to read your thoughts... <_<' I too have somethin' to celebrate: it's been an entire year since Walter and I have been datin' :P Who would've thought? I didn't spend the day talkin' to him (ya know, since I was at work and all), but I plan to give him a call tonight, as per usual. And to top it off, he recently got the results of his blood test back, and he's A-OK! Yippie! *does Happy Dance*

[color=yellow]I think somethin's missin'[/color]
I recently went out to buy a fuse for our uber-old Fuse box (yes, we still have a Fuse Box... my dad be too old school... either that or too lazy to change it O_o).  Anyhoo, I dropped by my local rental store to see if they had a combo pack of DDR and a Dance Pad lying around.  They did... for the GameCube and the XBox. Lot of good those did me.  The dude behind the counter said the reason thye don't sell the Combo Pak for PS2 is because peopel didn't like having Pads packed in with a Game... :| Go figure I'm the only one who did O_o.  Befuddled, I did what any gamer would do: bought the PS2 Dance Pad :P I'm gonna snag me a copy of DDR tomorrow or Monday (depending on when I'm gonna get my paycheck ^_^). Then, I shall be Lord... er, Lady of the Dance! Bwa, ha, ha, ha, ha!

Still workin' on a banner.  Should be done soon. Blah.

Yummy, yummy, yummy, I got sparkles in my tummy... Yum-yums, they taste so sweet! XD

[color=lightblue]Why hello Mr. Potter![/color]
I went to see Harry Potter & the Goblet of Fire on Friday with my best buddy, Pierre.  I'm glad I bought the tickets Thursday afternoon during my lunch break: there were a lot of kids, teenagers, young adults and parents skipping school/work/dance class/bail hearing just to see this movie O_o' I really liked it; it was the best one out of the films so far. Still haven't read the books yet <_<' I'm getting there.

Also, P-chan told me he bought Dragon Warrior VIII! Lucky! XD He lent me the demo of Final Fantasy XII that came with DQ, and I really enjoyed it. The Summons (or Espers, giving a nod to da ol' school) are insane! O_o They have uber-super-duper-nuper attacks whose sole purpose is to kill everything on screen o_O' I like it :P

[color=pink]Uber PC... yummy[/color]
Well, after thinking about it for a while (and taking advice here and there), I'm gonna build my uber-PC instead of buying it from TigerDirect :P Right now I'm just getting an idea for parts, and I'll start buying them after the holidays (since my B-Day is in February, it would be a birthday pressie for me from me :P).  If anyone knows of websites where I can order PC parts for cheap and who ship to Canada (Newegg doesn't accept Canadian orders... where's the love!? :cry: ), by all means, please let me know :)

And that's all she wrote. Dang, that was a long one.  But 'tis good to vent! This is DP signing off!  And remember: Turkey Fu has nothin' on my Twinkle Toes Ninjitsu!  Prepare to be Mesmerized by my Sashay!

Toodles! :D

Wolves and weaves and demos... oh Mai!

Hello my lil' Rock Howard wannabes! :P

It's been a few days since I've come a knockin' here... mainly 'cause I've been so bloody tired! @_@ I have no clue why, and I can't blame this on the whole time change/my-body-needs-time-to-adjust thingy O_o' Anyhoo, still lookin' for that second job, although I've decided to broaden my horizons and look for part time day jobs as well as night jobs.  Hopefully I'll be able to find a lil' somethin' soon. ^_^

[color=red]Psycho mom[/color]
I don’t like ending Journals on a bad note, so I figure I should start with this (not that starting on a bad note is any better).  I just found out that Walter and his mom had an altercation over the theft of some of his things (she had a tendency of stealing his things and selling them off); leaving Walter pretty scratched up and his mom in jail for the night.  Even worse, he might’ve contracted one of her many ailments during the scuffle… he had to take blood tests and he’s supposed to find out the results in about a week.  He told me not to worry, but I can’t do anything BUT worry.  It’s official: I really, REALLY don’t like his momma…

[color=yellow]Have Ash, will travel[/color]
I recently came across the trailer for the upcoming King of Fighters anime, Another Day.  And I've been playing it many, MANY times.  Iori is so sexy!  And so rough and violent!  He Hulk-Smashed Soiree into that windshield!  And then I wept tears of joy... and had happy tingles in happy regions ^_^ You can go download the trailer here:

I want this to come out here soon... I need my steady dose of Kyo/ Iori/ Terry/ K' or else I'm one unhappy girlie... and I'm sure you boys need your Mai "Me Bouncy" Shiranui fix... admit it! You want teh jiggly! :| :P

[color=lightblue]Games, games, and more games[/color]
I’m still reeling over Castlevania… sorry folks, I’m just devastated O_o. I’ve been eliviating the pain by playing Grandia.  I’ve been switching back and forth between Grandia and Wild ARMs… and now, I can add my demo of Dragon Quest VIII to the mix!  Finally got it in the mail on Thursday, but I haven’t ripped it out of it’s lovely shrink rap :P  I’m still sniffing it, just to get my kicks >_>’ I promised myself I would start to play it this weekend, so I might start tomorrow.


[color=lightgreen]Weave it alone![/color]
I bought a weave this week during my lunch break at work Thursday.  Mom’s gonna put it in my hair this weekend.  Soon I’ll have hair past my shoulders in yummy light brown-ish!  I can’t wait *does Happy Dance and stumbles*


Anyhoo, that be all for now.  This is DP signing off.  And remember: Caesar Salad tastes better if brought home in a doggy bag… and with plenty of crunchy crotons :P


Toodles! ^_^

Welcome to my Nightmare...

Hello my lil' blood suckers of Red Moon!

After a brief hiatus from the Intarweb, I've returned to find my heart broken in twaine. Yes, I've read and seen the video review for Castlevania: Curse of Darkness and lament at its' rating...


:| :cry: WHY!? I haven't played it yet, so it wouldn't be faired for me to pass judgement. Lament of Innocence was a decent game... a little flat, but decent. CoD might be decent too.  But still, it pains this Castlevania fangirl to see that none of the 3-D games in the series have yet to reach the level of quality and re-define the 3-D action adventure genre in the way that Symphony of the Night did for the 2-D games back in the day.

And then... I read the news that Castlevania is gonna be made into a Hollywood feature film. I don't know whether or not to be worried since, aside from the first Mortal Kombat, movies based on video games haven't had the greatest reputation in the world... <_<'

[color=yellow]Well, that was quick[/color]
Last weekend, I decided to play Rhapsody: A Musical Adventure. I was told by P-chan that it was a short game... but I didn't imagine I would finish it in 3 days @_@.  I had it on Normal mode, but it felt like Easy mode... I can only imagine how easy Easy Mode actually is! All in all, I didn't enjoy it as much as I thought I would... hell, I fell inspired to write a review on it. Look for that soon... dum, dum, duuuuuuummmm...

[color=lightblue]I wanna go too![/color]
We had the Montreal Game Summit this past Wednesday and Thursday.  I completely forgot about it, too!  I want to go... but I can't shell out the $325 at the last minute.  Plus, I didn't want to miss work.  I'm gonna mark it down on my calender and maybe I'll go next year... then again, I said the same thing about going to E3 next year >_>'

That's all for now.  This is DP signing off. And remember: thanks to your generous contributions, the Send DP to E3 Fund has now racked up a total of $5 in pennies.  It's thanks to folks like you that continue to make random rants possible :P

Toodles! :P