Good even-noon, my lil' patriotic Turkeys filled with the uber-stuffing!
Well, first off I'd like to wish all my American peeps a happy Thanksgiving! Filled with lots of turkey and stuffing! Just be careful: the aluminum allows them to read your thoughts... <_<' I too have somethin' to celebrate: it's been an entire year since Walter and I have been datin' :P Who would've thought? I didn't spend the day talkin' to him (ya know, since I was at work and all), but I plan to give him a call tonight, as per usual. And to top it off, he recently got the results of his blood test back, and he's A-OK! Yippie! *does Happy Dance*
[color=yellow]I think somethin's missin'[/color]
I recently went out to buy a fuse for our uber-old Fuse box (yes, we still have a Fuse Box... my dad be too old school... either that or too lazy to change it O_o). Anyhoo, I dropped by my local rental store to see if they had a combo pack of DDR and a Dance Pad lying around. They did... for the GameCube and the XBox. Lot of good those did me. The dude behind the counter said the reason thye don't sell the Combo Pak for PS2 is because peopel didn't like having Pads packed in with a Game... :| Go figure I'm the only one who did O_o. Befuddled, I did what any gamer would do: bought the PS2 Dance Pad :P I'm gonna snag me a copy of DDR tomorrow or Monday (depending on when I'm gonna get my paycheck ^_^). Then, I shall be Lord... er, Lady of the Dance! Bwa, ha, ha, ha, ha!
Still workin' on a banner. Should be done soon. Blah.
Yummy, yummy, yummy, I got sparkles in my tummy... Yum-yums, they taste so sweet! XD
[color=lightblue]Why hello Mr. Potter![/color]
I went to see Harry Potter & the Goblet of Fire on Friday with my best buddy, Pierre. I'm glad I bought the tickets Thursday afternoon during my lunch break: there were a lot of kids, teenagers, young adults and parents skipping school/work/dance class/bail hearing just to see this movie O_o' I really liked it; it was the best one out of the films so far. Still haven't read the books yet <_<' I'm getting there.
Also, P-chan told me he bought Dragon Warrior VIII! Lucky! XD He lent me the demo of Final Fantasy XII that came with DQ, and I really enjoyed it. The Summons (or Espers, giving a nod to da ol' school) are insane! O_o They have uber-super-duper-nuper attacks whose sole purpose is to kill everything on screen o_O' I like it :P
[color=pink]Uber PC... yummy[/color]
Well, after thinking about it for a while (and taking advice here and there), I'm gonna build my uber-PC instead of buying it from TigerDirect :P Right now I'm just getting an idea for parts, and I'll start buying them after the holidays (since my B-Day is in February, it would be a birthday pressie for me from me :P). If anyone knows of websites where I can order PC parts for cheap and who ship to Canada (Newegg doesn't accept Canadian orders... where's the love!? :cry: ), by all means, please let me know :)
And that's all she wrote. Dang, that was a long one. But 'tis good to vent! This is DP signing off! And remember: Turkey Fu has nothin' on my Twinkle Toes Ninjitsu! Prepare to be Mesmerized by my Sashay!
Toodles! :D
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