Dark_Priestess Blog
Brains, trains, and moving frames
by Dark_Priestess on Comments
June... moon... spoon... balloon :P
by Dark_Priestess on Comments
My Life in Slow-Mo
by Dark_Priestess on Comments
You're getting sleepy... sleepy... zonk @_@
by Dark_Priestess on Comments
DP's Top 10 - E3 Uberness!
by Dark_Priestess on Comments
Good afternoon, my lil' hush puppies of nerdiness!
E3 has come and gone, but the hype that it left behind continues to grow faster than a Planter's Wart :P After watching the press conferences here on GS and the E3 coverage on G4, I've become hyper... again. And I decided to think about the Top 10 uber-things for me this year. And here they are... in no particular order:
10 - Is that Medusa's Head in your pocket, or are you happy to see me? God of War II looked mighty impressive, did it not? So much blood, eye poking... oh and Kratos looks teh sexy :P Makes me want to go out and buy the 1st one (yes, I'm one of the few who haven't played it. Go me. :P ).
9 - King Lemming makes an Entrance... w00t Microsoft's Press Conference didn't excite me as much as the others did, and for that, it reaches number 9 on my countdown. Sure, Bill Gates makes an appearance an' all, but not even that (or Master Chief) will get them higher up. I need more games that spark my interest before investing in an Xbox...
8 - And this might be it... Ok... so Ninety Nine Nights looks like a Dynasty Warriors clone, but it's so pretty! And it's full of smashing stuff! And having never played a DW game before... well... this might appeal to me :P
7 - Another Ninja-like person... sweet Assassin's Creed looks so very, very pretty. I hope the game plays as good as that trailer looks... and hopefully, that's what the in-game graphics will look like too! :D
6 - I didn't know plumbers could fly It wouldn't be a Nintendo console if there was no word from my boy, Mario. Super Mario Galaxy looks like so much fun! If this is gonna be available at launch, then Nintendo just another volunteer in their Wii-volution :P
5 - Not once... not twice... but thrice Square Enix fanboys collectively wet their pants upon hearing the news that 3 versions of Final Fantasy XIII will be coming out, all different stories but happening in the same universe. I'm interested in Final Fantasy Versus XIII personally, since the team behind Kingdom Hearts is working on that one. Sweet... more Reaction Attacks @_@
4 - Slither forth and muliply! Seems like everywhere you went at E3, you couldn't get away from the grasp of Solid Snake. Not only was Metal Gear Solid 4 out in full force, but news of a MGS movie was running rampant! And finally, le creme de la creme, Snake as a playable character in the new Smash Brothers game. If you haven't seen the trailer for the new Smash Brothers, watch it. Now. And prepare to blow milk out of your nose (I know I did :P ).
3 - ZELDA!!!!!! There's nothing more to be said. Perhaps the second reason why I'm most likely to buy the Wii at launch. I'm sorry, but that looked really sweet. And since there'll be a GC version available at the same time, it'll be a win-win for everybody! Yays! :D
2 - Phil Harrison's Ducky of Doom... and how much!?Sony's Press Conference was the one I was looking forward to the most, and it didn't really blow me away like it did last year. We got to find out more about the PS3 ($659 for the 60GB and all the bells and whistles... *starts counting pennies*), saw some more pretty things (oddly enough no Killzone... what up wit dat!? O_o ). Of course, the most memorable moment was when Phil Harrison, president of SCE worldwide studios, unleashed the Ducky of Doom during the demo for Eye of Judgment, a new Eyetoy game for PS3. Mmm... ducky.
1 - I now have renewed faith... I've been waiting a long time for Nintendo to show them thar young 'uns how to make the fanboys cry with glee. And they did so at their press conference. This was BAR NONE the most entertaining conference out of the bunch. Miyamoto-san as a conductor with a big smile on his face... how can you NOT smile at that? I swear, I want to hug him until he turns a big, pleasant-smelling pile of goo :P And the Wii... it looks really easy to pick up and play. I love it! Nintendo has made me a believer again. I will buy a Wii... there is no question about it. *Applauds*
Well, there you have it. My list of uber-ness. 'Course there were lots of other great things, but these were the ones that stuck the most. If you have any suggestions for the next Top 10, please leave a comment or PM me... or however else you get a hold of me :P
This is DP signing off. And remember: Ask not what you can do for your country, ask what the plumber can do for your Wii... wait, what? o_O'
Toodles! :D
It's like Christmas... without the gifts :P
by Dark_Priestess on Comments
Well, it's here! It's here! The biggest gaming event of the year is finally upon us! E3 2006! w00tness, w00tness!!!! I watched GameSpot's E3 '05 movie, Electric Showdown, the other night. Man, did that get me pumped! Seeing all the craziness and hard work that they put in just to give us the live gaming goodness we demand made me hyper! I wanna go! Maybe I can find a way next year... <_<...>_>... Anyhoo, G4's coverage starts tomorrow, and I won't be able to watch it for two reasons:
- My summer class starts at 6:30, meaning I'll have to stay downtown after work. Blah.
- The satellite got cut off in my room (again), so I can't watch TV in my room. Period.
Anyhoo, getting back to E3. I'm looking forward to hearing more about:
* The Big 3's press conferences
* PS2:
- Final Fantasy XII
- Xenosaga Ep. III
- Okami
- Dawn of Mana
- King of Fighters 2006
- Sonic (*crosses fingers*)
- Devil May Cry 4
- Metal Gear Solid 4
- Virtua Fighter 5
- Capcom Classics Collection Reloaded (Knights of the Round!!!! FINALLY!!!!!)
- Ultimate Ghosts 'n Goblins
- Gradius Collection ( ^_____^ )
- Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth
- Power Stone Collection
- Zelda: Twilight Princess
- Final Fantasy III ('bout bloody time, eh?)
- Children of Mana
- Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin (two-player Castlevania game? I'm there, baby!)
- Zelda: Phantom Hourglass
- Ninety-Nine Nights
- Phantasy Star Universe
That's my list so far. It shall be tweeked and such as need be. Maybe if I'm lucky, I'll be able to stream Nintendo's and Microsoft's Press Conference at work tomorrow... <_<' yes, I'm doing my work... >_>' no, that's not a video I'm streaming... honest! :P
[color=lightblue]Beware the mutating mice[/color]
In terms of gaming, I finally started Disc 2 of Grandia. I'm not going to bother leveling up as much' I just want to finish the game and get it over with. My PS2 is proned to the dreaded "Disc Read Error", and sometimes when I do manage to get a PSone game working, it freezes on me. I'm too scared to open my baby up to do one of those DIY cleaning jobs, so I'm looking into heading for the rental store or somewhere to get it cleaned. In the meanwhile, I'm borrowing my bro's PS2 (he hardly uses it anyway except as a DVD player O_o').
I also started Parasite Eve. Didn't get to far; just finished the First Day. Flipping through the walkthrough in one of my old Tips & Tricks mags, it looks like the game's really short! Heck, if I play through a Day a... er, day, I'd probably be done by Saturday... but since stuff never goes according to plan, the chances of that happening are slim to none :P Anyhoo, the opening movie was well done (as to be expected from Square), and the graphics are pretty. Music's ok, and the battle system isn't that hard to get used to (just gotta remember to press X to get my battle menu to appear... *mumble, mumble*). Still too soon to pass a final judgement, so must continue to wait and see.
Anyhoo, that's all for me. I'm outty. This is DP signing off. And remember: if it's yellow, then it's mellow; if it's brown, flush it down.
Toodles! :D
My eyes! They BURN!!!
by Dark_Priestess on Comments
Good evening, my lil' sausages of green piece!
Today was... a really wet day :P Fortunately for me, I'm all nice and dry in my cozy home. Feel sorry for the suckers who had to go out today! Bah! XD
[color=lightblue]Hail to the King[/color]
Today I gave in to temptation and finished Kingdom Hearts II. The ending was ok. Not the dramatic tear jerker that KHI's ending was, but still left that warm, fuzzy feelin' on the inside. I like the fact that they listed my stats at the end. Of course, my blood boiled when I saw Jiminy's Journal Completion was at 99% :evil: I know what I have to do, it's just really hard for me to do 'em!
* Finish Paradox Cerebus Cup with 1300 points
* Finish Paradox Hades Cup with 15,000 points
As far as Cerebus goes, I can only get aroudn 1100 points. And Hades... I always die in Round 20 (stupid 500 point restriction-thingy! BLARG! :evil: ) I'm trying to think of strategies to use, but can't think of any :cry: I wanna see that secret ending! WAAAAAAAA!!!! @_@
I've been occupying myself in the meanwhile by doing the Gummi Routes. Doing the Mission 3 routes hurt my eyes: I find myself unable to blink while I'm shooting away and changing camera angles and such :P My eyes don't like it either. Pass me the eye drops, will ya?
[color=lightgreen]School's out for... next week? O_o[/color]
Yea, I'm taking a summer course :P It starts on Tuesday and I have it twice a week (Tuesdays and Thursdays, right after work). The course finishes on June 21st, so it won't be a long suffering :P Bah.
[color=aqua]That Hill sure is Silent[/color]
I went to see Silent Hill with one of my friends last weekend. Now, having never played any of the games in the franchise, I was going in cold. And... well... I didn't hate it :P I didn't like it so much either. I'm in the middle. Maybe if I'd play the games I would have more appreciation for it, but as it stands, it was all meh for me. The atmosphere was nicely set up, though. I give 'em that much :P The next movie I want to see would be The Da Vinci Code. I hope I get to read the book beforehand (yes, I'm the lone humanoid who has yet to read the book. Boo to me :P ).
Well, that be all for now. This is DP signing off. And remember: if a zombie nurse approches you with an enema in her hand, run away. As fast as you can. Your bum will thank you.
Toodles! :D
And all the King's horses and all the King... dom... Hearts... II
by Dark_Priestess on Comments
Teh week that was... and Gargoyles for all
by Dark_Priestess on Comments
Good even-noon, my lil' couch potatoes!
This was an interesting week that was. Not that anythinf particularly exciting happened besides the uber 8.7 of Kingdom Hearts II (fangirls, rejoice over Riku hotiness! XD ). But, it be a good week nonetheless.
[color=lightpink]Free days are good[/color]
This week was another 3-day week for me at work. But, instead of coming in on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday I came in on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. O_o' Meaning I don't come in to work again 'til Tuesday! XD It felt weird to sleep in on Thursday, but I kept myself busy. I got my pay on Wednesday, and the mail-in rebate I sent for that MP3 player that I bought for my bro for Christmas finally came. <_< And Kingdom Hearts II was in the stores >_> So guess what I did? I marched over to EB Games... with a flaming Debit card in hand with its' newly loaded $395... and bought a new Dance Pad and King of Fighters 2002/2003 :P My old Pad has finally driven me up the wall, so I bought me a new one (MadCatz Pro Beat Pad... I trust teh Catz). As for KOF... every time I went into EB I would always see it sitting on the shelf alone and vulnerable. So I did what any self-respecting fighter grrl would do: I took it home with me ^_^ What can I say? I love my Kyo... and Iori (oh Lordy, LORDY! I love Iori! *drools*)... and Benimaru. K' is pretty hot too. I only played Training mode, just so I could play with the New Hero team. Ash Crimson... oh Ash. Look at him. He's evil and a freckled-face pansy. But I can't help but look at his Cheshire Kitty grin and swoon. Ash, Ash, Ash. Thou art a hotty. Thou art teh sex. Yes you are.
*Ahem* I plan on grabbing KHII tomorrow. Meaning Ye Ol' Drool Bucket will be getting a lot of work :P
[color=lightgreen]Back to work... kinda[/color]
My dad recently went back to work. Although it's a lil' different than usual: the ship, it seems, is still docked, so he goes there during the day and comes home to sleep, only to leave again at around 5 in the morning. I have no clue if and when the ship will leave port. Still, I'm happy to see that he's not moping around the house complaining that he has no money... and isn't mooching off the rest of us :P
[color=aqua]My... angel of the night... RAWR!!!!![/color]
My friend P-chan has commited the most evil of crimes: he bought Gargoyles: The complete First Season on DVD and has lent it to me. I shall teach him a lesson and refuse to return it to him :P In fact, I think I will make my first "Best of" feature about this. Stay tuned!
Well, that's it. That's all. Ash's grin is about to make me fall. This is DP signing off. And remember: Pretty boys are really crying on the inside... except for Ash, because he's got well-groomed nails.
Toodles! :D
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