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Dark_Priestess Blog

Accent Core, Apple Core, just give me my X3!

Good evening, my lil daredevils!

After catching up with the latest gaming news and whatnot, I was just sitting around thinking... that there should be a new entry in Wikipedia:

[color=lightpink]Pulling a Capcom[/color]: when a video game company, after releasing what can be considered a successful game, creates several iterations of the same game with some changes that, while may be all well and good, takes time away from releasing a proper sequel. An excellent example is Capcom's successful and highly-acclaimed 2-D fighting game, Street Fighter II and its' many, many iterations.

... yea, that's a bit long. And a bit kooky. :P But I can't help if that's the way I've been feeling about a certain game; my fighting game of choice: Guilty Gear.

Now, for those of you who know me, I'm a wee bit obsessed with the game and its' characters, history, etc. I love Ky... and Slayer... and Testament... and Axl... and I want to be the mother of Sol's children :P But I'm afraid that love might go to the waste side if Arc System continues to play with my emotions like this.

It all started late last month when I found this on my near-daily romp through YouTube:
Guilty Gear XX Accent Core Opening

And, naturally, I drooled. A lot. Ye ol' Drool Bucket Mark II was not bucket enough to handle my waterfall of drool. Darn tootin'. Anyhoo, after seeing this, and many more gameplay vids, I started thinking to myself "This is all dandy... but where be X3?"

Then I read this in the GameSpot news this week:
Guilty Gear Accent Core... on the Wii

And then I started to pull my hair out. Sure, I'm happy that AC will be coming to a console near you soon (kinda :?) But when, oh when, will I be able to dive into Guilty Gear X3!?

I feel that Arc System is indeed going down the same path that Capcom went with Street Fighter II. When that came out, that was all I ever talked about. And when my friends and I were waiting for Part III to come out, I was always quick to say,  "Just you wait! It'll come out soon, and it will rule them all!" But years went by, and so many new editions of SFII flooded the market, that by the time SF III came out in arcades... I just lost it. The appeal for a new Street Fighter died down in me, mainly because I had a case of Street Fighter overload. Yep, in this case, too much of a good thing was bad. Oh so very bad.

Guilty Gear is special to me, in that it lit up the fighting game fanatatic in me again. Not that it ever went away mind you, it just wasn't as intense as it was before I got introduced to GG. It certainly filled the void left behind by Street Fighter. Because of the game's uniqueness, I don't feel that it's necessary to release a new version of GGX2 ever year and a half. New characters? New fighting system? Improved graphics? All yays in my book, but wouldn't you want to save those tricks for number 3? Besides, there's so much unfinished business in X2, why keep the fans in suspense? Why not answer their questions right now with a new installment instead of releasing a new version of X2? What does the Postwar Administrative Bureau want with Ki users? What is Axl's relationship with Raven exactly? Will May ever find out she's Japanese? Will Bridget ever become a manly man? Will Jam EVER wear pants!? O_o' See, it's like a soap opera...

I will continue to rock out with the best of them, and I won't let my love for the Gears die out so easily. But I can only hold out for so long. C'mon Arc System, give us a proper sequel soon or Guilty Gear might go down in a whimpering flame instead of a blaze of glory.

This is DP signing off. And remember: Like sands of the hourglass, so are the Gears of our lives...

Let's Rock! :D

Spring Cleaning Come early

Good morn-noon! :P

Ah, the weekend. So full of promise and getting stuff done. Most people can take advantage of that free time. I, on the other hand, have absolutely no idea what to do with myself :D Seriously, I have so many things to do, and yet NOTHING'S being done! Have you guys ever had that feeling? Don'tcha hate it? I know I do. Bah.

[color=lightgreen]More games!? NOOOOOO![/color]
I met up with a friend of mine a while ago and he gave me some games that he ordered for me online. Well, I shouldn't use the term games. Technically speaking, they're called Visual Novels. Some interesting ones too:

  • Animamundi: Dark Alchemist
  • Hourglass of Summer
  • Adam: The Double Factor

And, naturally, I have no time to touch them since I have 30 other games I need to finish first... and 15 Anime on my To Watch List... ugh.
Did I mention that I'm at the 142 Hour mark in Final Fantasy XII and still have no airship of my own? And still at the beginning of Disc 2 of Legend of Dragoon (haven't touched that game since November)?... Crikey @_@

[color=lightblue]Home School is fun! :D[/color]
I decided back in November that I wanted to get back into the whole education bit and take another crack at school. I finished my BA back in June (keep forgetting to fill out those papers so that I can get my Diploma... stupid papers), and I feel like doing more. I want to get into Art, but you need an uber-portfolio before they'll even consider you. I could show them my drawings and signatures I suppose, but deep down I know that wouldn't be enough. So, I did the next best thing: registered with one of those At Home Schools (you know, those tiny inserts that fall out of magazines with those different stamps on them, and they ask you to choose one and send it in for more info? Yea, those ones). I got my Course Material back in late November, but I haven't really gotten that deep into it yet. Did the written exam; that was easy. The next 2 require drawing... and I haven't found time to read what I have to do yet. I'll probably get around to that this weekend... especially since they sent me a letter saying that they haven't heard from me in a while. Ooops. :P

[color=pink]Spring cleaning... in January!? O_o[/color]
Well, I've been feeling sluggish, so I chose to clean ye ol' pipes early. Why put off what you can do in Spring when you can do it in Winter... or some such thing :P Anyhoo, I bought one of those herbal detox kits from the pharmacy. The program was for 15 days... I stopped after 4. The stuff wasn't sitting too well with me; in fact one of the components (either the pills or that tonic stuff) made my heart beat a little fast, so I wasn't having any of that. I'm feeling better now, and I'm still going to clean out my system, only I'll do it the ol' fashion way: with All Bran. Lots and lots of All Bran. Mmmm, fibre-licious! XD

Well, that's all the ranting I'm gonna do today. Now if you'll excuse me, nature calls... and she ain't waitin' (don't... think... I can... make it... NOOOOOOOO!)

Toodles! :D

Bury it, I won't let you bury it...

Happy New Year, my lil' green Christmases :P

It's been... well, it's been a long while, hasn't it? I hope y'all had a nice holiday break. Mine was... well, quiet :P My dad couldn't make it for the holidays; he says he'll be back home sometime at the end of the month :? So his pressie's been sittin' on the Christmas tre... er, table (we retired ye ol' tree last year and forgot to buy a new one this year! :lol: ) We didn't even have a White Christmas. It was green. Oh so very green. Only to snow the next day... and melt on the 31st of December. Oh well. :P

[color=lightblue]In other news[/color]
Relationships are the 2nd most complicated thing God created (the first? The Platypus). Been with Walter for 2 years and I felt as though the relationsihp reached its natural conclusion (I didn't think I loved him in the romantic sense). So I told him that I wanted to end things. An hour later, we're still together trying to work things out. Why can't it be simple? Like jigsaw puzzles and rubix cubes... no, wait a minute those aren't simple. Bah. So for the moment, my sanity and all reason is buried in the Cold Ground of Confusion. I'll give things the ol' college try for sure; I just hope things turn out better this time around.

[color=lightpink]NO MORE GAMES!!!![/color]
I had a week off work for the holidays in the hopes of finishing off everything. Boy, was I wrong. I mean completely wrong. I got absolutely nothing done. Doesn't help that my bro was home all week as well, meaning I couldn't watch anime on the PC as planned (PC hog :evil: ). I barely touched Legend of Dragoon, mainly because I was concentrating on the Game That Never Ends... Final Fantasy XII. Over 120 hours, Licence Board complete with everyone, 33 Hunts completed, found one of many hidden Espers... and I don't even feel like I'm halfway through the game O.o I figured I'd make up for my slacker-ness today since it's my day off an' all, but I was preoccupied (read above paragraph). Double Bah @_@ @_@ I still have about 28 other games on the chopping block, so I don't think I'll be buying new games for a while (like I'm gonna keep that promise to myself :roll: )

My head feels ready to implode, then explode out of spite, so I'll end things here.

Toodles! :)

Oy vey! It's Moving Day... kinda :P

Hello, my lil' October June Bugs :P

To all my American peeps: Hope you had a nice Columbus Day!
To my Canadian peeps: Happy Thanksgiving! ^o^

Dad came home for the holiday this week. How long he'll stay, who knows. Needless to say, my Fridays will no longer be quiet, as he'll be roaming the hallways, at least for a couple of hours in the morning, until he decides to up and leave to who-knows-where :P Anyhoo, things are all goody-goody here, and I'm stuffed with stuffing, so YAYS! :D

[color=lightgreen]Musical Chairs is fun...[/color]
Well, it's been one whole year that I've been working at Reader's Digest (go me). This also marks the first time I've held down a job for an entire year without complaining about it. ;p Tomorrow we'll have a new staff member working in the Research department, so some of us in Editorial had to move around a bit. One of our old researchers is now in Editorial and is sitting at my old cubicle. I moved to a cubicle that belonged to one of the other freelancers. She moved to the cubicle next to me (which was occupied by the Printer), and the Printer moved to a spot behind the Associate Editor's cubicle. Whew @_@ My spot is much more roomier, so I'm quiet happy with it :D Except now people can actually look over my shoulder to see what's on my Mac screen, so I can't really go on YouTube as much anymore '

[color=lightpink]I'm in league with the Devil...[/color]
Yea... after helping my bro set up an account, I decided to jump on the bandwagon and made an account on eBay... Lord help us all T_T I'm trying to find a nice gift for Walter, since our Anniversary is coming up next month (2 years already... who'd a thunk it, eh?), so I'd figure eBay'sa good a place as any to shop around.

In other news, I also acquired a BitTorrent so that I may get some anime and manga easier and stop pestering my friend to get stuff for me :P MOOCH! XD

I have more stuff to rant about, but I'll do that tomorrow... or the day after... meh.

Toodles :P

Information Superhighway... thingy... blah @_@

Good afternoon, my lil' wet sausages :P After a week of laziness and over-all sloth-like behaviour, I'm back... and I Feel Asleep!! O_o' It's pouring outside and I wanna go shopping today. Nothin' special, just the "Buy Toiletries in Bulk" type-o-deal. I got paid so I'm itchin' to go :P Moo. [color=lightgreen]I'm moving up the Tech Food Chain[/color] I got me a new cell phone. My very first cell phone. It's so pretty: Sanyo 8300 I'm really happy with it. Internet, camera, video, watch TV... the only thing that was missing was an MP3 player. Meh. It'll make calls and won't drop them, so that's the most important to me. Next, an MP3 player! *gasp!* I'd shanghai the one I gave my bro for Christmas since he never uses it, but I think he gave it away. Bullocks :( [color=lightpink]In other news...[/color] Workload's been piling up at work... just the way I like it. I'll be busy for days! Weeks even! No more picking my nose secretly behind my desk! VICTORY!!!!! :lol: [color=aqua]In other, other news...[/color] I've done Handcuff Lightning! XP To end, I shall leave you with another vid, this one for me girly, Shen. Riku goodness Toodles! :)

Columbine hitting WAAAAY too close to home

Hello my lil' waterlogs of mid-September

This week has been, for lack of a better term, crap. Pure, pure, crap. Tuesday was long; with firedrills that went on forever and power outages galore (yays! O.o')

Then came Wednesday.

Everyone at work was in a panic that afternoon because of the shootings at Dawson College, which isn't too far from work, really. Oh, and it happens to be my old school from a few years back. Bloody hell. None of my friends (at least that I know of) go there anymore. My neighbour's kid does; I still have no idea if she was there that day. And the woman who was killed, Anastasia DeSousa... well, she was a friend of my bro's, and he's been down in the dumps.

The last couple of days have been spent hearing the latest news and finding out if people are ok... and I'm spent @_@. What really pisses me off is that the gun the killer used is restricted and is really hard to get (and since his weapon of choice isn't available in Quebec, he got it via the web). People had to vouch for him; say that he was mentally stable enough to have it. How a nutbar like him get the green light and be found mentally stable enough to own guns is beyond me. The government says they're going to do something about the laws to make it even harder to have access to guns. I don't believe them at all. They talk all this talk, but rarely walk the walk; and until I see proof that the wheels of change are starting to turn, I ain't buying into it. I dunno what to say, peeps. I hope all the kids and staff who go there can get through this ok and not let the actions of that dumb*** break their spirits.

I hate ending things on a somber note. So I won't. Here's something cute:
Hamster song r0xX0rz my b0xX0rz

Toodles :)

Yay Toast!

Hello my lil' September Labour puppies (yea, I'm still running out of names... bah)

Well, August has come and gone. Where did it go? Tahiti. It sent me a letter personally. Really...

Anyhoo, it's been a month since I was here. @_@ Bullocks. I love working 3 days a week now, so much fun ^_^ But I'm barely able to get online at home anymore: my bro monopolizes the PC; chatting with little girls and gambling with online poker *sigh* Whenever I am online, I'm at work and I just spend my time on YouTube watching vids. Meh. :P

[color=lightgreen]YAY MUGEN!!! *cough*[/color]
I'm still obsessed with MUGEN. I started making stuff for it... only lifebars so far. But I'm planning on making a character: Testament from Guilty Gear X2. I have his sprites, all's I gots to do is slap them all together and do the coding... which will take me a thousand years at the rate I'm going :lol: This won't be a character that I'll share; making him only as my guinea pig to familiarize myself with how coding for MUGEN works ^_^

[color=lightblue]YAY GAMES!!! *cough, cough*[/color]
I'm almost done Tales of Destiny II for PS! w00t! Next on my list is Legend of Dragoon... yays! I also got a new game: Lunar 2 Eternal Blue Complete! It's practically brand new, with all the shwag still there! MMMM... shwag :P

[color=lightpink]YAY COCONUTS!!! *cough, cough, wheeze*[/color]
I've got a lovely bunch of coconuts... there they are standing in a row...

[color=aqua]YAY TOAST!!!!... huh?[/color]
I decided to start a new feature. Instead of ending my journal with a silly line, I shall end it with vids from YouTube (if I try to make my own vid on this PC, I think the PC will implode). This vid is from Hiapplz. Organization XIII from KHII sing about their most favourite thing in the world:

Yay Toast!

This is DP signing off. Yay Toast! XD

DP's Top 10 - MUGEN Videos of YouTube

Good afternoon, my lil' jitterbugs of July!

<_<... OK, so I kinda did this lil' disappearing act. But, but, but... I had a good reason! Really, I did! O.o I went into Mugen Mode... again. :P But this time is much more serious than it was earlier in the year. I gettin' my Mugen Groove thang on~! w00tness~!

For those who have absolutely no idea what I'm talking about:
MUGEN is the name of a 2-D fighting game engine created by a company called Elecbyte (who have mysteriously disappeared). The engine is customizable; allowing folks to plop their fave fighters all in the same game and let them duke it out in a slobberknocker of a battle... or in something completely silly. It's entirely up to you. You can even create your own original characters and put them in. It is teh cool ^_^

I've been getting in and out of MUGEN for the past 6 years, and when I heard that MUGEN videos were being uploaded on, well, I had to check it out. And they inspired me to go at it yet again. I'm starting to make my own stuff (crappy, but it'll do).

I'd thought I'd share with you a small sampling of the 10 most amuzing MUGEN videos I've seen as of July 30th... with a couple of extras 'cause they were just that good... and it's my list, so I can do what I want! Booyah! XD (I'm too lazy to embed the videos into this entry, so I'm giving you the links instead. Meh. :P)

[color=lightblue]Top 10 MUGEN videos[/color]
Naruto VS. MB-02
From: bleach245
This was a decent fight. It helps that the music kicks major booty. In case you're wondering who MB-02 is (and I bet you are), he is an edit of Sagat... a Robo-Sagat, if you will... an extremely cheap Robo-Sagat... and an even cheaper Naruto O_o

M. Bison vs. Shin Akuma
From: Lethalhawk
Short n' sweet... and bloody. Bwa, ha, ha! Come for the action, stay for the music (music always make a fight cool, yes?)

Hell VS. Heaven
From: aznpikachu215
Self-explanitory, yes? No!? Blah :P This is a fight between Evil Ken and... Holy Ken. I kid you not. With a few exceptions, a lot of evil characters were created in Mugen before companies started to latch on to the idea. Evil Ken is one of them. He existed in Mugen before Capcom made him more sinister sounding by putting "Violent" in front of his name... and Holy Ken is pretty :P Oh, watch the vid already :P

Evil Ken VS. Evil Ryu
From: AlexxxPerales
Hmm... there's a lot of evil in this Top 10 list :/ But yeah, the moves in this one look like they hurt. Medic! O_o

Vegeta VS. Popeye
From: EsteemDE
Just watch the video.

Dragon Claw & Guy VS. Shin Gouki & Morrigan
From: txrocker281
Dragon Claw is an original character created by a dude named Reu. This character is... well, awesome. And so is this fight. Watch it. Right now. (Well, not RIGHT, right now... finish my journal first ^o^)

[color=aqua]Two-way tie:[/color]
Take 1...
and Take 2
From: N64Mario84
Because MUGEN ain't all seriousness 24/7. It can be a showcase of the weird. They're both virtually the same vid, only Take 2 has some lil' extras for your amusement.
Behold... M. Bison's latest conquest :lol:

Sol VS Setsuna
From: Lethalhawk
Mmmmm... Sol... *wipes off drool* *AHEM*... Watch him kick booty :D

Don't you know who I am!?
From: XCalibreBlade
Another parody of MUGEN featuring Juggernaut... Because I love you :P

teh 0WNAG3!!!!!!
From: JudgeSpear
Behold! The power of MeTool! In all his glory!

[color=lightgreen]Honourable mentions:[/color]
MUGEN's best VS Killer Whale
From: AlexxxPerales
Well, some of the cheapest, strongest characters come together to defeat a poor, helpless whale...pffffHA, HA, HA, HA, HA *cough, cough* Whew! Couldn't hold that laugh in any more~! :lol:

The ultimate evil
From: ZxArkillionxZ
And now... you must bear witness... to the most horrifying fighter in the history of all fighting games. So powerful, not even the might if Evil Ryu and Violent Ken can defeat him. Who is he? He's... What TEH!? O_o

That's it. That's all. Poop just hit the wall. To learn more about MUGEN, check out MUGEN's Wikipedia page. This is DP signing off. And remember: Nobody ***** with MeTool :P

Toodles! :D

New beginnings and the Like-Like

Good morn-noon, my lil' subways of sunshine! Yep, it be awhile since last entry, so, first off, I hope all my Canadian and American peeps enjoyed their long weekends and played it safe! ^^ Nothing uberly huge happened, but must write nonetheless! (Besides, it's my lunch break now... mwa, ha, ha... banana slamma...) [color=lightblue]And the results please...[/color] I got my mark back for my summer class: A- I'm happy :P I didn't think that I did too well on the paper, and I know the final didn't go as planned, but... hey can't complaing 'bout that, now can we? [color=lightgreen]Another year... yays![/color] I have officially renewed my contract with Reader's Digest for another year! Yays! For the most part, the terms are still the same... BUT!... Later on down the road I might have to help out with one of RD's other mags, Our Canada, so I might have to go in extra days :P I ain't complaining; I'm happy here and I ain't movin' for nothin'! (Well... maybe chocolate cake... or ice cream :P) [color=aqua]Pressies![/color] P-chan went to Quebec City to visit family. He said he bought me a pressie: a How To Draw Manga book! It's the one concerning battle scenes ^_________________^ I'm excited; I'm collecting those books so having another one is fine by me! I have yet to give P-chan the pressie I bought for him in New York (we haven't hung out for a month... blah). So I'm gonna give it to him today, provided he shows up in the lobby today :P [color=pink]Yeah, yeah, I didn't forget[/color] So you won't ask me again... here are some pics of New York (not all mind you, just the because I'm too lazy to put them all up): Pretty lights  I'm cold and there are wolves after me...  Move over! You're hoggin' the camera! BLAH!  Mommy! I want want of these in my room!  And no one saw teh M&M again...  We're cuddling... Sideways!? O.o  Me, Walter, and Walter's Mom  That's it. That's all. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. This is DP signing off. And remember: Beware the signs of Hard Rock Café. Toodles! :P

Freedom! Horrible, horrible freedom!!!!!

Good morn-noon, my lil' glitters in your momma's eyes! Today be... a wert day :P While it's not raining now, it's supposed to be all grey and gloomy for the majority of the day :( Poop on that. Oh well, I'm too hyper and full of chocolate to be down now! w00t! [color=lightblue]School's out... forEVER![/color] I had my final on Tuesday. While I didn't do as well as I did on the mid-term, I'm pretty sure that I passed. My paper was also due on Tuesday. I curse myself for not starting it sooner ;p But, what's done is done, and now I don't have to worry about school anymore... unless I choose to go back. I won't have my mark for another week or so, but that's ok! ^_^ [color=lightgreen]Renewing is good[/color] I spoke to my supervisor at Reader's Digest, and I am indeed going to renew my contract for another year! It's being written up right now... I hope I get to work an extra day... or I get a raise... or both :P [color=aqua]Photos coming soon[/color] I know I said that I'd post some pics of New York next time I write my blog (which would be this time, technically), but since I'm at my Mac at work, that'll have to wait 'til tomorrow... or Saturday... or next time I get on my PC at home (curses to my bro and his online Poker addiction!) I need a new PC... like, now! BLAH! Shennie has some pics of me though... go bug her for 'em. Anyhoo, I'm hungry so I'm going to eat lunch now. This is DP signing off. And remember: one for you... two for me... one for you... ten for me... :P Toodles! :D