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Dark_Priestess Blog

MMmmm... Chicken

Hello my lil' tatter-tots! Well, it's been nearly three weeks since my last entry, as I have been feelin' particularly lazy (end of winter can do that to a gal :P). Works' been great, life's been great, all's been quiet on the home front, and I hope on your front too! ^_^ Hopefully this trend to uber-slothness will end soon... particularly on a high note :P [color=lightpink]My Space... your Space... we all have Space[/color] I finally decided to see what all the hub-bub was about and got a MySpace account. I haven't done much to it besides put in basic information, but I will definately add some DP-ness to it :P Stop on by and get a cookie: DP's MySpace [color=lightgreen]To buy or not to buy?[/color] I'm still debating whether or not to buy Kingdom Hearts II next week. I mean, I know I'm gonna buy it, but do I want my Riku goodness now or later? I really do want to play through Chain of Memories at least once before diving into the Sequel Goodness... ah, what's a gril to do? I still haven't finished the games P-chan lent me... @_@ Blah! [color=aqua]Teh Taxman cometh[/color] I've been looking of an accountant to do my taxes for me :P I found an H&R Block office not too far from home, so maybe those fine folks can help me out. Mom already got back her Tax Return... turns out they took out the money she owed them from her Return and sent her the rest: She got nothing back from the Provincial, and $130-something from Federal. So, she owes them nothin' :P Bet she's glad I did her taxes and not dad... she would've probably ended up owing them even more! O_o' Anyhoo, time's a wastin'... much like my lunch break. This is DP signing off. And remember: my lucky chicken's foot r00x0r ur b00x0r... or somethin' like that :P Toodles! XD

Winding blocks and twisting rocks :P

Good afternoony, my lil' paintbrushes of sugar and spice!

Well, I've been laying low, as I've been quite sleepy these past coupls of days. The all-consuming "high priority" job I had to do at work was making me see double... triple... quadruple even! O_o' All the while more worked plopped its' way onto my desk :P I'm gonna have to tackle those on Tuesday. Not much else to report, but felt a mini-update was necessary:

[color=lightpink]More money = good[/color]
I got my Visa card statement today. They were pleased to inform that because I'm a "valued customer", they increased my limit by $500 O_o' Now, that's just an evil thing to do... honestly, loading me up with more money. <_<' I'm not gonna go blow all that money. Really >_>'

[color=lightgreen]Testament update[/color]
I'm slowly getting some more animations for Testament to plop into MUGEN, but I really can't find any attack animations anywhere! :cry: I suppose I could try to draw stick figures to replace the animations I'm missing (I am still learning after all... I can get away with it :P ) I'll keep you posted ;)

[color=aqua]Me wants NOW![/color]
Ever since the news of the quirky publisher Working Designs going six feet under, one of my buds has been on the WD rampage; trying to get his hands on as many games as possible. He recently won a few of auctions on eBay, and has gotten his hands on some really awesome stuff: Lunar Silver Star Story Complete, Lunar II: Eternal Blue Complete (both came with their respective Strat Guides), Growlanser Generations (both the regular and the Collector's Edition with the uber stuff), and a shooting game, whose name continues to elude me :P Anyhoo, he's offered to give me Lunar II and Growlanser Generations (he might keep some of the goodies that came with them). I don't mind: so long as I get my grubby lil' mitts on Lunar II, I'm happy ^_^

[color=mediumorchid]New rant...?[/color]
I've been thinking of putting a new monthly Rant feature for the ol' blog (not that these rants aren't good enough). It would be a top 10 list of the best quotes from a given category. Since the theme o' the year is a return to ol' school-ness, I was think from the best of '80s and 90's cartoons, movies, games, etc. Only problem is, there was sooo much uberness, I don't know where to start :lol: Need to start planning it, and perhaps it might appear within the next week or two.

That be it, that be all, tomorrow I'm off to the funny farm. This is DP signing off. And remember: You have to fight... for your right... to PAAAAAAARRRRRTYYYYYY! O_o' :P

Tooodles! (the extra 'o' was intentional :P )

25 years... and still w00tin'

Good morn-noon, my lil' birthday balloons! Today be my b-day! YAYS! 25 years and still w00tin' like the old fart that I am :P My mom presented me with another pressie: a new winter coat~! It's nice and leathery and the sleeves are long so it looks like I have no hands :P I also got a pressie from work... kinda. Actually, my check came in the mail yesterday :P Nothin' like birthday spending money! :lol: No one at work knows it's my birthday, and I don't plan on tellin' 'em either. Bwa, ha, ha! I have no real plans for today, 'cept to talk to Walter later tonight :D [color=lightpink]You can check in... but you won't check out![/color] I have no idea how many of you are aware of the Galbadia Hotel. It is a virtual cornucopia of video game and anime MP3's, Sheet music, and lots more. If you haven't checked it out, go there. Now.  [color=lightgreen]Takin' the first steps[/color] I'm usually a hands-on type o' gal when it comes to learnin' somethin' new. So I decided to take the first few steps in learning how to make a MUGEN character by creating my own!... sorta :P I decided to start with somethin' simple and create Testament from Guilty Gear X2. I haven't found all the sprites I need (no where close... oy! @_@), but I found enough to get me started. I'm slowly getting the hang of it! I finished his standing animation on Sunday. I wish I knew a site that had more Guilty Gear X2 sprites, as the one I found was good, but didn't have a lot of Testament animated gifs (which I'm on the hunt for). Any suggestions of sites are welcomed! [color=aqua]Unbe-weave-able![/color] I took of my hair extentions yesterday and got my real hair braided in cornrows. It feels good to let my real hair roam free... but there is a downside: my head is bloody cold @_@ Yep, the weave acted as earmuffs beneath my hat (since it was down past my shoulders and all), but now... sweet holy carp, feel that winter air blow! :o I plan on getting new extentions in April or May... diggin' that new do! Anyhoo, I should be off; gotta get this high priority job done! This is DP signing off. And remember: birthday cake and chocolate ice cream are your best friends. Yessssssss.... Toodles! :D P.S. Thank you for my pressie Mon-Mon and Shennie! XOXO :D

Getting close to the 25 year itch O_o

Good afternoon, my lil' Sol's delights! (Yesh, I still have GG on teh brain... blah!) Well, it's lunchtime and I'm here at work. This week, I'm helping close the issue, so I'm here at ye ol' desk eating... and taking a break :P The staff is having a meeting in about half an hour, leaving the freelancers to fend for ourselves O_o. 'Course, I'll be on my best behaviour :twisted: [color=aqua]Birthdays and anniversaries abound[/color] Yesterday marked the 2 year anniversary of my becoming a member of GameSpot. YAYS! And in 6 days, I'll be 25 O_O' I'm getting old! *Breaks out rocker* BLAH! Seriously, though... I don't feel any much different than when I was 23... or 22... or 21... or 5 for that matter :P Oh well. Maybe Gummi Bears will be kind to me and retain their flavour for one more year XD [color=lightpink]In other news[/color] My friend Pierre got his second tattoo done the other day. He asked me to draw a dragon this time :P I have yet to see the finished product, but apparently it turned out pretty good. He asked the same guy who did his phoenix tattoo to do this one too :P It's seems like P-chan is becoming a living canvas for my art :lol: I hope he doesn't start charging me to display my art on his back! O_o' [color=lightgreen]More News...[/color] I finished doing my mom's taxes. Naturally, my remains undone. @_@ I hate having to do taxes differently this year! It's such a hassle to learn how to do everything! Double BLARG! I resolve to get it done this weekend: it's driving me crazy (then again, I've been saying that since last week ... and the week before... and the... oh, you get thet idea). Well, I'm done eating and I have stuff slowing piling up on my desk, so I must fly. This is DP signing off. And remember: the 10 second rule applies to popcorn too... just not in a public space where people are walking with their dirty boots on :P Toodles! :D

Boots, Heavy Metal, and Justice for All

Hello, my lil' clam bakes!

Well, the aftermath of "Ze Day uv luuuuuuv" is... well, actually clean O_o' On top of all of that, it's warm as heck out there! I didn't even need a scarf today! XD

[color=lightpink]These boots were made for walkin'[/color]
My mom gave me an early b-day pressie: a new pair of boots :P I was showin' them off yesterday. They're very sturdy and they fit my lil' tootsies like a glove (granted my feet hurt since they weren't broken in yet, but can't complain otherwise). Too bad the weather isn't as bad as it used to be... then they'll be put to teh Ultimate Test!

[color=lightgreen]Mommy, why that lady be topless?[/color]
I was watching the movie Heavy Metal the other day in its' entirety. I... <_< have no idea waht to think of it. It's basically a collection of stories revoloving around this uber-evil green jewel of doom that brings death and destruction wherever it goes. So naturally everybody wants it. Anyhoo, there were only two reccuring themes in that movie:
  1. The green jewel of doom that killed everybody
  2. The women were always naked and had size triple-E breasts
>_> I think that's the only reason why this movie was so popular... the animation wasn't all that great, the music was blah, and... I didn't have the foggiest idea what was goin' on half the time. My interests weren't maintained, and I thought I was going to sleep @_@ I want my hour and 20 minutes back! *shakes fist*

[color=aqua]Here comes my form of Justice[/color]
I finally did it. After many, many months, I finally unlocked the 3 secret characters from Guilty Gear X2: Robo-Ky, Kliff Undersn, and... JUSTICE! Naturally, I unleashed the beast and left a pile of destruction in my wake :P Justice is such a bad ass! She's my hero! :lol:

[color=plum]Hooray for new accounts![/color]
I opened a new chequing account at my bank today... <_< had absolutely new intention of opening one at this time, but it happened! ^_^ I went to the bank to deposit my most of my check (which finally came yesterday @_@). I wanted to keep $100 to buy bus tickets with. The lady couldn't do it, so she said the easiest thing would be to open an account :P And... BAM! Now I have one. I even started an RRSP... gotta save for teh retirement. Things are lookin' up... now, if I cna give myself a swift kick in the a** and get a second job... that would be nice! But for the time being... *eats cheezy poofs*

That's it. That's all. The Legends are starting to fall. This is DP signing off. And remember: just 'cause they jiggle, don't mean you should inhale Jell-O like it was air (could choke that way)

Toodles! :P

O_o Breaking it up... one w00t at a time

Good afternoon, my mini-mixes of super deformed cuteness! Well, I'm at work right now and I'm taking a lil' break from doing transcriptions. I haven't done any since December and kinda missed them. And now they are back, a la full force... 6 tapes @_@ 'Course, I'm not expected to get them all done lickity split, but this is gonna take a while. Curses to my evil hearing! :P [color=lightpink]In the mood for love[/color] Well, next Tuesday is teh Valentine's Day! YAYS! But, I won't be able to buy Walter's gift right now :( Reason being that I haven't gotten paid yet for last month's work (yea, I decided to wait and get my January pay all at once... now I'm paying for it :cry: ). I'm going back to bi-weekly; that way I won't worry so much. :P He'll get his pressie late, but he'll understand... hopefully (dum, dum, duuuuuuuum) O_o [color=lightblue]Me want pressies too![/color] I'm gonna start leaving subliminal messages aroudn the house hinting to the family what I want for me birthday. I don't want much: just money. Preferably in $20 bills. Games are better, but chances are good that they'll buy the wrong one (or worse... they'll get the game, but for the wrong system! Teh HORROR!!!!!!) So yea, money = good XD [color=aqua]Music Mix all done[/color] I finally found songs to put on my Mix CD. Burned it the other day and have been listening to it non-stop. Hell, I'll probaly listen to it when I get home. :P Bwa ha ha [color=lightgreen]Order Sol is so HOT![/color] So much so, that I went to Guilty Gear X site, downloaded a picture of Order Sol, and hung it at my cubicle, so that I may gawk at him in all of his glory! Bwa ha ha ha ha! I shall put up a pic later... because I'm too tired to do so now :P That's it. That's all. It's the end of the Monster's Ball. This is DP signing off. And remember: Heaven or Hell, it don't matter where, hamburgers still eat people. Toodles! :P

Mixes are good

Good afternoon,my lil' future chocolate hearts of JOY!!!!

It's Sunday afternoon and I'm feeling particularly lazy :P I've been sitting here at the ol' PC; listening to uber music and preparing to burn an audio CD... only I have no clue what other songs to add :? I've got 13 songs in my Mix; there's still plenty of room left and I don't know how to fill it @_@.  Blah.

[color=lightgreen]New Banner[/color]
As you can see, I finished my Banner (finally!) I'm a bit mad at myself: I was planning on using tech brushes for it, and I've been searching for the past 2 months for tech brushes for Photoshop 6.  Finally found some, but in the end I didn't even need them >_>' Baka... <_<'...

[color=lightpink]New character[/color]
I thought poor ol' Sol would be lonely in MUGEN all by his lonesome.  And as much as I would love to digitize myself and jump into teh monitor to keep him company, I know that that's not possible... yet :P So, I found my other sex kitty, Ky Kiske, to keep him company ^_^ They play so nicely together... except when they try to poke each other with their pointy swords :P I would've taken a screen shot, but they're taking a nap (Sol took Ky's teddy >_>... naughty Sol... <_<).

I've been reading the documentation included in MUGEN more and more.  I wish I had a bloody scanner so that I can draw and scan pics in >_< then I can create teh Ultimate Character!  Bwa, ah, ha, ha!  'Til then, I've come up with a Slightly-Less-Ultimate Character that I will start creating with my poopy mouse.  And I shall name him: Super Stick Man! Bwa, ha, ha, ha, ha *cough, cough* @_@

[color=aqua]New... something...? O_o[/color]
At this point in the journal, I've seemed to have run out of things to say... so I shall start an Interpretive Dance that I like to call "Breaking teh Wind" *starts dancing*... *falls on face* X_X

That's all from the funny farm.  This is DP signing off.  And remember: stealing teddy bears from cute guys is a serious offense that will result in 3 years of being mashed on the head with a Mallet.

Toodles! :P

In the mood for MUGEN

Hello my lil' Groudhogs of pure joy!

Ah, the second month of the year is finally here! w00t and booyahs for all! XD And while I'm at it, I might as well keep my fingers crossed, 'cause if that groundhog was right, we'll be seeing Spring early here in the Great White North.

*and in unrelated news, the forecast for Montreal on Monday is a high of -2C with a chance of flurries O_o'*

[color=lightpink]In the mood for MUGEN[/color]
I kinda stopped playing Grandia and slowly drifted back into Guilty Gear X2... which got me interested in MUGEN... again.

MUGEN, for those who don't know, is a 2D fighting game engine developped by a company named Elecbyte, who went kaput a couple of years ago (their site has disappeared completely, but can still be viewed in Internet Archives ). It is quite flexable. Although I haven't had the chance to truly fiddle with it yet, I've seen some of the stuff that people are doing with it and it's awesome O_O Once I learn the ropes, I too shall create uber 2D fighting games, with characters straight from the Gamespot's Charlie's Angels Harem *drool* <_<...>_>... *ahem* I had to download a newer version of the program though - I had the older DOS version which keeps crashing >_<. I now have the prettier Windows version, which is... well, it ain't crashing ^_^ So far I only have the default character, the cleverly named Kung Fu Man... :| ... and I added Sol Badguy (who can snap Kung Fu Man like a Slim Jim). Anywho, here are some choice pics -

[color=lightgreen]The Fight of the Century:[/color]

[color=lightgreen]KFM kinda sticks out like a sore thumb, don't he?[/color]

[color=lightgreen]Show of hands: who didn't see this smackdown comin'?[/color]

For more info and some links check out the MUGEN page in Wikipedia.

[color=aqua]It's all GONE!!![/color]
The greatest tragedy of tragedies has befallen my DDR 2... <_< actually 2 things, really. First of all, I think the left button on my Dance Pad is goin' bananas. I've noticed that sometimes when I step on it, it won't respond, or that it would go off by itself without me being anywhere near the darn thing O_o That's really not good, especially a lot of the songs have tricky left steps; the last thign I need is a trigger-wonky left button T_T
Second of all (and this is the dumbest thing I've EVER done), my System Data got corrupted and I lost all my unlockables! :cry: :cry: :cry: I had just finish playing in Workout Mode, you see and was waiting for it to save my Data. Now, in Workout Mode it saves twice: first your Workout Data, then the System Data. I waited for it to save my Workout Data and it did... and then... I turned off my PS2 while it was saving my System Data! I turned it back on quickly just to see... and... and... :cry:

[color=lightgreen]The Moral of the Story:[/color] Say no to drugs... wait, what? O_o'

[color=plum]GDC for you and me[/color]
I got an interesting piece of mail yesterday: A brochure for the upcoming Game Developper's Conference! O_O The IGDA sent me a copy of this year's program, complete with a list of events and the speakers.

That is evil :cry:
I can't even go. Not only can I not afford it (sure, I could get one of the cheap passes, but those can't get you into the creme de la creme; the meat and potatoes of the GDC: the tutorials and discussions), but even if I could afford to go I can't since I have to help close the April Reader's Digest Issue. Bah! I swear, if they send me a brochure come E3, they'll be blood in the water... and it won't be mine *stares at sacrificial lamb* :twisted:

Well, I've rambled long enough. Hope you guys have a good weekend. I know I will (tomorrow will be 2C... w00t! XD) This is DP signing off. And remember: It's all fun and games until someone loses a bullock.

Toodles :P

My mommy getting younger :P

Good early morn-noon, my lil' candy drops of uberness!

Tomorrow be my mom's birthday! Yays! She'll be the big 57 (Yea, I had to double check that... <_<') I'm going out later to buy her a pressie... only I have no clue what to get her! Figuring out something to buy for Christmas was hard enough! @_@. Bah.

[color=lightpink]He's driving me crazy[/color]
My dad's been spening a lot of time home... and I'm suspecious <_< This is the first time that he's spent the ENTIRE week home. He asked me for some gas money and I said I didn't have any (which is true, I only had $5 in my pocket at the time... and I ain't handin' that over for poop!) Mom gave him some cahs last night, so hopefully he'll go out today... and hopefully my bro will go out today too.... >_> then I'll have the house to myself... *runs through the house in short-shorts*

[color=lightgreen]Still in Grandia[/color]
... :| Well, the sub-heading kinda speaks for itself, don't it? :P I'm considering starting Parasite Eve, since I don't think it's that long (2 discs... I can get through 2 discs... maybe O_o ).

[color=cyan]Still in Narnia[/color]
Can you believe that I only started reading A Horse and his Boy? I'm on the 4th Chapter. I really have to finish that book.

[color=darkturquoise]Still in... Limbo...[/color]
I just read Shennie's (shadow_rose) Blog about the Good Ol' Days... I miss them. I wish I had the heart to continue venturing forth to the Forums, but nothing compels me to do so. Plus, lots of people have left entirely or taken a break... and I don't have the energy to stay up and read the happenings like I used to @_@ Sounds kinda silly to "pencil in" time to spend in the GS Forums, but if that's what it takes to get me back in the game, I guess I must O_o' Get back into the things you used to love doin'; that's the Theme of the Year after all :P

That be all from the funny farm.  This is DP signing off.  And remember: talking horses are people too.

Toodles! :)

Bloody hell, it's almost February O_o'

Good even-noon, my lil' snow slushies

It's almost February, the month of luuuuuuuuuv *puts on goofy luuuuuuuv expression on face* :P  Seemed like only yesterday that I was saying it's almost January O_o'

[color=lightgreen]More work is good work[/color]
Work's been going swimingly.  Besides getting more responsibilities, I now have an extra day to add to my schedule!  Yep, they asked me to come in on Wednesdays at the end of each month to help "close the issue" - archiving material we used, write out invoices to contributors, sending out checks, etc. This week, I was shown everything that I was supposed to do... and it's oodles and oodles of stuff :P  At least it'll keep me busy.  And if worse comes to worse, I have my scribbly notes taht I wrote down... and if things get really bad, I was told to stop <_<'  Let's not let things go that far :P

[color=lightpink]The Grandeur of Grandia[/color]
I finished Wild ARMs about a week or so ago (finally @_@).  I've now started concentrating heavily on Grandia.  It's really fun and I love the battle system.  P-chan said he'll lend me Grandia II when I finished this batch of games he lent me.  I feel kinda bad, since I'm borrowing so many of his games while I'm not lending him very many of mine!  He mainly plays RPGs, and although I have some, he most likely owns the ones I have... and my other games don't really interest him ;p

[color=orchid]Let the hunt begin... again @_@[/color]
Speaking of P-chan, he recently got a second job working as a waiter for a restaurant... which is right next to the sports bar that he works for ^_^ I'm really happy for him... and it reminded me that I need that second evening job.  I mean, I'm perfectly happy with working the hours I have now at RD, but if I'm gonna pull off my 2 major projects, I'm gonna need the extra dough.  What 2 projects are those, you ask?
  1. Build my Uber-PC (officially dubbed "Megatron", just because it will be awesome like him... and transform into a hand gun >_>')
  2. Go to NY in June to visit a certain someone... ^_^
So, those are my 2 big things.  I was planning on going to Anime North, the uber Anime Convention in Toronto, but I think that would put MAJOR strains on my poor wallet (like building Megatron wouldn't be already <_<').  I'll go next year and make up for lost time by chasing the cute voice actors... I mean, asking for their autographs :twisted:  Jolly good fun!

Well, that's about it.  Right now I'm trying to find info on how to fill out my tax forms this year.  Since I'm considered "self-employed", I don't have to wait for the papers that tell me how much money was withheld for taxes... <_<' nothing was taken out of my checks to begin with :P So, chances are good that I'll have to pay a small sum.  Then again, since I can claim expenses like bus tickets, that just might cancel things out... >_< must keep reading!

This is DP signing off.  And remember: American Idol is like a train wreck - you're compelled to watch no matter how God-awful it gets.

Toddles! :D