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Darrogamer06 Blog

Taking a break!

Hey guys, I have decided that I am going to take a little break from Gamespot, as far as contributions are concerned, as at the moment there is nothing really much to say in my life hence the lack of blogs these last few weeks and hence what is the point of doing blogs when you have nothing really on your mind?

I am going to do a video showing my thoughts on the last Harry Potter book and the series in general today or tomorrow (was supposed to do a blog by Monday but you know me) and that will be the last you see of me for a while. I will still be posting in your blogs now and watching your videos but as far as my contribution to the site, it will be empty for the next few weeks and will probably do a blog again when Bioshock and Blue Dragon comes out or if I have something important to say so it could be sooner.

Anyway look out for the video if you care and until we meet again, ROCK ON!!

The End is here!

Yes, the end is here for the Harry Potter series and Rocker500 was the only one to correctly state what I meant by the end is coming blog. I, of course like thousands across the world stood in line for the midnight release of the last Harry Potter book, Harry Potter and the Deathly and after around 2 and a half hours of waiting in line (pretty long line, which went at a snail's pace), I got my copy of it at after 2am this morning. Currently on page 214 as I type this (and I ain't like some of those idiots out there that looked at the last page to see what happened) and really loving it and hopefully the rest of it shapes up to be just as riveting as what I've read thus far. If so, then it will be my favourite in the series.

No Darro's Blog today due to me being so tired to do one but I couldn't care less since I get less and less views as time goes on and might just end up doing ones when I feel like it.

Anyway, I will have a blog tomorrow or Monday giving you my non-spoiler thoughts on the final book but if you are a HP fan like myself, you would have it already. Til then, take care and ROCK ON!!

PS Told you it would be stupid!

Top of the Trivia?

Hey guys, just a little short blog here saying that I possibly came top in this week's trivia game that is on during every OTS show. I got 667 points, answered all the questions right of course and was there for the duration of the show as far as I know but who knows, someone might have come in and swept it from under me and that will kind of upset me a little since I would like to get the emblem you get for becoming no 1 on the trivia leaderboard.

Anyway, I will find out in due time whether I won or not. Fingers crossed, eh?

Say It Ain't So!

Smackdown is officially dead with this catastrophe! I heard from my brother that Edge had to vacate the title due to an injury, which sucks since there is really no one else that can have it at the moment but they had to put it on the worst possible candidate. Heck, even Mark Henry would have been better than this poor excuse of a wrestler. The WHC has a curse, first Taker suffered an injury when he was champ and now Edge so maybe sometime in September, Khali possibly could suffer one as well. At least they didn't put it back on Batista but still there is no one on Smackdown now since they got rid of Kennedy and sent him to Raw to be Cena's millionth b**** in due time.

Like the people who still abide with WWE have to believe this is the last straw and go elsewhere like to TNA or ROH or anything that is better than WWE because quite frankly, Smackdown is in a awful state with two of its main eventers out for months and Mysterio will be back shortly but don't deserve to be in the title picture but who else is there? Batista with the million title shots he gets and Kane, who has just gotten worse and worse every year? I don't think so. Smackdown is in crapsville for the next number of months thanks to what has occurred. I don't watch WWE anymore but read results and that and I ain't missing anything. What's left of the WHC's credibility is gone now and tarnished forever with The Abysmal Khali as champ.

In other news, surprisingly (not really), the last Harry Potter book entitled Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows has been leaked onto the Internet thanks to some random idiot spoiling it for everyone and people who can't wait several more days are just going to lap it right up and then some of these people will ruin it for everyone else, since that is one of their main hobbies, spoiling things for everyone else. I am a pretty big HP fan now (not a absolute die-hard know everything inside out etc) and I am really looking forward to the book coming out and I am going to be getting it at the midnight launch this Friday night/Saturday morning at Waterstones and will be doing nothing but reading it on Saturday until I am done with it but I will have it done probably by the evening time.

Also, I rented out The Godfather for the 360 just to play through it since I played it when my brother had it for the PS2 and thought it was pretty decent plus I get points even though they are hard and tedious to get. Oh, the EDWEF video will be done in the next few days and uploaded then so be patient :P. Also, I am going to change my video blogs in a couple of weeks since I am getting less and less views since it is the same old drag week in and week out. Until then, keep on gaming and ROCK ON!! m/

Darro's Press Conference Thoughts


Hey guys. It is Darro here once again (I am not referring myself as Darrogamer06 from now on since I hate the name). Just here giving you guys a video going through my thoughts on the three press conferences that have passed and all that there :P. I know it is long anyway but I did kind of went summarised the Microsoft and Sony conferences and talked a good bit about Nintendo's lacklustre one.

Anyway, here is the marks I would give each conference:

Microsoft - 7/10

Nintendo - 3/10

Sony - 7.5/10

Also, the EDWEF will not be done this week due the fact I am pretty lazy and that its E3 and want to watch some of the footage but will definitely be done next week I promise. Darro's Blog will go on my overall E3 thoughts and what games I am looking forward to the most coming out. Anyway, take care, keep on gaming and ROCK ON!!

Consumed to "The Darkness" with Viewtiful Doom!

"Life and Death are one"

Hi guys. It is your gaming Irishman here with his pot of games to talk about along with a certain movie I watched today on Sky, which will be talked about in a bit but you should get an indication as to what that movie is by the blog title!

Anyway, first of all, I would like talk to you guys about The Darkness. If you check my Xbox 360 profile then you would see judging by the gamerscore I have that I played a good bit of it since I acquired it last weekend from Swapgame. I gave you my first impressions of the game in my last video blog saying how great the voice-acting was and the gameplay etc and its still the same way in that I very much enjoyed this game from beginning to end despite its short length. The story is pretty intriguing, the voice-acting was a joy to listen to especially Mike Patton doing The Darkness (awesome job) and the graphics were pretty stellar to look at even though the whole lip-synching/moving was pretty bad overall but other than that its presentation was solid.

I did have a few niggles in terms of gameplay though but not a lot to say this game ain't worth playing now because for me it is. Sure it is another first-person shooter but what other FPS let you devour hearts from human corpses? None, that's what. I just hated the fact you were dead in like 2 shots when you didn't have your Darkness out. (this might be me now I don't know but I felt that way) The aiming was totally inaccurate sometimes and hence I try to shoot a guy and it ain't killing him or something. Also, it seems to take forever to kill some guys too in that you shoot them several times and yet they keep getting back up or when you use the black hole right near them and they are unharmed and kill you when you get near them(annoyed me). Despite these few hiccups and a few more I believe, it is still a great game to me and thinking of doing a review for it to see if I can improve on my last one, which was pretty good but not great. I recommend you play this game whether you rent it or buy it, it is a joy to play even though the multiplayer is laggy as hell (of the matches I have played).

Anyway, onto other things and been playing another game that is on my backlog bonanza list and it is entitled Viewtiful Joe. I have completed the first 4 stages and will be tackling the 5th one starting tomorrow. I am glad I have got th 4th stage out of the way since it was pretty hard with its level structure and the boss was pretty annoying (not as annoying as Gran Bruce with his stupid shark bite attack). It is a great game that has a good level of challenge now and I like games like this although some parts do annoy me, it is not something to break a controller over now (Ain't that right, Denis?)

Finally, I want to talk about the movie I mentioned at the start of the blog. I was just flicking through what movies were on Sky this morning and seen that this particular movie was on and I decided to watch it and see if the spectulations were true about it. Alas they were after watching it and the movie pretty much sucked. That movie is DOOM! The movie was pretty damn bad indeed and at points was waiting for something actually exciting to happen and when something kind of did, it would briefly last and then we will have another 10 mins or so of monotonous stuff with the cast in it, The acting was pretty bad and the story was partially or practically taken from Doom 3 (I think, could be wrong). It wasn't a good movie to watch (did I mention this already?). All said, the First-Person view sequence was pretty cool and probably the best part of the movie but everything else was just dull and boring and SPOILER The Rock ended up being somehow the enemy in the end with his "killing" ways. END SPOILER

Anyway, that is all I wanted to talk about to you guys. The EDWEF feature will be done tomorrow and probably up on Gamespot the same day but don't bet on it. Anyway, take care, keep on gaming and ROCK ON!!

"I gotta take a dump!" - Actual line from Doom

Darro's Blog 6/7/07


2 in one week! Aren't you guys lucky (or unlucky)?

Hello once again. This is Darren here bringing you another edition of my blog that all but the ones with no lives :P still watch but I am definitey going to change it about sometime over the next while because it is getting pretty damn stale. Maybe I should do what someone I know does and just talk about games bought and then just look around endlessly for 5 mins trying to think of something to say or do crazy EightBitWarrior-style videos or maybe I should do 30 odd min blogs where I answer 50 questions and smile and drink some corona beer (ugh) like a certain Canadian I know because it seems to work for them :P.

Anyway enough about that, in this edition I mainly talk about the upcoming Electronic Entertainment Expo and what my thoughts are on it, first impressions with The Darkness (in short, really good) and Bionicle Heroes and how they go slower than a snail and Wayne in Lost Planet (according to that same canadian I mentioned earlier).

Anyway leave questions, game challenges and comments as usual although I got 2, 2 FRICKIN comments but then again, last week's was pretty abysmal so I wouldn't blame you guys. Until next time, take care, keep on gaming and ROCK ON!!

Obtained "The Darkness"

Finally, after 4 days waiting for it to come, it came at last. Yes, The Darkness is in my grasp at the moment.

Just a short blog following up from yesterday's, first impressions along with pre-E3 thoughts on tomorrow's blog.