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Darrogamer06 Blog

Lack of Darkness!

Just a stupid, short blog asking, "WHY I haven't got The Darkness in the post yet?!" The game was sent out from Swapgame on Monday and it is now Thursday and still no sign of it. The last three games I got came the day after they shipped from them and this time it is taking longer than expected. Either it got lost in the post or some other reason I can't put my finger on.

It makes it worse that I see my friends on here playing it and enjoying the gamea whole lot and I have yet to experience "The Darkness" itself. Anyway, hope it comes tomorrow or else e-mailing them saying it got lost or something cause this is just getting ridiculous.

Anyway, going to do the EDWEF show sometime next week with possibly a little intro and will have 3 matches just to start things off. One will feature my favourite creation, D-Mortis but I would like you to vote on whoever he faces on the show. Just look at the roster on Here Comes the Pain and select a wrestler there (no divas :P) and whoever gets the most votes will be D-Mortis's victim, I mean opponent.

Until next time, take care, keep on gaming and ROCK ON SUCKASSS!!

Ratchet is deadlocked! (ie beaten)

A third way through the backlog!

Hello people. This is Darro here with another backlog update and yes, I have completed another game, which makes the total of backlog bonanza games beaten to 4 meaning I am a third of the way through this ordeal, GO ME!

Of course, the game in question is Ratchet: Gladiator/Deadlocked for the PS2 and I said it before that this is the weakest in the series but by no means it is not good all because it is still great and fun to play but not as memorable or awesome as the previous three (I haven't played Size Matters but I believe it is more in line with the first games). I think the best part of the game for me was Dallas, the male announcer for the Dreadzone show and some of the little quips he had during the game were pretty humourous but by no means laugh out loud funny but still cool, as the other three had its fair share of humour as well.

I really like the Ratchet and Clank series and probably its my favourite game series on the PS2 besides God of War since all of them have been consistently great to play and looking forward to playing it on the PS3 and also have to check out the one for the PSP since I don't want to miss out.

That is all I have to say on this matter, if you enjoy your action games, then you will enjoy this. It is not really long now but it is fun to play while it lasts and if you liked the first three, you will like this one too! Anyway, next up is the only Gamecube game on the backlog bonanza and you should know what it is by this:

"Henshin a go-go, baby!" Take care and ROCK ON!!

EDWEF? (New Feature)

Ok guys, I have been thinking about doing some sort of new feature for the past couple of weeks and I know there are a bunch of these out there on the Internet and some of them are pretty fun to watch while others pretty much stink.

I know I won't get a lot of views for this but if the main guys, who read my blogs and watch my features enjoy them, then that is fine by me and I thank them for that. Ok, I presume you guys are wanting to know what it is by now, eh? Well here it goes.

Right, a couple of years ago I decided to do this whole e-fed thing known as the EDWEF (Extremely Dynamic Wrestling Entertainment Federation) and that I set up matches and then I played them out using Smackdown: Here Comes The Pain since that was the latest game out back then and I believe is still the best in the series. I wrote down the results afterwards and had titles and PPVs etc and did this for a good while before I eventually stopped doing them all of a sudden. Lack of interst might have been the reason for it but whatever. Anyway, since I have a gamebridge and a good laptop to work this stuff on etc, I have decided to bring it to the masses (never actually put these on the web or anything like that now).

I know few of you out there will be interested in this and hence why should I be doing it in the first place? I am doing it since I want to do something different and since Darro's Delights is not coming back for a while and Movie Matinee Madness is quite frankly in the gutter after 1 episode, I just decided to do something else. I will still be using HCTP since I have a bunch of created wrestlers on it and I never deleted my save file from my memory card so they will be still be there. Some of them are existing superstars like Samoa Joe, AJ Styles, CM Punk but what they were like back then, could update them perhaps but can't be bothered. And a few of my own creations including D-Mortis, Nightmare, White Lightning and The Saiyan Prince Vegeta.

If you guys want this to occur, then I will start on it from next week and it will consist of several matches as a sort of pilot episode and see how it goes. If that gets accepted, I will try and make them better perhaps with an intro and other bits and bobs.

So what do you think?

Darro's Blog is back! (Fooled you, didn't I?)


MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Yes, it is Darro here with a DARRO'S BLOG and not Gaming Time With Oh-Sex, which all of you assumed was the new name but did it as a joke and looked like it worked even if it wasn't that great to begin with. Also, it is pretty late since the uploading was broken yet again (always on weekends it seems).

Not really have a whole variety of stuff to talk about this week but I do talk about the big news concerning wrestling that came out last week and my thoughts on it, also hear my thoughts on Harry Potter's latest adventure in the video game world and 2 questions answer, WAHOO!!

Since I done this blog (which was yesterday evening), I have done the chess part in HP and have got all 1000 points in the game, my first sine NBA 2K6 back in October. Also, apparently, Daniel didn't have a growth problem or fragility X according to news I read but we will see. Anyway, enjoy and leave comments, questions and game challenges please! Until next time, take care, keep on gaming and ROCK ON!!

I've got the "Power"!

3 is the magic number!

Hello, fellow Gamespotters! Darro here with another backlog update, I should do some sort of news reel video or something each time I finish a game in the backlog bonanza but who am I kidding?

Anyway, another game in the backlog is done and dusted in the name of Kameo: Elements of Power for the Xbox 360, 1 of 2 on the list. All I can say is that it is a great looking game that I believe still holds up to the 360/PS3 games you see today and despite a few minor flaws (camera sometimes gets in the way of things ie zoomed in or not in the right direction or whatever) but overall, it was a enjoyable game to play through although it could have been a little longer.

One problem I had was with the last boss battle. Maybe I just plain sucked or didn't do it the right way but it was just tedious as hell as it took me a good 20-30 mins to beat him as his energy went down at a snail's pace but he wasn't difficult by any means, just took too long. I just checked up certain ways to beat him and it seemed I did one of them but the other supposedly quicker one was to use 40 below and his wreckerball move.

I want to go back and try to get the A rankings in each of the main dungeons/levels and I know it ain't going to be easy since sometimes firepower from enemies come out out of nowhere and also at a bad angle where you can't really see it coming and possibly fully complete the game 100% but I ain't going to do that for a while at least since I want to go through these backlog games as swiftly as possible.

Anyway, next game on Darro's map is Ratchet: Gladiator, in my opinion the weakest entry in the whole Ratchet & Clank series but still fun by the way, just not as great as the others. Until next time, take care, keep on gaming and ROCK ON!!

PS Movie Matinee Madness is probably going to be scrapped since there were hardly any views for the first one but it is probably boring anyway.

"Time" to say goodbye!

Another one down!

No, I ain't going nowhere. Its just I have finished another game on my backlog today and it is not Kameo: Elements of Power since still have around half-way to go to complete it but I have decided to finish off another game where I wasn't really far from the end and I was pretty much right. It was the only game in the backlog for the DS and a sequel to a great RPG for the GBA.

It is none other than Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time and this one was just a fun and great to play as its predecessor although I believe the first one was somewhat better plus harder. *Spoiler Alert* For those of you who have played both games and completed them then you may perhaps see that the last bosses in both games are somewhat similar to each other in that they are made up of pieces and have to get rid of a barrier in order to dish the damage to them and the difference was facing them was that I did not die in this occasion but did once in the first game. *End Spoiler*

It is great to see that Mario works well in a RPG environment as well as platforming because all the RPG games I have played of his were very enjoyable to play and this is no exception. I would recommend getting this game to anyone who has a DS, enjoys RPGs or loved the first game like I did.

Anyway going to finish off Kameo and after that, perhaps Ratchet: Gladiator so stay tuned. Anyway, take care, keep on gaming and ROCK ON!!

PS BTW I just love the way Mario says "Baby/Babies!" in the game.

The Movie Madness begins!


OMG a video less than 15 mins! Yes it is true. Hello and welcome to the first episode of my new feature, which is just the same concept as Movie Reel hence if you want more detail, go check NeoJedi's blog.

Anyway, the first film is a old film starring Tom Hanks, Geena Davis, Lori Petty and a certain singer known as Madonna. You will have to find out what the film is and what it is about inside.

So enjoy, take care and ROCK ON!!

Darro's Blog is no more!


What now Darro's Blog is gone as well? Well, yes it is in terms of the title. I have decided to change the title of my weekly video blog to a certain one a certain Canadian basically wanted me to do and although he stated another one afterwards, I forget what it was exactly called so I went with this. HAPPY DENIS?!!

Anyway, despite the new name, it is still the same old blog where it went super long this week mainly thanks to the questions, which I appreciate. In here you see me talk about Manhunt 2 briefly, Dirt, my overall impressions with Bully, first impressions of 99 Nights and also there is some game challenge and questions also but you don't care about that do you? :P.

Anyway, the first Movie Matinee Madness might be up sooner than you expect so stay tuned! Until then, take care, keep on gaming and ROCK ON!!

Darro's Delights is Dead! (for now)

Afraid so!

Hello once again, fellow Gamespoters, Gamespotsers, GSers or whatever it is you guys like to be called. Darro here with somewhat of bad news to you guys who enjoy watching my Darro's Delights whenever I did them in the past several episodes.

Well, I have come to the decision that Iam not going to do them anymore for the time being, which I presume is not really a shock to some of you out there since I haven't done one in like 2 or 3 weeks I believe. The reason being to tell you the truth is that I just can't be bothered wasting around an hour or so of my time every week or when I do them only to get hardly anything in return in terms of views and also the fact that I am lazy.

So if you guys were waiting on me to do episode 16 featuring DKC 3: Dixie Kong's Double Trouble, well you will have to wait a while longer since for now, Darro's Delights is dead in the water and will probably revive sometime in Autumn/Fall.

Also, I am basically going to take a page out of Denis's book and do a whole Movie Reel blog but in video format where I talk about a film, its plot, my thoughts etc, while it is being played in the background. I have a name for it, which is kind of stupid:

Darro's Movie Matinee Madness. Told you it sucked!

Anyway, look out for my blog tomorrow and give me some questions to answer before then and of course game challenges. The one I am doing tomorrow is Connor's Bully one so look forward to that. Until then, keep on gaming and ROCK ON!!

PS Dirt is awesome!

I beat the Bully!

1 down, 11 to go!

Hi guys. It is the Irish blogger here once again with another blog for all you 5 fans out there (yeah!). Anyway, as you can tell from the blog title, I have just completed a little game from Rockstar known as Bully, which was chosen to be the first backlog game of the twelve I chosen to tackle this summer.

After playing it for several hours the last couple of days, I have completed it and the last mission while somewhat fun was a disappointment and the ending was alright I guess but would have been cool to see what happened to some guys after Bulworth or something like that. Overall, it was a great game to play and kind of regret not finishing it sooner but I glad this was chosen first, as it made me realise how fun and enjoyable it was and even though the missions get kind of repetitive towards the end, the cutscenes, the characters etc made up for that. Overall, I completed 78.31(or 37)% of the game and if I went back to finish the races and that off, I would get somewhere in the 80% range.

It is another fine effort by Rockstar and only Rockstar can make playing a game about school a lot of fun. Anyway, that is the first game down, next up Kameo!