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Darrogamer06 Blog

A bit ****ed off!

As the title says, I am somewhat a little angry as of right now and you will find out the reason why when I do Darro's Blog later today. It has got something to do with a game I ordered on ebay recently, which a few of you will know what I am talking about.

Darro's Delights is back!


Hello once again, fellow GSers. Yes, after a 3-week hiatus I believe it is, episode 15 of my feature is finally here and it features one of my favourite games for the Super Nintendo but its played on the Wii Virtual Console but I mention that within anyway.

Well, its the first of only 3 games (I believe) of a particular Japanese series to be released over in the North American and Europe, the 2nd one was previously featured on an episode of Darro's Delights and the names are different in this and are pretty stupid too. It is a game by the name of The Legend of the Mystical Ninja.

Anyway, as usual info and gameplay footage provided! Sorry about the wait but I am sure some of you are happy to see it back. Take care, keep on gaming and ROCK ON!! 

My Guitar Hero Quest!

Hello once again fellow Gamespotters. Well, lately I have been playing a bunch of Guitar Hero and I know I ain't going to be the best GH player out there and become better than some of you guys on here but I have been given a quest and that quest is to 5-star all the main songs on Hard and show that I can somewhat conquer Hard and get the Guitarmaggedon achievement.

Well to some of you who quite frankly are not worthy of Hard (Denis, I'm looking at you :p), this may seem like a daunting task but to others who are more superior than me, it is a walk in the park. Anyway, this quest I have undertaken is almost complete since I have 5-starred 38 out of 48 songs and I know there is a few more I can 5-star if I put my work into it. Basically here is the list in no particular order of the last 10 songs I need to conquer and what my current star rating is on them:

Woman (4-star)

Who Was In My Room Last Night? (4-star)

Crazy on You (4-star)

Freebird (4-star)

Hangar 18 (4-star)

YYZ (4-star)

Psychobilly Freakout (3-star)

Carry Me Home (3-star)

Instituitionalised (4-star)

The Trooper (4-star) 

At least 5 of them I know I can get 5-stars in. Carry Me Home for me is probably the Hardest song for me to do in the main songlist and will take me a good while to even get to 4-star. Other songs I can't do certain parts quite well and hence they prevent me from getting 5-stars (Woman with the hammer-on part during the verses, Who Was In My Room Last Night? with the whole red yellow red green bit etc) but if I can do them alright the majortity of the time, I can get them done no problem.

Anyway, wish me luck on this task and I will keep you updated on my progression and will let you know on when I finally conquered Hard at least on the main setlist.

If you want to now, I have a mixture of 3, 4 and 5-star songs in the bonus songs and there is at least a couple I will never improve my rating on.

Until then, keep on gaming and ROCK ON!! 

"Blah Blah Blah, Agent!"

Ok, this is just a stupid, pointless rant but I want to kill the announcer in Crackdown (in the game) because all he does is just nag you and get on your bloody nerves. Like, does he have to mention there is a road race or rooftop race nearby EVERY F'ING TIME you are near one, like you can see it on your map just fine and yet he constantly annoys you by stating that. 

Also, the stupid thing he does when you have killed a certain gang member and where they were at.  Take for example, Romanova at the Quarry on the Volk Island. He goes on about there seems to be business or whatever at said location I just stated before AFTER you have already done the bloody task and its the same with every one you complete.  Like that to me is a flaw in how this game was done.

Also, I love it when he says, "I can see my house from here!". Well, of course you can because you are safe in your agency tower where I am doing all the hard work, jackass!

I wish there was some sort of way to turn the idiot off but alas there is not unless you mute the sound but then how are you supposed to do other things like collect orbs and dodge rockets etc.  Anyway, that's enough of this little rant but if they ever make a Crackdown 2, PLEASE sort out these problems out because they ain't necessary, just annoying! 

I know a certain Canadian shares my point of view on this topic and I am sure there are people out there that feel the same way also. Tell me what you think of the announcer in Crackdown. Until then, keep on gaming and ROCK ON!!

"Low Armour, Agent!" Well, duh I can see that.

Darro's Blog: 26/5/07


Hello, guys.  Darren here with another Darro's Blog coming your way where I talk about certain news from the gaming week, games played and of course, answering the 5 or so questions I get each week from you loyal viewers.

Darro's Delights will come back eventually so don't worry about that. Franchises vs Originality video will probably be done sometime in June so look forward to that. Anyway, I am outta here so keep on gaming and ROCK ON!!

A life gone!

Hello, guys. This is going to be somewhat of a serious blog today because I received some shocking news today from a former university flatmate of mine about another former flatmate also. Before I say what it is I am basically going to share with you my university experience per se.

I have left university for practically a year now and quite frankly, never really kept in touch with the guys I lived with from September 05 to May 06. Don't get me wrong now, I did have some good times over there with them but I was depressed on certain occasions due to the fact that I was homesick and one of the flatmates basically mentally bullied me and made fun of my heritage etc. Although he did apologise for all of that to me when I came back from my Easter break (our Spring break but without the parties and that) and my last month there was perhaps the best month I had there without any quarrels or anything.

So anyway, Michael (the guy who contacted me through Messenger) basically wanted to talk to me to tell me something about Stewart (or as we called him Smirnoff due to the fact that he liked Smirnoff vodka). Now, I talked to Mike a few weeks ago for like 10 mins just basically telling him what I am doing in my life but before that, barely kept in touch. Since he contacted me today I assumed what he wanted to say was serious and it was. What he said next was pretty shocking to me. He said to me: "Darren Smirnoff killed himself I am not joking". He told me then to call him when he left the uni campus and I did and then told me what happened and other things and basically I am not going to state the details now, as I believe what I've said is enough.

I got on quite well with Stewart during my time in university and even know the other guys have known him for longer than I did, I respect Michael for letting me know of this awful ordeal. He (Stewart) introduced me to World of Warcraft, as some nights I would sit there for a while watching him play it and other nights, the guys would hang out and play multiplayer on something like Mario Kart or Smackdown. Its a pity that this time last year, I was finishing off my exams and ready to leave university and share my last nights there with the guys and little did I know that a year later, one of them would be gone from this world. I can only say that my prayers go out to Stewart's family and friends during this time and may he rest in peace.

Thank you for reading!

I can SPEAK again!!

For those of you who don't know, for the past week or so, I was basically incapable of talking with people on Xbox Live including friends here from Gamespot due to the fact that my controller was somewhat busted in that the mic wouldn't work anymore. I ordered a new wired controller last week, since they were cheaper and ain't wasting 20 or 30 odd pounds on another wireless controller. Its a 3rd party Joytech one unfortunately but nevertheless I got it today and great news is in that the headset works completely fine and hence it was the controller all along.

So get ready to hear the ranting Irishman once again on Xbox Live come this week, MUHAHAHAHAHA!!

Told You, Denis!

Once again, Mr John "I AM INVINCIBLE!" Cena wins another match by beating The Abysmal Khali by none other than the unstoppable submission itself, the STFU. What did I say Denis? Seriously, you wasted x amount of dollars on the crap that was Judgment Day judging by the results. This is why I hardly watch WWE with crap like this and heck at this rate, even Cena would beat Hogan since they make him lose to NO ONE! Only children and women like Cena and the real wrestling fans just hate his guts but whatever the fans want anyway, WWE does the opposite.

Least MVP finally won the US Title, which he should have won at Mania and Edge retained the title but everything else sucked. Withering Wrestling Entertainment is what it should be called now. Well, least I can watch PPVs that were good back in the day and not like now.

Darro's Blog: 19/5/07


Hello fellow GSers.  It is Darrogamer06 bringing another drawn-out episode of Darro's Blog for your viewing or painful pleasure.

Well, not a lot to talk about this week although I could have talked maybe some more but I do talk about the Halo 3 beta, have a little online gaming rant and go on about the games I've played. Oh and 3 questions answered, HOORAY FOR ME!!

Anyway, I am now accepting game challenges and promise to do one in every 2 Darro's Blogs so please leave me challenges to do and not dead long ones now but mainly cool ones or whatever.  Anyway, leave questions also.

As for Darro's Delights, I totally forgot to do it yesterday but rest assured episode 15 will come sometime next week featuring Legend of the Mystical Ninja.  But get it anyway for the SNES or Wii VC cause its AWESOME!!

Until next time, keep on gaming and ROCK ON!! 


Franchises vs Originality/Original Series Video coming up and more!

I will be doing a video on franchises vs originality/original series sometime over the next few weeks, as ever since this topic was discussed on The GS UK Podcast, I had it in mind to do and will prefer to do it in video format than text since well, it will be better, as it would be pretty hard for me to put words down and will probably get writer's block or something.

Let me know what you think and when the video comes, give me your thoughts on the subject in mind because I know some of you out there will have something to say about this topic and I do.   

Not a lot else to report from here.  Jumpin Jack Flash is still getting the better of me (its just the end part where I am in the No Zone and if I don't get all 300s from there, I am done for).  Played some FF III on the DS and I am really like this game.  I know it didn't get great reviews all around but its a delightful game to play, the music is lovely to listen to even though it is repetitive thus far and the graphics are a visual delight.   If anyone has this game, my friend code is 463956283279 so we can swap messages and send items and all that there.  Haven't found it too difficult thus far but I am still pretty early in the game and know it will get harder with longer dungeons and harder enemies.  

Crackdown was also played mainly playing co-op with my good GS friend, Denis and with the Halo 3 beta out tomorrow, it will be in my 360 disc a few times over the next few weeks provided that the Beta is fun to play and my GS friends who have the game play it too.  Great game to play on co-op anyway even though there could have been more content within.

Anyway, that is all I have to talk about.  Look for Darro's Delights Episode 15 this weekend featuring Legend of the Mystical Ninja ( great but underappreciated game).  Leave questions for me to answer for Darro's Blog and thanks for the positive feedback on the podcast and Tony did a great job on the editing and every one did great on the podcast overall despite the problems. Until then, keep on gaming and ROCK ON!!