I found out that it was just a bad sprain, when I went to school I had to get a cane and a Orthepedic Shoe [with the toes out]. I showed him the picture and he started laughing his ass of so I whacked him with the cane a few times, and our friend Mercy was yelling at him and telling him not to be a d***. But during Lunch she depressed him and when I walked up the stairs [door to the elevator was locked :'-(]. My other friend Erik Riverera told me that I should go over to his Trailer with my parents and milk his money from him. Luckily I got to stay home yesterday [and got to recouperate with a Perfect Dark 1000 Sim, kill session :), buy the game and enjoy it ;)]. I thnk I will be okay on Tuesday or Wensday and I have taken Glens advice to heart... the ******* will pay.
Darth-Revan45 Blog
Think I broke my toe [picture included]
by Darth-Revan45 on Comments
Yesterday I was at school hanging out with Trevor, we were messing around by the stairs and he pushed me and I tripped walking up the stairs and I think I bent the toe up. At first I just thought I bruised it and limped up the stairs and sat down by my next room on the 3rd story [beleive me it hurt like ****]. I was talking to my History teacher about it and he saw since it hurt to walk. On the bus I told him he owes me money now to mess with him [though my backpack is heavy... 1 textbook, my guitar book, all my papers, pens and pencils, scientific calcuator, Dennis Miller book, "Death Be not Proud" and "Perfect Dark: Inital Vector"]. I did not know it was that bad till I took my shoe off to look it at and it looked bad [though my crappy scanner makes it look fuzzy]. Then my Parents looked at it and while I thought it was a bruise they think it is broken or just very badly sprained. Wish I would of gone to the nurse after it [well looks like AZ really is the dumbest state] to get a cast on it. More later I would appreciate some commets from you guys...
This is sad.
by Darth-Revan45 on Comments
My friend Tommy posted this on his Myspace Blog, now these are all real quotes and who said them will shock you. Well let me just say that the Liberals really need to become more patriotic like you guys are....
Thursday, September 07, 2006
The Liberal or Terrorist Game: Edition 1 (Play Along!)
Here is a fun new game! I'm going to post a quote and you guys have to tell whether a liberal Democrat leader/celebrity or an Al Qaeda terrrorist leader said it. Let's begin! WRITE LIBERAL OR TERRORIST!!
"1.) The idea the US is going to win in Iraq is just plain wrong.
2.) there is no reason that young American soldiers need to be going into the homes of Iraqis in the dead of night, terrorizing kids and children
3.) Down with America! Down with Israel!
4.) I don't agree, you see, I don't really view communism as a bad thing.
5.) This is war is about buisness, the business of distracting American attention from Enron and Haliburton, the financial scandals that directly connect Bush to the heart of what is now wrong with the American economy.
6.) I beg you, help save America before yours is a legacy of shame and horror.
7.) I especially like those terrorist fellows in the Middle East who run around blowing themselves up along with other people; they strike me as interesting guys. And pretty soon theyll graduate from simple explosives to more interesting and sophisticated things like germs and chemicals. That will really be fun. Especially for a guy like me who enjoys chaos and disorder.
8.) I think that US leaders are misguided, but I think they know exactly what they are doing and I think that they are men who are possessed of evil.
9.) We should look to Fidel Castro as one of the Earth's wisest people, one of the people we should consult.
10.) America had 9/11 coming...considering its actions in the Muslim world.
11.) The death penalty is inhumane...whether that person is in jail or its bin Laden.
12.) The US is founded on a sham: the forefathers were slave-owning rich white guys who wanted it their way. So when I see the American flag, I go, 'Oh my God, you're insulting me.' That you can have a gay parade on Christopher Street in New York, with naked men and women on a float cheering, 'We're here, we're queer -- that's what makes my heart swell. Not the flag, but a gay naked man or woman burning the flag. I get choked up with pride
13.) When Communist U.S.S.R. was a superpower, the world was better off.
14.) I hate America!!!!
Have fun and good luck!!"
This is incredibley sad that Americans would say this [BTW I do beleive that all of you are good Democrats who atleast have morals unlike these people]. But how can you say this about your own country. I doubt the reality of some of these but I could not beleive that they said this. Please comment.
Thursday, September 07, 2006
The Liberal or Terrorist Game: Edition 1 (Play Along!)
Here is a fun new game! I'm going to post a quote and you guys have to tell whether a liberal Democrat leader/celebrity or an Al Qaeda terrrorist leader said it. Let's begin! WRITE LIBERAL OR TERRORIST!!
"1.) The idea the US is going to win in Iraq is just plain wrong.
2.) there is no reason that young American soldiers need to be going into the homes of Iraqis in the dead of night, terrorizing kids and children
3.) Down with America! Down with Israel!
4.) I don't agree, you see, I don't really view communism as a bad thing.
5.) This is war is about buisness, the business of distracting American attention from Enron and Haliburton, the financial scandals that directly connect Bush to the heart of what is now wrong with the American economy.
6.) I beg you, help save America before yours is a legacy of shame and horror.
7.) I especially like those terrorist fellows in the Middle East who run around blowing themselves up along with other people; they strike me as interesting guys. And pretty soon theyll graduate from simple explosives to more interesting and sophisticated things like germs and chemicals. That will really be fun. Especially for a guy like me who enjoys chaos and disorder.
8.) I think that US leaders are misguided, but I think they know exactly what they are doing and I think that they are men who are possessed of evil.
9.) We should look to Fidel Castro as one of the Earth's wisest people, one of the people we should consult.
10.) America had 9/11 coming...considering its actions in the Muslim world.
11.) The death penalty is inhumane...whether that person is in jail or its bin Laden.
12.) The US is founded on a sham: the forefathers were slave-owning rich white guys who wanted it their way. So when I see the American flag, I go, 'Oh my God, you're insulting me.' That you can have a gay parade on Christopher Street in New York, with naked men and women on a float cheering, 'We're here, we're queer -- that's what makes my heart swell. Not the flag, but a gay naked man or woman burning the flag. I get choked up with pride
13.) When Communist U.S.S.R. was a superpower, the world was better off.
14.) I hate America!!!!
Have fun and good luck!!"
This is incredibley sad that Americans would say this [BTW I do beleive that all of you are good Democrats who atleast have morals unlike these people]. But how can you say this about your own country. I doubt the reality of some of these but I could not beleive that they said this. Please comment.
Nintendo Wii Mii generator
by Darth-Revan45 on Comments
The function of the Nintendo Wii that allows you to create a personal avatar has been made on this Flash Website, go on there and try it out.
Top 10's
by Darth-Revan45 on Comments
Top 10's
Tv Shows
1-Classic Simpsons
2-South Park
3-Arrested Development
5-My Name is Earl
6-Married... With Children
7-The Office
9-Family Guy
10-Whose Line is It Anyway
Video Games
1-Perfect Dark [N64 2000]
2-Resident Evil: 4 [GCN 2005]
3-Legend of Zelda: Ocarna of Time [N64 1998]
4-Super Smash Bros: Melee [GCN 2001]
5- Final Fantasy VII [PSX 1997]
6-Super Metroid [SNES 1994]
7-Unreal Tournament [PC 1999]
8-Soul Callibur III [PS2 2005]
9-Halo [XBOX 2001]
10-Super Mario 64 [N64 1996]
Game Series [types]
1-The Legend of Zelda
3-Super Mario Brothers [exculding the sports games]
4-Resident Evil
5-Final Fantasy
7-Soul Callibur
9-Starwars Knights of The Old Republic
10-Call of Duty
1-Blue Collar Comedy Tour
2- South Park: Bigger Longer and Uncut
3-Star Wars Saga
5-Larry the Cable Guy Health Inspector
6-Animal House
7-Billy Madison
8-Black Sheep
9-Happy Gilmore
10-Final Fantasy: Advent Children
1-Robin Williams
2-Dennis Miller
3-Chris Rock
4-Blue Collar Boys [I count the 4 of them as one person]
5-Eddie Murphy
6-Richard Pryor
7-Adam Sandler
8-Jim Gaffigan
9-Drew Carey
10-Jerry Seinfeld
Tv Shows
1-Classic Simpsons
2-South Park
3-Arrested Development
5-My Name is Earl
6-Married... With Children
7-The Office
9-Family Guy
10-Whose Line is It Anyway
Video Games
1-Perfect Dark [N64 2000]
2-Resident Evil: 4 [GCN 2005]
3-Legend of Zelda: Ocarna of Time [N64 1998]
4-Super Smash Bros: Melee [GCN 2001]
5- Final Fantasy VII [PSX 1997]
6-Super Metroid [SNES 1994]
7-Unreal Tournament [PC 1999]
8-Soul Callibur III [PS2 2005]
9-Halo [XBOX 2001]
10-Super Mario 64 [N64 1996]
Game Series [types]
1-The Legend of Zelda
3-Super Mario Brothers [exculding the sports games]
4-Resident Evil
5-Final Fantasy
7-Soul Callibur
9-Starwars Knights of The Old Republic
10-Call of Duty
1-Blue Collar Comedy Tour
2- South Park: Bigger Longer and Uncut
3-Star Wars Saga
5-Larry the Cable Guy Health Inspector
6-Animal House
7-Billy Madison
8-Black Sheep
9-Happy Gilmore
10-Final Fantasy: Advent Children
1-Robin Williams
2-Dennis Miller
3-Chris Rock
4-Blue Collar Boys [I count the 4 of them as one person]
5-Eddie Murphy
6-Richard Pryor
7-Adam Sandler
8-Jim Gaffigan
9-Drew Carey
10-Jerry Seinfeld
Finaly up to Lv 15
by Darth-Revan45 on Comments
Well I have Finaly Moved up. I know I have been slacking off on here [few months ago I was sending in a lot of contributions to SNL so Stu has to do more work ;), I also am not as focused as Diamond Dog and her billion Contributions a day]. But I need to get back to work writing reveiws and sending in quotes, and since I am off this week it will be easier.
What do you think about what happend with Congressman Foley
by Darth-Revan45 on Comments
What I think is that it was stupid for him to do that [and he worked on "The Child Saftey Act"], and he should of never done that. But I think the information was revealed to influence the election since it has been 3 years [if I am rembering right] and it is almost the election [28 days] and I think it is being used to **** up the Republicans in the Election. I do rember a Democrat [though I dont rember his name... if you know it please tell me] who had sex with an 18 year old Paige and got a standing ovation from the Democrats, Billy had great approval ratings [and he was a horn dog], yet Foley sent some dirty IM's to his Paige, said he was an alchoholic, said he was molested [I think] and everyone is mad at him now. This is so damn annoying now. What do you guys think about it.
Damn it!
by Darth-Revan45 on Comments
Alright, I was busy sending in quotes for Mr Miller on his page [I need an editorship], and they were denied because it cant be from stand up, it needs to be about them... DAMN IT! Also my siggy picture got deleted EVEN THOUGH IT WAS SMALL ENOUGH! Why does this site hate me?
The Best Quiz Ever
by Darth-Revan45 on Comments
I love this quiz. Take it and see what you get ;) Who Should you vote for?
Brought to you by YouThink.com quizzes and personality tests.
George W. Bush
You are very intelligent!
Click Here to Take This QuizBrought to you by YouThink.com quizzes and personality tests.
My computer $ucks
by Darth-Revan45 on Comments
Okay, I can barley get my Computer to work at home, so I wont get much done on TV.Com. I will try to fix it... damn Mozilla.
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