Okay... I am looking for a site to Syndicate "Rant's of A DUMB ASS" on incase my Myspace gets taken down. I looked on Blogspot but it looked like I can't use em all because I want em to be UNCENSORED and I hate bleeping out stuff [think that Rosie O'Donnel one I posted got a lot of ****'s in that big Paragraph]. So if you know one post the link on here. Thanks.
Darth-Revan45 Blog
Rant's 140 141, Sony
by Darth-Revan45 on Comments
[Revans note: This was a hard one to copy, I had to fix paragraphs, re insert links {at the bottom} and I lost the 4 pictures I used... enjoy]
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Rant's of a DUMB ASS 140 "$ony has Consumated Themselves"
I was looking at all of the **** that Sony has done and I decided to do a little extra for you today, as well as increace consumer Knowledge! Also if you just learned what "Consumate" means because of this rant {have sex} then thank me for improving your vernacular. Lets go! Sony is a company known for bad buisness dealings infact it will be a long time untill they make a profit on the PS3, and I know that in Japan they were losing a lot of money, the PlayStations took away a lot of money from the PS3 and I expect the PS3 which may do well to cripple Sonys profits. I will now list some crappy dealings that they have done with the PS3 and other ****.
Unfilled Promises
Dual Screen Suport- only 1 now
Dual HDMI Ports- 1 or none now 4 Million PS3's at launch- now only 500,000
Worldwide Launch- now only Japan and America
PS2 had more power than the XBOX- simpily not ******* true XD
PS3 is 10x more powerfull than the 360- Bull****... look at the ingame screenshots
PS3 will launch in Spring 2006- not here yet aint it!
Arrogant Attitude: Actual ****** quotes from Krazy Ken Katurgi
"People will buy the PS3 even if there arent any games for it"- So they are Sheep now huh Sony
"Next Gen will start when WE say so"- Microsoft said so in 2005
"PS3 is not a Gaming System"- PS3 is a gaming system for the Rich
"Microsoft shoots for the Moon, Sony shoot for the Sun"- then I hope you burn
"The PS3 will instill dicipline in Children and Adults alike, everyone will know Dicipline"- I cannot even comprehend the logic in this Krazy Kenny
"We are not going to put HDD in the PS3 by Default, it simpily will not be enough"-... arrogance at its best
"I beleive we made the most beautiful thing in the World, noone would criticise a renowned architects design if the gate placement was wrong"- Yes they would
"Beating us for a short moment is like earning a point from Shihan [Karate Master], Microsoft is not a black belt. Like with their Operating Systems they may come out with somethign good around the 3rd generation of their Release"-... you son of a ****
"The PS3 will replace your PC"- No... it will not.
"Ridge Racer and Massive Crab Dammage"- Apparently Japenese ***** up more in translation than Chinese.
Bashing the competition, when they do the same thing on their products
"Gaming consoles dont need Hard Drives"- [Cough*PS3hasaHardDrive*Cough]
"Wii Remote is a gimmick"-PS3 has a Tilt Sensor
"The Dual Skus models for the 360 are a bad idea"- you have two variations two suckers!
Bad Products 1/3 of the PS2 Launch were defective.
Root Kit Fiasco- Puting a Sony Music CD in your Computer gave you Spyware.
Exploding Bateries- Sony made Laptop Bateries that exploded.
Several of their products have died like UMD Movies, Beta Max, MiniDisc and Magic Gate so I think that Blu Ray [Sony's variation of HD DVD] is screwed and you wont notice it unless you have a "good" tv and most of us use the Red, Yellow and White cables or S Cables to conect games to TV's. Buying all of the **** you need to get the best out of the PS3 will bankrupt most of the General Population and I think most will buy a X BOX 360 or Wii [X BOX 360 for great online FPS games and the Wii for the Innovation and fun game possibilities]. People dont need the "necissities" claimed in the PS3 like Blu Ray and HD Gaming yet, they should wait untill it becomes standard because currently only 20% of the population has a HD TV [though Erics TV displays XBOX 360 games beautifully] and the ugliness and lack of profit for around 5 years on the PS3 as well as shortages could kill it so easily it looks like we have another Dreamcast on our hands, oh right most people dont know what it is because it died in 2 years after coming out in 1999 when Sony said the PS2 plays DVD's! Even with its **** poor Launch Lineup it killed the Dreamcast because it offered DVD's at a lower price than normal DVD players did and it sold huge and hit its stride after the price went down. But it was notorious for bugs like most Sony Products Heres a Link, nother link. The PS1 had to be layed on its side because the plastic warped so everything would "hang" correctly and the PS2 was notorious for "DRR" or "Disc Read Error", I suspect the P$3 will have this too, and I will only buy em when the price goes down and when ALL of the bugs are worked out but now the PS3 looks like crap and dosent justify its 600 dollar price tag... wow I wrote a lot good night everyone WARIN! [Tommys thing, alternative for Peace Out]
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Rant's of a DUMB ASS 141 "$ony has Consumated Themselves, PT:2"
Okay, I am going to add more to my last rant, this is more of a continuitaion so look back at the first one before reading this.
Okay in this continuation I will do a comparision to help clear my point in the last one. And how I currently expect the Consoles to do [I will post a new version of "Console Wars: Who is ****** PT:2" after Christmas... not the pansy ass "Holiday"]. I do expect the Sony PS3 to do "Moderatley" well, not INCREDIBLE like the PS2 did and here is why. People bought the PS2 because they thought the deal on a DVD player that was 100 dollars less then they were then and played games was a good deal [and Sony lost a **** load of money too] and efectivley killing the Sega Dreamcast which had an incredible launch [even what most people call the greatest fighter of all time "Soul Callibur"] with the crappy PS2 lineup. But people bought it... why you ask the ******* DVD's thats why. But the PS3 dosent even offer enough of a Jump to warrant the 600 dollar price, Blu Ray is just a DVD that stores more and works with a HD TV like the other HDDVD [except more unreliable], Sony will bite it hard with the PS3 and will lose a large ammount of money on their "Entertainment" division. It will sell well with the "hardcore" fanboys for Sony, here's a list that I made of the Fanboy Terms you you know what I am reffering too if I use the words, and one that compare's the sizes of the new ones. Continuing... the Blu-Ray inst as big of a jump as VHS too DVD and that was known how much it changed, DVD to Blu-Ray not so much, and we all know how I went after Sony trying to introduce new formats in the last one and how badly they did [UMD Movies are prety much dead...]. And too me the PS3 is just a XBOX 360 with SLIGHTLY stronger graphics, and since I don't have a HDTV they will look like Wii [Revolution in that chart] games on my TV, and the Wii is around twice as strong as the old XBOX. So I dont see the need for an HD TV as well because that I dont want to pay 1000 dollars for a TV that "looks better" my old one from 2002 works fine and unlike the rest of the idiots in this country I do not crave perfection in my electronics. But if you look online and type in "Sony PS3" you will find nothing but bad news about how they are doing, the PS3 also seems to share the PS2's horrendous launch lineup. I beleive the only Playstation got big is most evident here. Also the loss of SquareSoft and Final Fantasy which was moves to Playstation was a huge hit for them because without that the PS1 would of been crushed like Atari, PCEngine and several other competitiors were. Sega put up a good fight but were killed by how badly they were marketing, Microsoft is puting up a good fight with its online capabilities and FPS games though. But the one reason the N64 stayed alive in my mind is the incredible games Rare pumped out. Sony products are good but the fact that they break faster the legs on a manequin when you try to push its legs behind its head and dry hump it... what Larry the Cable Guy did it not me! There are two very different companys who are slugging it out right now. While Sony builds expensive Consoles with a large libray of Games and the best RPG's [Role Playing Games] and several special features, but built poorly and losing a large ammount of money on each one made. Nintendo builds quality products with well known franchises, durable consoles [my Gamecube that has fallen off its shelf multiple times and stayed on is a testament to that fact] but with out as many games now. Nintendo will win in profits because the Wii costs 180 dollars to make, the Dev Kit [what the games are made on] will be 1800 dollars and the system will be between 200 and 250 dollars the PS3 will cost 500 and 600 dollars, the Dev Kit is around 20,000 dollars and the games could be over 80 dollars [like some N64 Games], this and Sony's attitude has lost them a lot of fans and if you need proof look at how this one cant be edited now it is looking bad for the little marvel made by Sony. And I am sure you all know about the 100 million PS2's sold but almost half of them had to be replaced so that takes out half of the sales bring the CGN and XBOX about a 1/3rd of the XBOX's. Though that this gen is looking prety good with the graphics of the PS3 [the best though not much better than the 360], the XBOX's online gaming and the Wii's "New Gen" innovative gaming looks like it will be great as well as the graphics of the PSP [though I think it sucks] and the DS's great touch controls. But the PS3 looks like it's screwed and will not fare as well as its predecesors.
The links that didnt copy
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nintendo_64#Cartridges_vs._discs http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sega#Saturn http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rare_%28video_game_company%29#Success_of_games http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PlayStation_3 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_video_game_consoles_%28seventh_generation%29 http://www.gearlive.com/index.php/news/article/why-ps2-succeeded-and-why-ps3-will-fail-823140/ http://www.unscleric.com/ANewEra.html
The Pictures I used didnt show up, but I dont want to post them back.
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Rant's of a DUMB ASS 140 "$ony has Consumated Themselves"
I was looking at all of the **** that Sony has done and I decided to do a little extra for you today, as well as increace consumer Knowledge! Also if you just learned what "Consumate" means because of this rant {have sex} then thank me for improving your vernacular. Lets go! Sony is a company known for bad buisness dealings infact it will be a long time untill they make a profit on the PS3, and I know that in Japan they were losing a lot of money, the PlayStations took away a lot of money from the PS3 and I expect the PS3 which may do well to cripple Sonys profits. I will now list some crappy dealings that they have done with the PS3 and other ****.
Unfilled Promises
Dual Screen Suport- only 1 now
Dual HDMI Ports- 1 or none now 4 Million PS3's at launch- now only 500,000
Worldwide Launch- now only Japan and America
PS2 had more power than the XBOX- simpily not ******* true XD
PS3 is 10x more powerfull than the 360- Bull****... look at the ingame screenshots
PS3 will launch in Spring 2006- not here yet aint it!
Arrogant Attitude: Actual ****** quotes from Krazy Ken Katurgi
"People will buy the PS3 even if there arent any games for it"- So they are Sheep now huh Sony
"Next Gen will start when WE say so"- Microsoft said so in 2005
"PS3 is not a Gaming System"- PS3 is a gaming system for the Rich
"Microsoft shoots for the Moon, Sony shoot for the Sun"- then I hope you burn
"The PS3 will instill dicipline in Children and Adults alike, everyone will know Dicipline"- I cannot even comprehend the logic in this Krazy Kenny
"We are not going to put HDD in the PS3 by Default, it simpily will not be enough"-... arrogance at its best
"I beleive we made the most beautiful thing in the World, noone would criticise a renowned architects design if the gate placement was wrong"- Yes they would
"Beating us for a short moment is like earning a point from Shihan [Karate Master], Microsoft is not a black belt. Like with their Operating Systems they may come out with somethign good around the 3rd generation of their Release"-... you son of a ****
"The PS3 will replace your PC"- No... it will not.
"Ridge Racer and Massive Crab Dammage"- Apparently Japenese ***** up more in translation than Chinese.
Bashing the competition, when they do the same thing on their products
"Gaming consoles dont need Hard Drives"- [Cough*PS3hasaHardDrive*Cough]
"Wii Remote is a gimmick"-PS3 has a Tilt Sensor
"The Dual Skus models for the 360 are a bad idea"- you have two variations two suckers!
Bad Products 1/3 of the PS2 Launch were defective.
Root Kit Fiasco- Puting a Sony Music CD in your Computer gave you Spyware.
Exploding Bateries- Sony made Laptop Bateries that exploded.
Several of their products have died like UMD Movies, Beta Max, MiniDisc and Magic Gate so I think that Blu Ray [Sony's variation of HD DVD] is screwed and you wont notice it unless you have a "good" tv and most of us use the Red, Yellow and White cables or S Cables to conect games to TV's. Buying all of the **** you need to get the best out of the PS3 will bankrupt most of the General Population and I think most will buy a X BOX 360 or Wii [X BOX 360 for great online FPS games and the Wii for the Innovation and fun game possibilities]. People dont need the "necissities" claimed in the PS3 like Blu Ray and HD Gaming yet, they should wait untill it becomes standard because currently only 20% of the population has a HD TV [though Erics TV displays XBOX 360 games beautifully] and the ugliness and lack of profit for around 5 years on the PS3 as well as shortages could kill it so easily it looks like we have another Dreamcast on our hands, oh right most people dont know what it is because it died in 2 years after coming out in 1999 when Sony said the PS2 plays DVD's! Even with its **** poor Launch Lineup it killed the Dreamcast because it offered DVD's at a lower price than normal DVD players did and it sold huge and hit its stride after the price went down. But it was notorious for bugs like most Sony Products Heres a Link, nother link. The PS1 had to be layed on its side because the plastic warped so everything would "hang" correctly and the PS2 was notorious for "DRR" or "Disc Read Error", I suspect the P$3 will have this too, and I will only buy em when the price goes down and when ALL of the bugs are worked out but now the PS3 looks like crap and dosent justify its 600 dollar price tag... wow I wrote a lot good night everyone WARIN! [Tommys thing, alternative for Peace Out]
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Rant's of a DUMB ASS 141 "$ony has Consumated Themselves, PT:2"
Okay, I am going to add more to my last rant, this is more of a continuitaion so look back at the first one before reading this.
Okay in this continuation I will do a comparision to help clear my point in the last one. And how I currently expect the Consoles to do [I will post a new version of "Console Wars: Who is ****** PT:2" after Christmas... not the pansy ass "Holiday"]. I do expect the Sony PS3 to do "Moderatley" well, not INCREDIBLE like the PS2 did and here is why. People bought the PS2 because they thought the deal on a DVD player that was 100 dollars less then they were then and played games was a good deal [and Sony lost a **** load of money too] and efectivley killing the Sega Dreamcast which had an incredible launch [even what most people call the greatest fighter of all time "Soul Callibur"] with the crappy PS2 lineup. But people bought it... why you ask the ******* DVD's thats why. But the PS3 dosent even offer enough of a Jump to warrant the 600 dollar price, Blu Ray is just a DVD that stores more and works with a HD TV like the other HDDVD [except more unreliable], Sony will bite it hard with the PS3 and will lose a large ammount of money on their "Entertainment" division. It will sell well with the "hardcore" fanboys for Sony, here's a list that I made of the Fanboy Terms you you know what I am reffering too if I use the words, and one that compare's the sizes of the new ones. Continuing... the Blu-Ray inst as big of a jump as VHS too DVD and that was known how much it changed, DVD to Blu-Ray not so much, and we all know how I went after Sony trying to introduce new formats in the last one and how badly they did [UMD Movies are prety much dead...]. And too me the PS3 is just a XBOX 360 with SLIGHTLY stronger graphics, and since I don't have a HDTV they will look like Wii [Revolution in that chart] games on my TV, and the Wii is around twice as strong as the old XBOX. So I dont see the need for an HD TV as well because that I dont want to pay 1000 dollars for a TV that "looks better" my old one from 2002 works fine and unlike the rest of the idiots in this country I do not crave perfection in my electronics. But if you look online and type in "Sony PS3" you will find nothing but bad news about how they are doing, the PS3 also seems to share the PS2's horrendous launch lineup. I beleive the only Playstation got big is most evident here. Also the loss of SquareSoft and Final Fantasy which was moves to Playstation was a huge hit for them because without that the PS1 would of been crushed like Atari, PCEngine and several other competitiors were. Sega put up a good fight but were killed by how badly they were marketing, Microsoft is puting up a good fight with its online capabilities and FPS games though. But the one reason the N64 stayed alive in my mind is the incredible games Rare pumped out. Sony products are good but the fact that they break faster the legs on a manequin when you try to push its legs behind its head and dry hump it... what Larry the Cable Guy did it not me! There are two very different companys who are slugging it out right now. While Sony builds expensive Consoles with a large libray of Games and the best RPG's [Role Playing Games] and several special features, but built poorly and losing a large ammount of money on each one made. Nintendo builds quality products with well known franchises, durable consoles [my Gamecube that has fallen off its shelf multiple times and stayed on is a testament to that fact] but with out as many games now. Nintendo will win in profits because the Wii costs 180 dollars to make, the Dev Kit [what the games are made on] will be 1800 dollars and the system will be between 200 and 250 dollars the PS3 will cost 500 and 600 dollars, the Dev Kit is around 20,000 dollars and the games could be over 80 dollars [like some N64 Games], this and Sony's attitude has lost them a lot of fans and if you need proof look at how this one cant be edited now it is looking bad for the little marvel made by Sony. And I am sure you all know about the 100 million PS2's sold but almost half of them had to be replaced so that takes out half of the sales bring the CGN and XBOX about a 1/3rd of the XBOX's. Though that this gen is looking prety good with the graphics of the PS3 [the best though not much better than the 360], the XBOX's online gaming and the Wii's "New Gen" innovative gaming looks like it will be great as well as the graphics of the PSP [though I think it sucks] and the DS's great touch controls. But the PS3 looks like it's screwed and will not fare as well as its predecesors.
The links that didnt copy
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nintendo_64#Cartridges_vs._discs http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sega#Saturn http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rare_%28video_game_company%29#Success_of_games http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PlayStation_3 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_video_game_consoles_%28seventh_generation%29 http://www.gearlive.com/index.php/news/article/why-ps2-succeeded-and-why-ps3-will-fail-823140/ http://www.unscleric.com/ANewEra.html
The Pictures I used didnt show up, but I dont want to post them back.
Rant 145, Rosie O'Donnel, View
by Darth-Revan45 on Comments
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Rant's of a DUMB ASS 145 "Rosie O'Fatass did it again"
The Fat asses site (http://www.rosie.com/)... leave her some offensive Emails ;)
As a little Bonus here is Tommys post (http://blog.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.view&friendID=45752310&blogID=168449638&Mytoken=A6180AD9-A967-4857-879DD0ED7FE394071819032)
As you all know Rosie ******** has joined the view, causing it to be renamed "The Obstructed View" [I know thats old, but I still like it]. Anyway Rosie ************ said that Radical Christianity is just as threatening as Radical Islam... If you beleive theis THEN GET THE **** OUT! The only thing I don't realy like about Christianity is the hard rules and constantly trying to convert everyone [so I revised it... and that is my Religion]. But Christanity will never be as be as the insane *****heads lighting themselves on fire and running into a Dennys and igniting thousands of rednecks! Do Christians make their women always be covered up, do Christans promise 72 virgins to them if they kill themselves, do Christians strap Dynamite onto their kids and have them blow up a school, do Christians threaten Jihad, do Christans set Car Bombs on innocent people, **** NO! Rosie **************************. Rosie you are a fat stupid **** with no tallent and why the **** would The View even put an idiot as big as you upon the chair which shows more cracks than Phillis Dillers exoskeleton holding the green goo from pouring out of her. This Rosie O'Donnel thing is easier than Paris Hilton trying to get out of a DUI too make fun of [I was calling Paris Hilton a ****, one of my usual insult analogies]. The sad thing is that people clapped at what Rosie O'...**** said [I'm running out of em...]. Rosie O'Donnel has always been a dumb **** and these comments prove it expecaily when the View is filed with idiots [better than Maury's Freak Shows, and Jerry Springers hillbilly bloodfest with old women flashing their **** for beads :)]. If anyone here hasn't laughed about Rosies comment that makes Robert "KKK" Byrd look like a humanitarian than what the hell is wrong with you! Rosie O'Donnel is insane and that is because her ass fat is smothering her lifeless **** brain from receiving any of its desperatley needed oxygen. The ***** **** she licked off of her blind **** partner has also infected her malfunctioning brain. So rosie of you are reading this, suck ** *****, go **** your self, and **** a man then step on a treadmill and break California off of the earth with your constant referbrating hoofbeats then go read "Godless the Church of Liberalism" by Ann Coulter and regect your satanist ways!
Rant's of a DUMB ASS 145 "Rosie O'Fatass did it again"
The Fat asses site (http://www.rosie.com/)... leave her some offensive Emails ;)
As a little Bonus here is Tommys post (http://blog.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.view&friendID=45752310&blogID=168449638&Mytoken=A6180AD9-A967-4857-879DD0ED7FE394071819032)
As you all know Rosie ******** has joined the view, causing it to be renamed "The Obstructed View" [I know thats old, but I still like it]. Anyway Rosie ************ said that Radical Christianity is just as threatening as Radical Islam... If you beleive theis THEN GET THE **** OUT! The only thing I don't realy like about Christianity is the hard rules and constantly trying to convert everyone [so I revised it... and that is my Religion]. But Christanity will never be as be as the insane *****heads lighting themselves on fire and running into a Dennys and igniting thousands of rednecks! Do Christians make their women always be covered up, do Christans promise 72 virgins to them if they kill themselves, do Christians strap Dynamite onto their kids and have them blow up a school, do Christians threaten Jihad, do Christans set Car Bombs on innocent people, **** NO! Rosie **************************. Rosie you are a fat stupid **** with no tallent and why the **** would The View even put an idiot as big as you upon the chair which shows more cracks than Phillis Dillers exoskeleton holding the green goo from pouring out of her. This Rosie O'Donnel thing is easier than Paris Hilton trying to get out of a DUI too make fun of [I was calling Paris Hilton a ****, one of my usual insult analogies]. The sad thing is that people clapped at what Rosie O'...**** said [I'm running out of em...]. Rosie O'Donnel has always been a dumb **** and these comments prove it expecaily when the View is filed with idiots [better than Maury's Freak Shows, and Jerry Springers hillbilly bloodfest with old women flashing their **** for beads :)]. If anyone here hasn't laughed about Rosies comment that makes Robert "KKK" Byrd look like a humanitarian than what the hell is wrong with you! Rosie O'Donnel is insane and that is because her ass fat is smothering her lifeless **** brain from receiving any of its desperatley needed oxygen. The ***** **** she licked off of her blind **** partner has also infected her malfunctioning brain. So rosie of you are reading this, suck ** *****, go **** your self, and **** a man then step on a treadmill and break California off of the earth with your constant referbrating hoofbeats then go read "Godless the Church of Liberalism" by Ann Coulter and regect your satanist ways!
Nobody can kill me! I'm back hahahahahahahahahaha
by Darth-Revan45 on Comments
Okay, I was kicked off for one week because apparently someone has nothing better too do than report me reveiws. Well listen if you are reading this, I type what I think and if you dont like it, pardon my french but suck it hard.
Join the Fourm from Hell
by Darth-Revan45 on Comments
Join it, it is quick and easy and free, also I got ALL of my current projects syndicated too it, thats stories, rants, comics [stick figure people being brutaly killed] and all the other crap I can think of posting on there. The man who made this is my friend Patrick on Myspace who has 3000 firends [though only 80 went on there] so please help him out. It is a fun site and though some of you might be offended because most of us are Conservatives at least he wasnt able to get the Politics Board on [because it would get people pissed off]. It is a nice board so please join it I'll give you cookies. [BTW if you do join... please post there are only 15 people posting and we are mostly Moderators and Admins].
Rants from Myspace number 133 Priorities
by Darth-Revan45 on Comments
[Revans Note: Besides creating my huge Joanna Dark Obsession Sig, I also wrote this. I think anyone here should like this one except for my comment about "FOX NEW's beign for the "Right" people, I meant Right Wing so don't get pissy]. I will also write one about the War tommorow]
Thursday, September 07, 2006
Rant's of a DUMB ASS 133 "Our Retarded Citizens Priorities"
I am sad to say this, I am one of the 10% of people in my school [around 1000 people in the School if I am right] who gives a **** about the World, and probaly the only person in my cliqe at school who knows who my Senators are [Jon Kyl and John McCain {though I don't like McCain}]. And more people in this country know who the 3 Stooges are, the names of The Simpson Family, and who Taylor Hicks is than the people who know who the Supreme Court Justices are, the first Amendment or the 3 Branches [if I rember right... Judical, Legislative and Executive]. And I was one of the 3 people in my Biology class who knew who the ****** ******* Vice President was [do these children have their own head embedded so deep up their own *** they cant hear?]. One of the funniest things too me is asking people who [insert random Politican here] is and seeing them slant their head like a puppy whose food was taken away and some man in a white lab coat cuts their balls off with hedge clippers [a movie that is 90 minnutes of that = best movie ever!]. We live in a time where terrosists can bomb us with nukes that create as rampant of a blast as the Atomic Fart drift cloud from Rosie O'Donnel eating at the All you Can Eat Chilli Buffet at the **** Bar wiping out 3/4th's of the Country [you should know by now that P Hil and R Don are staples for me... right I name people who are pathetic in my mind with the K Fed nickname] People today seem to be preocupied with crappy music, American Idol and other **** **** reality shows with idiots doing anything for money like letting someone film them getting a Vasectomy with a chainsaw for a million bucks if they dont pass out from their blood drenched remains of their ******* [again... thats just good TV]. I pay attention to the News, I watch Fox News [the news Station for the "Right" people] and if someone went aginst a politics debate I would kick their ass unless I got tripped up and yelled "Oh yeah well **** YOU!" like Ron White did. Today our youth are so retarded they could fall into a barrel of **** and come out suckin their thumbs [a great quote from Larry the Cable Guy]. I am sad to live in Arizona [which I said before is the DUMBEST STATE in the Union of 2005 {in terms of literacy, as you can tell I am quite adapt in edumacationed ways}] and now our ****tard youth have the intellegence of Krazy Ken Katurgi [PS3 Creator] when he said "People would buy the PS3 even if there werent any games for it" [we really are retarded] and rember my friends quote "People who play Nintendo games don't live their Lives to their Fullest" because of the lack of "features" in the Game Cube [or as the Purple Model was dubbed Gay Cube"{It also came in Silver and Black so quit your **** wait till the Pink PS2 that will be out soon :(] BTW if anyone guessed "Assman" or Trevor for the one who said that quote you get the cookie. If these people are the future of America then I say slaughter all of the idiots at my school and all of the other ones [leaving 25 people in each School and causing them to go Bankrupt]. It seems that America is the home of fat ****s and retards who seldom use their brain but I still love it here because 25% of the people here have an actual brain.
Thursday, September 07, 2006
Rant's of a DUMB ASS 133 "Our Retarded Citizens Priorities"
I am sad to say this, I am one of the 10% of people in my school [around 1000 people in the School if I am right] who gives a **** about the World, and probaly the only person in my cliqe at school who knows who my Senators are [Jon Kyl and John McCain {though I don't like McCain}]. And more people in this country know who the 3 Stooges are, the names of The Simpson Family, and who Taylor Hicks is than the people who know who the Supreme Court Justices are, the first Amendment or the 3 Branches [if I rember right... Judical, Legislative and Executive]. And I was one of the 3 people in my Biology class who knew who the ****** ******* Vice President was [do these children have their own head embedded so deep up their own *** they cant hear?]. One of the funniest things too me is asking people who [insert random Politican here] is and seeing them slant their head like a puppy whose food was taken away and some man in a white lab coat cuts their balls off with hedge clippers [a movie that is 90 minnutes of that = best movie ever!]. We live in a time where terrosists can bomb us with nukes that create as rampant of a blast as the Atomic Fart drift cloud from Rosie O'Donnel eating at the All you Can Eat Chilli Buffet at the **** Bar wiping out 3/4th's of the Country [you should know by now that P Hil and R Don are staples for me... right I name people who are pathetic in my mind with the K Fed nickname] People today seem to be preocupied with crappy music, American Idol and other **** **** reality shows with idiots doing anything for money like letting someone film them getting a Vasectomy with a chainsaw for a million bucks if they dont pass out from their blood drenched remains of their ******* [again... thats just good TV]. I pay attention to the News, I watch Fox News [the news Station for the "Right" people] and if someone went aginst a politics debate I would kick their ass unless I got tripped up and yelled "Oh yeah well **** YOU!" like Ron White did. Today our youth are so retarded they could fall into a barrel of **** and come out suckin their thumbs [a great quote from Larry the Cable Guy]. I am sad to live in Arizona [which I said before is the DUMBEST STATE in the Union of 2005 {in terms of literacy, as you can tell I am quite adapt in edumacationed ways}] and now our ****tard youth have the intellegence of Krazy Ken Katurgi [PS3 Creator] when he said "People would buy the PS3 even if there werent any games for it" [we really are retarded] and rember my friends quote "People who play Nintendo games don't live their Lives to their Fullest" because of the lack of "features" in the Game Cube [or as the Purple Model was dubbed Gay Cube"{It also came in Silver and Black so quit your **** wait till the Pink PS2 that will be out soon :(] BTW if anyone guessed "Assman" or Trevor for the one who said that quote you get the cookie. If these people are the future of America then I say slaughter all of the idiots at my school and all of the other ones [leaving 25 people in each School and causing them to go Bankrupt]. It seems that America is the home of fat ****s and retards who seldom use their brain but I still love it here because 25% of the people here have an actual brain.
Something I writ for English please comment on it
by Darth-Revan45 on Comments
Alright, this is a Memoir I wrote on there which is based on what happend to you before, I didnt want to be boring so I wrote about what I have done on The "War at Home" Fourm and made it into a protest instead of just being on my computer insulting the fans, please comment [notice my Grammar is much better in here]. I also left the disclaimer at the end in there.
“Fox’s Worst Mistake Ever”
Joe B- Period 1, 8-31-06
At the home of Joe around 7:00 on a Monday he was watching TV. He is 15 year’s old with short brown hair who wears a Army Camo hat, and Shades he bought at the Dollar Store. He was watching on his old TV from 1987 covered in wooden paneling with broken speakers and the picture has taken a reddish tint, but TV’s were too much money so he didn’t replace it. He was waiting for one of his favorites shows “Arrested Development” possibly the only smart comedy on Fox [the idiot network, concerning their comedy]. But then he heard these words.
“Arrested Development” has been canceled because our viewers brains are too small to comprehend the subtle comedy in this show, stay tuned for America’s number one show ‘Marry a Midget’ only on Fox!”
Joe became enraged at the fact that a comedy with so much potential to become a hit was taken off of Sundays and replaced with The “War at Home” was taken down by Fox after only 3 short seasons and 50 episodes. He and several other fans of “Arrested Development” went to Fox’s Corporate Headquarters, and they were joined by Fans of “The Office” which airs on NBC who told them that it is because of “Arrested Development that they even got “The Office”. They began chanting for Fox to bring back “Arrested Development” when fans of the idiotic show “The War at Home” arrived with their slack jawed, unibrowed, toothless grins and pants showing the bulge of Adult Diapers. Then they began chanting.
“War at Home funny, me likey Dave show remind me of me.”
Then one of the fans held up his diaper yelling,
“Look I got Chocolate!”
this caused a considerable amount of laughter from the “Intelligent” people even as the idiot continued to drag him self further by yelling out.
“This ain’t not chocolate, it taste like me doggie droppings.”
The smart people began contemplating the fact that Fox’s shows cause brain damage or that all of those people were shaken as baby’s, and after seeing one of them trying to eat a fire hydrant and getting sprayed with water while drinking it proved the fact the “The War at Home” REALLY is for people who seldom use their brains. Joe was laughing while he rallied his friends to break into Fox and make them put the show back on the air after knocking out all of the armed guards in black suits armed with machine guns. They were prepared to kill anyone who got in the way of Fox’s plan to turn brains into mush with idiotic comedy. Unlike Fox News, which is for the smart Republicans of the world, and contains one of the best shows ever made “Hannity and Colmes”. The fact that these fans were allowed to walk the streets was a testament to the fact that America has too much freedom, even for people who in other countries would be used as Court Jesters for evil Dictators. But then the owner of Fox, Rupert Murdock came out onto a balcony followed by a throng of armed guards prepared to kill all of the protesters.
“Hiel Rupert!”
“Attention War at Home Fans, it is time to begin, we are going to take over the country using our “superior” intellect and rid the world of intelligent TV that way all of the other Major Networks will be gone!”
Joe and the others finally realized it. The Fox network had been taken over by evil beings. It is the only explanation for how their Reality shows have remained on the air lowering the American IQ; it is the only reason Paris Hilton could of ever gotten a TV Show. They knew what they had too do they had too destroy the building. Joe led the Office and Arrested Development fans to knock out the War at Home fans; they did not expect that the fumes coming off of their diapers would create a mustard gas like toxin more potent than pouring Anthrax into an Air conditioner. The War at Home fans seemed to enjoy the smell, perhaps they have developed immunity. The stench was unbearable, but using stored Gas Masks [must be ready for anything] they were able to overpower the War at Home Fans. They then administered brain shocks to restore brain function, which made them morph into “Normal People”; the leader then spoke to them.
“My god what have we done… brothers we must join them to make up for our misguided ways, everyone throw your used diapers at Rupert Murdock,” he exclaimed.
They began throwing the diapers, apparently the “8 to 10 pounds” limit didn’t take place here because it looked like they had 20 pounds in them, or perhaps it is the fact that they were Adult Diapers. Then Rupert began screaming.
“Dear lord! What am I feeding you people! You have betrayed me, and for that you will pay,”
he said. His soldiers began firing syringes that appeared to have a mutagen inside them, the one that was used to make the “War at Home Fans” Joe knew what he had too do, he grabbed one of the ones that fell on the ground and threw it into Rupert Murdock. He began transforming and then he turned into a monstrosity, a “War at Home Fan” and he even took on the wardrobe of one of them, he spoke poorly compared to how he did before, and then he started talking again.
“Oh no… I’ve been turned into one of them, help me,” he exclaimed.
Joe began chuckling as he jumped into where the diapers were and began eating them in an effort to escape his fate, but then a fire appeared and Dave Gold the main character of “War at Home”, a man more racist then Archie Bunker, cheaper than Al Bundy, more unfit to be a parent than Peter Griffin he had it all, he is even hated by fans of the show, and he began to speak.
“Attention losers… I am your king now, bow before me or I will make you stare at my hauntingly beautiful face [people began laughing uncontrollably at this] now silence its time to watch every “War at Home” episode ever made constantly on this 5000 foot Screen, if you refuse it has also been beamed into your TV’s instead of the… shows you normally watch."
He had drawn the line; Joe threw one of the remaining diapers onto Dave Gold’s head. It seemed like even evil can’t even handle that kind of stench. He then transformed into a dark red figure. It appeared that Dave Gold is Satan and he messed up Fox, then Joe threw one of the diapers into his mouth, he then instantly made him explode. Satan was gone; peace was upon the earth now. And Arrested Development was back on the air, and all of the terrible Sitcoms were canceled.
The End
This story was based upon events in the TV.Com Forums in the “War at Home”, “Arrested Development”, “Late night with Conan O’Brien” and “Saturday Night Live” Forums. 85 Percent of what the “War” fans were depicted as is what they were called on there, as was calling Dave Gold Satan and all of the insults towards Fox. This is here so I am not proclaimed as a liar.
“Fox’s Worst Mistake Ever”
Joe B- Period 1, 8-31-06
At the home of Joe around 7:00 on a Monday he was watching TV. He is 15 year’s old with short brown hair who wears a Army Camo hat, and Shades he bought at the Dollar Store. He was watching on his old TV from 1987 covered in wooden paneling with broken speakers and the picture has taken a reddish tint, but TV’s were too much money so he didn’t replace it. He was waiting for one of his favorites shows “Arrested Development” possibly the only smart comedy on Fox [the idiot network, concerning their comedy]. But then he heard these words.
“Arrested Development” has been canceled because our viewers brains are too small to comprehend the subtle comedy in this show, stay tuned for America’s number one show ‘Marry a Midget’ only on Fox!”
Joe became enraged at the fact that a comedy with so much potential to become a hit was taken off of Sundays and replaced with The “War at Home” was taken down by Fox after only 3 short seasons and 50 episodes. He and several other fans of “Arrested Development” went to Fox’s Corporate Headquarters, and they were joined by Fans of “The Office” which airs on NBC who told them that it is because of “Arrested Development that they even got “The Office”. They began chanting for Fox to bring back “Arrested Development” when fans of the idiotic show “The War at Home” arrived with their slack jawed, unibrowed, toothless grins and pants showing the bulge of Adult Diapers. Then they began chanting.
“War at Home funny, me likey Dave show remind me of me.”
Then one of the fans held up his diaper yelling,
“Look I got Chocolate!”
this caused a considerable amount of laughter from the “Intelligent” people even as the idiot continued to drag him self further by yelling out.
“This ain’t not chocolate, it taste like me doggie droppings.”
The smart people began contemplating the fact that Fox’s shows cause brain damage or that all of those people were shaken as baby’s, and after seeing one of them trying to eat a fire hydrant and getting sprayed with water while drinking it proved the fact the “The War at Home” REALLY is for people who seldom use their brains. Joe was laughing while he rallied his friends to break into Fox and make them put the show back on the air after knocking out all of the armed guards in black suits armed with machine guns. They were prepared to kill anyone who got in the way of Fox’s plan to turn brains into mush with idiotic comedy. Unlike Fox News, which is for the smart Republicans of the world, and contains one of the best shows ever made “Hannity and Colmes”. The fact that these fans were allowed to walk the streets was a testament to the fact that America has too much freedom, even for people who in other countries would be used as Court Jesters for evil Dictators. But then the owner of Fox, Rupert Murdock came out onto a balcony followed by a throng of armed guards prepared to kill all of the protesters.
“Hiel Rupert!”
“Attention War at Home Fans, it is time to begin, we are going to take over the country using our “superior” intellect and rid the world of intelligent TV that way all of the other Major Networks will be gone!”
Joe and the others finally realized it. The Fox network had been taken over by evil beings. It is the only explanation for how their Reality shows have remained on the air lowering the American IQ; it is the only reason Paris Hilton could of ever gotten a TV Show. They knew what they had too do they had too destroy the building. Joe led the Office and Arrested Development fans to knock out the War at Home fans; they did not expect that the fumes coming off of their diapers would create a mustard gas like toxin more potent than pouring Anthrax into an Air conditioner. The War at Home fans seemed to enjoy the smell, perhaps they have developed immunity. The stench was unbearable, but using stored Gas Masks [must be ready for anything] they were able to overpower the War at Home Fans. They then administered brain shocks to restore brain function, which made them morph into “Normal People”; the leader then spoke to them.
“My god what have we done… brothers we must join them to make up for our misguided ways, everyone throw your used diapers at Rupert Murdock,” he exclaimed.
They began throwing the diapers, apparently the “8 to 10 pounds” limit didn’t take place here because it looked like they had 20 pounds in them, or perhaps it is the fact that they were Adult Diapers. Then Rupert began screaming.
“Dear lord! What am I feeding you people! You have betrayed me, and for that you will pay,”
he said. His soldiers began firing syringes that appeared to have a mutagen inside them, the one that was used to make the “War at Home Fans” Joe knew what he had too do, he grabbed one of the ones that fell on the ground and threw it into Rupert Murdock. He began transforming and then he turned into a monstrosity, a “War at Home Fan” and he even took on the wardrobe of one of them, he spoke poorly compared to how he did before, and then he started talking again.
“Oh no… I’ve been turned into one of them, help me,” he exclaimed.
Joe began chuckling as he jumped into where the diapers were and began eating them in an effort to escape his fate, but then a fire appeared and Dave Gold the main character of “War at Home”, a man more racist then Archie Bunker, cheaper than Al Bundy, more unfit to be a parent than Peter Griffin he had it all, he is even hated by fans of the show, and he began to speak.
“Attention losers… I am your king now, bow before me or I will make you stare at my hauntingly beautiful face [people began laughing uncontrollably at this] now silence its time to watch every “War at Home” episode ever made constantly on this 5000 foot Screen, if you refuse it has also been beamed into your TV’s instead of the… shows you normally watch."
He had drawn the line; Joe threw one of the remaining diapers onto Dave Gold’s head. It seemed like even evil can’t even handle that kind of stench. He then transformed into a dark red figure. It appeared that Dave Gold is Satan and he messed up Fox, then Joe threw one of the diapers into his mouth, he then instantly made him explode. Satan was gone; peace was upon the earth now. And Arrested Development was back on the air, and all of the terrible Sitcoms were canceled.
The End
This story was based upon events in the TV.Com Forums in the “War at Home”, “Arrested Development”, “Late night with Conan O’Brien” and “Saturday Night Live” Forums. 85 Percent of what the “War” fans were depicted as is what they were called on there, as was calling Dave Gold Satan and all of the insults towards Fox. This is here so I am not proclaimed as a liar.
Read my reviews of TV Shows and Video Games on TV.com and Gamespot.com
by Darth-Revan45 on Comments
Just a shameless plug. I have more TV Show Reviews, but they usualy arent very long, while my game Reveiws are more in depth and analysae a lot more in the game. Go on both my profiles and look at em.
Console Size Comparison
by Darth-Revan45 on Comments
Okay, these are real pictures that are completely accurate. But the thing I like the most is how much smaller the Wii [Revolution in this pic] is than the 360 and PS3. This one does the XBOX360, Wii, PS3, PS2, PS2 Slim, Game Cube and XBOX . Well at least the Wii will fit on my shelf :)
![Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting](http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j23/TheRedneck14/Video%20Game%20Humor/Size-Comparison.jpg)
The Very Weird Thing Saddam Does in Jail [This is beautiful XD]
by Darth-Revan45 on Comments
I copied this from one of my web browsers. And I cn tell why he got #####.
U.S. Marines guarding former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein in his prison cell during his trial for genocide have figured out the perfect way to torment him. They force him to watch repeated screenings of the hit movie, "South Park: Bigger, Longer and Uncut," report The New York Post and The Press Association. The big joke on Saddam, of course, is that he is portrayed in the cult hit as Satan's gay lover where the two evildoers conceive a plot to take over the world. Word of the unusual punishment comes straight from "South Park" creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone, who said he is forced to watch it "repeatedly." Speaking at the Edinburgh International Television Festival Stone said, "That's really adding insult to injury. I bet that made him really happy."
Well I can tell why hearing the whiny voice the impersonation gave him yelling "C'mon guy lets ####!" and pulling out a very lifelike rubber penis 3 times.
U.S. Marines guarding former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein in his prison cell during his trial for genocide have figured out the perfect way to torment him. They force him to watch repeated screenings of the hit movie, "South Park: Bigger, Longer and Uncut," report The New York Post and The Press Association. The big joke on Saddam, of course, is that he is portrayed in the cult hit as Satan's gay lover where the two evildoers conceive a plot to take over the world. Word of the unusual punishment comes straight from "South Park" creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone, who said he is forced to watch it "repeatedly." Speaking at the Edinburgh International Television Festival Stone said, "That's really adding insult to injury. I bet that made him really happy."
Well I can tell why hearing the whiny voice the impersonation gave him yelling "C'mon guy lets ####!" and pulling out a very lifelike rubber penis 3 times.
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