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Darth-Revan45 Blog

Story pictures and update

The pictures that Mel made, my only dissapointment with mine is that my hair looks diffrent than it does, combine Dave's but make the back a little bit longer and have it go over my forehead and you have mine. Also I would like to request that the 4 of you are able to write a Story, just tell me what you want to do and write it, and we can post all of the episodes on our Blogs. Spread em on fellas!

Damn it TV.Com/Gamespot!

I got a few things I am inspired to say thanks to kerfootw and mp34mp, first off I am sick of how harsh the mods are on here, we can't go off topic one time? It is not that exciting to talk about TV Show schedules and how good the episodes were, that is why the SNL Boards are so fun, because we screw arround. And to Gamespot, I am sick of people dissagreeing with me and getting mad about such trivial things like me posting a Review that says Guitar Hero is bad. I am sick of not being able to voice my opinion, if I tell the people on the forum for "The War at Home" everyone gets mad, says I am flaming in there and I get reported. I am sick of idiots making pointless topics and constantly annoying me with information that is completely irrelevant to the Show, or the topic we are on at the moment. I am sick of being made fun of for being a fan of in my mind, a great American President George Dubya Bush, I know that some people are just screwing around but leave the man alone. And fnaly I am sick of all of the glitches and how long it takes these damned sites to load, I am ****** off, and if you don't like it, go sod off okay buddy.

There Are Some Real Dedicated People out There I See...

4 Days ago I wrote a negative review of the PS2 game Guitar Hero 2 on Gamespot, and I have already had 7 people dissagree with me on it, and on GameFaqs [where I am called "TheRedneck14"] I have had people flame me.

Here is a link, I know this is a pretty crappy review since I was just splurking it out, compare it to my review for Zelda Twilight Princess or Knights of the Old Republic [which is the game I took my name from on here] or Perfect Dark and see. But is it really worth that much hatred towards me.
"Guitar Hero II
"Don't believe the hype"
As good as the love lives as the dorks in the advertisment. Continue » Posted Jan 3, 2007 12:09 pm MT
Recommended by 0 out of 7 users."

Console Wars Part 2

I just copied this from Mysapace because I wrote it, I decided to post it. Comment because I wanna see who aggrees with me on this. Friday, January 05, 2007 Rant's of a DUMB ASS 170 "Console Wars PT 2: who is REALLY ******" Nothing really important, I just enjoyed this. Part 1, see if what I said before rang true 2 Information Sources It is upon us, the new generation and it looks like change is really going to come, from what I have seen Sony is about to lose their Market Dominance, and to all of the Sony Haters I say ******* finaly, and to the nay sayers I say look at all of the times they have ****** up in the last few days, and to Trevor [AKA: The Dark One] I say HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Told ya so! Lets get on with the Rantfest, I have taken the time to play every one of these systems and look at the games for them so I could give an opinion about them, and personaly it seems to be turning out in the way that I would prefer. I will list the system and Games I want for it that are out. XBOX360: The system currently doing the best, with over 9 Million sold in its first year and has already accrued a great library of games for those who enjoy killing **** and are tired of playing nothing but a certain RPG and a certain game where you jack cars and slap people with ***** [Final Fantasy and Grand Theft Auto, Dark ones favorite games by the way]. You may rember me calling the 360 a PC with a Wireless Controler that plugs into your TV instead of a Monitor, and that may be true but every console is turning into a psuedo-PC anyways. I also said that the 360's libray was mostly rehases of other games with better graphics, but it has turned out to be much more than that, the 360 is befoming a Multiplayer paradise for people who love Racing and FPS games, and with a price drop comming soon it will also be cheap and easy to get, and will offer HD Gaming [if you have the money for one of the ******* TV's], Online Gaming and so many good things at an affordable price. The 360 will turn out much better than XBOX [AKA: The Brick] 1 and will pad Bill Gate's wallet even more. I just wish that they could of gotten Backwards Compatability right, at least Sony was smart enough to put Playstation 1/2 parts in PS3 so it could play most of them right away. Games to get: Perfect Dark Zero, Dead Rising, Saints Row, Call of Duty 2/3, Gears of War, Sneak King [it's 4 bucks], Elder Scrols 4: Oblivion, Viva Pinata [why not], Kameo: Elements of Power, Rainbow 6 Vegas. Wii: I am proud to admit that I am one of the first Million and a half/ 2 Million people to own a Nintendo Wii and to have played it for a a long time, my parents got it on December 17th and I got it for Christmas, and let me tell you I hope it win's because even though it is thought of as a little Gimmick, it has changed the way you play games. Currently the Library is not that big since the thing came out 2 months ago, but you should be able to enjoy it, there are also a few good "Classic Games" that you can download for 5,8 or 10 dollars on the Wii, if you have an XP and the Nintendo Wi-Fi Adaptor [I won't count those games in here though], the Wii proved that the Remote was natural and worked well for the games [though the majority of games WILL **** up], the Wii may be a "Gamecube with a Wii-Mote" and have almost NO "Features" that are a necessity today, and have almost no HD Support, but beleive me it will do damn good. And it is 250 bucks so it will make a good console to have if you want to buy an extra one to go with your 360. Hopefully the games won't turn out to be all gimmicy minigames but the ones on there now are quite good. And with Mario, Metroid, Heetseeker and SSBB out soon the horizon is looking bright for Nintendo's little shiny Wii. Games to Get: Legend of Zelda: TP, Trauma Center, Rayman: Raving Rabbids, Warioware, Red Steel, Call of Duty 3. PS3: Sony said that the 360 flew for the Moon but the PS3 flew for the sun, looks like the PS3 has dove straight into the Sun. Sure the PS3 my be the current Multimedia and Hardware king bastard. But the games do not live up to the wallet rapeing price tag. It is true you get the best kind of HD avaliable with the PS3, and you get Sonys crappy new media format with a large storage capability, but at what cost, the 360 and Wii sell at a profit not but the PS3 costs somewhere between 800 and 1000 dollars to churn out, and with all of the shortages Sony is likley to go bankrupt if this fails since they have blown a ton of money developing it. and I do not want to be boring here, but the PS3's are selling out becase there are so few of them out there, Video Game Hardware is huge in sales and they have yet to break the Million Mark [currently on 800,000] while the Wii has around 2 million sold and the 360 has 9 million out there [and many more on the shelves], if Sony can't get enough of them out there no one will make games because most of the Dev's will need around a million games sold to make a freakin profit off of their hard work because of how expensive PS3 games are to make. If the PS3 starts bombing people will move to the 360 and Wii and the PS3 will become another N64, crappy 3rd party games but the people who take the time and use the hardware to their fullest and make great games, they will sell the System. And the PS3 has yet to prove to me that it will be in every house and sell a massive ammount of Systems, and they say that it will have full HD Power but it is scaling quite terribly and even though they got most of the BILLIONS of classic Play Station games [only around 50 games worth getting out of those Billion?], the HD TV's really **** up the picture, at least Microsoft ported them well, but they had to edit the game to make it work. Personaly I hope that the PS3 fails and it takes Sony down, both: to end their arrogance and to piss off Trevor. Games to Get: Resistance: Fall of Man [one game!?] Nintendo DS: Everyone thought this would be a gimmick, but guess what, now it has more good fun silly games out than I can count and there have been around 23/24 Million sold in the 2 years it has been out [more than the Nintendo Gamecube [AKA GayCube by many who did not like the purple lunchbox] in 6 years]. Sadly we live in America and we can't get the billions of *** Hentai "touch" games that WILL be on the DS [beleive me, look at the majority of *** Games and someone is getting ******]. The DS has worse Graphics than the PSP and is somewhere between Dreamcast and N64, but it proved having uber Graphics does not mater to most good gamers. The DS is also getting more Wi-Fi games and more diffrent fun games coming out for it, if you like normal deep games, or some minigames, or text adventures or you just want something diffrent. Buy the DS. Games to Get: Metroid Prime: Hunters, Phoenix Wright 1/2, Trauma Center, Elite Beat Angents [more fun than it looked, funny game], Animal Crossing [shut up], Wario Ware, Castlevania Dawn of Sorrow, Castlevania Portrait of Ruin, Trace Memory, Metroid Prime: Pinball, New Mario Bros, Super Mario 64DS, Mario Kart DS, Final Fantasy III PSP: I saved the worst for last, the PSP is Sony's effort to unseat Nintendo from everything because that the Playstation was the aborted child of Nintendo [the Playstation was meant to be a CD add on for the SNES, but it was dropped], and they tried to do that by making a portable Multimedia Center... OH! and it plays games too! The basic reason that the PSP [in geek speek] Ph@!ls is because it tried to do way too much. And it was also mind bogglingly expensive to do what is intended to have been done with it. You do need a "Memory Stick" [made by Sony of course] and a 1 Gig one cost's around a hundred dollars [must of gone down by now though], and if you want the now almost dropped UMD movies [again, made by Sony] you gotta pay more money to watch a movie with less features, but its a Sony! [as my friend Trevor says], but then again who can really want to watch "Lords of Dogtown" portably. You can rip movies and music off of your computer, but again lot of memory just ATE up by doing that. The main thing that people talk about is the good graphics of the system [think it is between Dreamcast and PS2] and is incredible for a handheld, I still wonder how they made it so small, but it is so flimsy if you drop it, it's dead. If you want games there is not much you can get, saddly most of the games are crapy watered down ports of PS1, PS2 games, the rest are just big hunks of crap. Nuff said. Games to Get: Socom 1/2, The GTA Game and the Final Fantasy game [so I don't get flamed], Killzone. What I would rate the Systems at launch. 360: 7, Wii: 7, PS3: 5, DS: 6, PSP:4 What I expect to have rated the Systems at the end of their life 360: 9, Wii: 9, PS3:6, DS: 8, PSP: 3 What I expect Sales to be at the end of lifespan. 360: 40/60 Million Wii: 55/70 Million PS3 5/10 Million [if it does not take off] or 20/30 Million DS 80/105 Million PSP 20/25 Million Final Summary statements on the Systems. 360: A GREAT System for those who like Online gaming and FPS games, very affordable. Wii: A lot of promise and I expect to see games that make a great use of the Remote to make more innovative games. PS3: High hopes were had [even by me at the start], but failed to live up to those expectations and burnt a hole into your wallet, wait for a price drop. DS: Innovative handheld with 2 Screens and a Tocuc screen that proved upping the pretty pictures is not all that matters, people want more fun games. PSP: People thought it would kill Nintendo, but it is being kiled by the DS 5:1 in sales and is too expensive for a Handheld system, also too flimsy for anyone under 12. I may of been hard on Sony, but they have lost my trust, I am a person who plays all consoles, but I serriously hope Sony dies this time. This time I am Wii-60 like I was Game-Box [Game Cube, X Box] last time. Let's just hope that in 2011 [when they will probaly die] everything went well and plenty of good games came out

Episode 2 Sneak Peak, Is H-1-t-l-e-r a Jew?

I can't say Hitler in the title... wtf guys?

I got 2 things for you. First the next version of the TV.Com story will be much diffrent than the first, it will be January 2nd after contreversory arises after the Cell Phone Video of Saddams hanging is aired on a public news station, causing it to be aired on every news station and causing riots after making people see the hanging.
Secondly, I have heard on the radio this morning that Hitler had Jews' in his Family, and he renounced his faith because his mother/grandmother was a "promiscious woman"... before I dump all over this I wanna see how true it is. If you have seen the article I am talking about [I just heard about it 10 minutes ago], do you beleive it.

TV.Com, the Story now up!

I think that I need to explain some things about this, first off I don't really expect it to be that great sinch I was mostly just bull ******* this thing. Also it turned out to be more Dramatic than I thought it would, so I went from Comedy and TV Parodys into a sappy Drama/Christmas Special spoof [but I had the characters make fun of it]. I got 3 TV Parodys [that were intentonaly bad] and I wrote the entire story like I said, as forced bad Dramadey, hopefully it will be enjoyable, and rember episode 2 will go back to being over the top comedy bull ****. This was mainly to set up some things anyway, enjoy. Also, anything without the persons name and the ":" sign [as in "Name:"] that is a narrarator describing what is going on, and commenting on things. TV.Com Episode 1: The Christmas Special Wrote by Joe The day is Christmas Eve, and the Mod’s of TV.Com are at the bar, there was Joe, the young one of the group at 23, but he has already become severely depressed and grumpy, he is a Republican who supports Bush and the war on Terror, he is also a very heavy drinker, and never drinks Lite Beer or as he calls it “****** beer”, he is also “a cheap bastard” he is a clerk at a Video Game Store. Then there is Mark, the one closest to Joes personality, he is the biggest sports fan and owns a large collection of sports games on his PS2, he is also grumpy and easily annoyed, he hates how stupid teenagers are and he hates upgrading technology he is also cheap or “thrifty”, he is a Web Designer. Then there is Dave, the Moderate Democrat, he often Photoshop’s pictures on the web site, he says he “likes both sides as long as they don’t screw around too much”, he is also known as “the Chandler of the group”, he works as a Comedian. Then there is Stu, he is the most successful of the group, he is a Democrat but like Dave he tires to find a balance, though he is more left winged than Dave, he also supports the war and believes we should kill the Terrorists if we have to, this amazes Joe, a Democrat who wants to win the war, it’s mind boggling, Dave says that Stu has “a slight gay vibe”, maybe because of Stu’s extensive knowledge of pop culture, his job is a Comedian part time, and a Radio Host 7 days a week. And finally there is Mel, the dominant one of the group, is aggressive and demands control, she watches a lot of old movies and TV shows on TV, like Joe she is also a heavy drinker, but goes for the fancy drinks more and she also wears self described “black bondage clothes”, which do well for her because she is a Stripper and a Dominatrix, but the guys leave her alone on that, she also stalks Andy Samberg and Patrick from Fall Out Boy. Right now they are all at the bar known as “Beer Hold”, a cheap little Dive Bar with some Jazz Musicians on the stage, and drunks fighting and talking to themselves. They are getting drunk and watching the mind-numbing amount of Christmas Specials on the air at the time. Lets see what they are doing now. Joe: Stu, what’s next on the list of crap we gotta review Stu: Let’s see [looks at Laptop] oh crap…”A War at Home Chanukah Special” All: Groaning. Did I forget to mention that they all hate that crappy show, please cancel it. Mark: Well let’s get it over with, get the review up and see how many brain dead dumb ***** we can get to flame us. They turn on the video clip they use as the sample for the Review. The footage has Dave Gold and two of his kid’s and his wife in the Den of the house. Dave Gold: No kids I am not buying you any **** presents, I wash my hands of you go away you little ****ants! Hillary Gold: [gives Dave the finger] I hate you you fat piece of ****! Larry Gold: Now I won’t get my Shakespeare theatre kit WWAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!! [runs away like a gay guy or a girl] Vicky Gold: Well aren’t you an ass you ruined their Chanukah. Dave Gold: **** em I didn’t want the little bastards. Vicky Gold: Says you Mr. cheap condom man. Dave Gold: Sorry [then footage goes to Dave in a white room] can’t the ***** get her tubes tied, and then we can abort those *******. The video is then shut off. Mel: That little ********** is for abortion! Joe: Hey I am pro choice; I just only want it used for extreme cases. Stu: ease off you two, besides were about to hang Saddam [This is the 24th, Saddam died on the 29th] that should make us all happy. Mark: He deserved it. All of them agree. Mel: What’s next. Stu: “King of Queens Christmas” Joe and Dave groan. Dave: Lets get it over with. The footage shows Doug, Carrie and Artie arguing in the Den. Artie: I want FRIED CHICKEN! Doug: I am not buying you anything, shuttie uppie old man! Artie: No you shuttie! Carrie: I am going to kick the crap out of you two if you don’t shut up! Joe turns off the video. Stu: What was that for? Joe: Let’s just get on with it [Joe is getting angry now] Mel: Yeah, I wanna get home and play with Patrick and Salem soon [her cats, if you don’t know her] Stu: It’s Christmas Eve we gotta get done and prepare for the morning so we can exchange presents. Joe: Right… [He just burned some Adam Sandler CD’s] let’s hurry up I got a few hours of drinking to do... Dave: This one does not have a title, it is called “Inspirational Christmas Special No: 126324”. Joe begins taking some swigs from a Flask. Dave: Let’s watch since this is the last one. The clip then goes to the end of the show; the mom and dad of a son with a terminal illness are talking with a Doctor. Mom: How can we save our little boy Doctor? Doctor: I am sorry, there is nothing I can do, his internals will explode, I am so sorry, have a Merry Christmas [the doctor walks out dramatically]. Dad: That little bastard [dramatically picks up his son] WE WILL SAVE YOU SON WE WILL SAVE YOU! The mom and dad then start hugging and crying, the kid is drooling in his bed, and then a white light appears. Mom and Dad: What is that! ???: I am an Angel, and I have a gift for you [it raises it’s hands and a light shoots from them and instantly heals the child] There you go. Mom: Ohmygod! That Angel just healed our son! Dad: Thank you angelic one! Angel: And I have paid your bills for you, here is a million dollars to do as you please [The angel then makes a flash of light and dissipates into thin air] Son: Yay I am okay, and I am not going to die! All is good I love you God! The family then dances out of the Hospital into the Snow and sings “Holly Jolly Christmas” with all kinds of animals leaping around them, and happy music plays in the background. Joe can’t take it anymore. Joe: OH **** THIS! [He punches the Screen, breaking it off of the Laptop] I can’t take this cheerful crap anymore IT MAKES ME SICK! Mark: We all know that sucked, almost every Christmas special sucks, but they are supposed to make you feel good, and that is all that one was trying to do. Joe: **** feeling good! Look at my life, do I have anything good in this pile of crap God has hurled upon me! I was born 9 Weeks early, the doctors thought I was Autistic! When I was 5 some woman had to video tape me to see if I was normal, I had to be put in Special Classes after 4th grade because I would not do my work! I was diagnosed with ADHD! Is that a good life, will this crap make you feel good: NO IT DOES NOT! It makes you think about how much your life sucks and how full of **** everyone who tries to make you feel good is! I am poor, I live in a crappy apartment with a bunch of neighbors who are constantly getting drunk and throwing Molotov cocktails at the other people, I have my Windows and Doors boarded up so I don’t get hit by the gunfire, my only luxuries are the large collection of Video Games I have used my Store Discount to buy, my Guns and the Big Screen TV with Sound System I stole from the Store. And before you start getting all high and mighty about how good life is, look at me and if you still think that Life is a free pass to eat Dinner for free as much as you want at Black Angus [his favorite place to eat, his parents sometimes took him as a child when they could get some money], if you still believe life is a kind mistress who picks you up and heals all wounds when you fail, then you are more retarded than Paris Hilton. I wanted to be a Detective and help solve crimes and serve my Country, but I am doing the only thing I am qualified to do: selling Video Games. And now it is Christmas, the time where all of the losers try to inspire people, the joy, the happiness, the media whoring of that fat red bastard, I AM SICK OF IT! I can’t wait to see all of those retarded children’s faces as it is revealed to them that Santa is not real, he was just a man thousands of years ago who rode around on a donkey giving everyone a present. And now I am going to get drunk and fire off some rounds at the Junk Yard, and if I wake up in the morning I will come back, good-bye. [Joe buys a couple bottles of Beer as everyone else looks on.] Mel: Wow… I did not know he had so many problems. Stu: He voted for Bush, that’s what he gets. Mark and Dave: Knock it off Stu. Stu: Sorry… I knew he was screwed up but [he looks at the door] oh god what is he doing now. Joe is standing by the door glaring at a crowd of people by it. Joe: Get the **** out of the way you little ****weeds! People are not supposed to crowd a door [punches them all] I hope someone with Steel Toed boots steps on your ******* heads [storms out and slams door]. Mark: You must admit he is right on that, those people deserved it for standing by that door. Mel: Did he have to punch them? Stu: He is a raging alcoholic; if he does not take his rage out on them then he will go Lindsay Lohan and plow his Truck into anything that cuts him off. Dave: I’m still surprised that no one tried to hold him back. Stu: The bartender doesn’t care, and I think he was about to move them anyway. Mel: Looks like the Janitor is shoving them out of the way [she points at the Janitor shoving the knocked out people out of the way with his mop] Mark: Lazy bastard. Stu: I am still trying to figure out the reality in all of the crap that has happened. There is no reality, an idiot is writing this story. Dave: What are we going to do? Mel: I don’t know, it is sad to see someone so young [Joe is 24 in here, Mel is 24, Stu is 27, Mark is 28 and Dave is 27. Thought this would be the time to get that out of the way] Stu: WAIT! I got an idea, I will be on the Radio in an Hour, and I need you to help. I will tell you what to do when I get there, lets go. Now everything skips ahead to Christmas morning at 8:00 A.M. in Joes Apartment. It is 3 rooms, 1 main room, one rest room and a closet, everything is boarded up, there are food and drink stains on the carpet, broken bottles and fast food wrappers cover the floor, the only decorations are some shelves made out of broken fences and bricks, some milk crates and the TV with the Video Games. His cat Homer is lying on the TV. He is watching a DVD of “Arrested Development” and twirling a Glock around his fingers while painting on a sandwich board. He hears a knock at the door. But does not answer it. Then he hears a voice. Stu: Joe! Open the door! Joe: No, I don’t wanna, go away! Mark: You better open the damn door or I am going to break it down! Joe: I don’t care go away! Mark: Fine [kicks the door breaking it open] Joe: So you got in, don’t bother me. Dave: What the hell are you doing? Joe: I guess it can’t hurt, I am watching “Arrested Development”… one last time. Dave: What do you mean by one last time. Joe: I am going to get revenge on everything I had to suffer for, I will go to the Holiday Parade [because Christmas can’t be used, to Religious] wearing this Sandwich board with a picture of Santa being decapitated on it, and I will put a bullet into my head on Live TV and ruin the childhood of millions of people [looking in the air and pointing at the ceiling] you like that god, I had to suffer and now I am going to ruin everyone else’s lives HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! My life has been one disappointment after another, and now when millions of people see a man committing suicide on Live TV they will be traumatized and I will have the last mother-******* laugh! Joe begins laughing maliciously; the group knows that they need to do it now. Mel: You little bastard knock it off [she punches Joe in the face making blood come out of his nose] you don’t need to kill yourself. Joe: Why not? [Wipes blood off his nose and rubs it onto his jacket and his face turns from a depressed mopey look like he usually has, into a demonic evil grin] And if you do that again I will take all of you to hell with me! Mel: Do you know what we did for you last night, we knew that somewhere deep inside your body… very ******* deep inside there was a good person, and we wanted to help you because we saw how tragic your life was, but now we know that you have lost it, goodbye. [The 4 begin leaving] Joe: [drops his gun which was pointed at his head while Mel was talking and his face turns into a confused look] What… what did you guys do for me? Stu: I used my Radio show that was having a “Christmas Gift Contest” that was giving out 50,000 dollars [tax free] and I cheated so that we would win, we all split the money and we bought you some gifts. Joe: I don’t know about you but there is more bull-**** in that than the fact that Jerry was ******* a different Model every night on “Seinfeld”… Dave: It’s true, wanna see it? Joe: Yes! [Joe runs out of the building to the Car that the 4 came in] Holy crap! A Nintendo Wii with Zelda: Twilight Princess, Call of Duty 3, Red Steel, Madden 2007 and Trauma Center Second Option and a Xbox360 with Perfect Dark Zero, Gears of War, Oblivion and Dead Rising. I can’t believe it why did you do it. For the first time in his life, Joe looked genuinely happy, and unlike the other times it was not because he saw someone get hurt, he finally had someone show him compassion. It is said that he grew a heart after this. Mark: Wanna go play Madden. Joe: Lets go! They run up the stairs like little kids Mel: He looks happy for once. Stu: I have never seen him smile like that before, I saw him grin at car crashes but I’ve never seen him looking that happy. Dave: Perhaps Mel was right, there is a good person in there, and maybe it will come out one day. Stu: And now we can all move into the nice Apartments by Rockerfeller Center, we can be walking distance from seeing Conan now! Dave: Our lives will get much better because we stole form the deserving people, freakin sweet! Mel: Well this has been a weird day. A blinding light appears and an Angel floats down, the 3 of them look surprised by it. Angel: You have just been granted you Christmas Wish, judging by the surprised looks on your face I have done my job, Merry Christmas. Joe then looks out the window. Joe: AW **** IT! We were in a Christmas Special! Mel: [yelling so Joe can hear her] But didn’t it make you feel good! Joe: I knew that something was going on by all of the crappy Drama that happened today, ******* Angel, suck my ***** you little queer! Mark: Relax; we have money. Joe: But you never buy anything new, what the hell are you going to do with your 10,000 dollars? Mark: I’ll just figure out something to do after we move into the new Apartments. Joe: Right… aw crap I gotta pack up now, [picks up the cat] Homer move I gotta box up everything. Mel: I thought this was unrealistic… but a damn angel. Stu: what about being closer to Samberg. Mel: All right! Dave: I looked at apartments this morning, we can get 2 apartments with 2 bedrooms that are across the hall from each other and easily afford living in them. Mel: I’m not sleeping with you guys. Dave: Let’s just have Joe sleep on a Couch, I didn’t see one in there and I suppose we will have a pull out bed on a Couch in there. Stu: So it’s worked out, lets go. Christmas music plays as everyone goes back to their houses and packs up so they can move into a new Apartment by Rockerfeller Center, what will happen to them, find out next time, and there will be much less sappy Drama bull****, this was like when Kenny died on “South Park” for Christ sake. The End.

Story Update

I am almost done with Page 8 and I suppose it will be 10/11 Pages after I complete it, and I just wrote 4 Pages today, and 1 page was my character going on a disturbing rant. In the morning I will complete it and post it. And let me just say that the 3 "Tv Parodies" I wrote were wrote to be bad, the last one it the most intentonaly bad though. And there will be a few words "*****"ed out in there, it might suck, but the next one will improve on it.

I got two things to say today.

I am now the proud owner, of all 3 Seasons of "Arrested Development", on Friday I went and got Season 1, and last night I got Season 2 [and Call of Duty 3 for my Wii], finaly I can relive one of the greatest TV Shows to ever be killed before it should of been, lets all take a moment to mourn Arrested. And also for those of you wondering about the Story, I have 2 and a half pages [double spaced] written so far.