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Darth-Revan45 Blog

Story Characters Sneak Peak! The 4 of you better get your ass in here!

Even though I am doing this I think Mel will be the only one to read, since she is the only one who has taken a ******* intrest in the story.


An aggressive man who is a Conservative Republican with some Centerist Leanings, he is also a heavy drinker and quick to anger. He hates how TV is at the moment and preffers comedy shows, bt hates laugh tracks in most shows, he is a good person to his friends but he hates almost everyone else, he drives a Hummer because "the faster we use up the gas, the faster we will get new gas", he is also a Bush supporter and feels outnumbered in the group. He also has a passionate hatred for "The War at Home" on Fox and he makes it known. He is a tightwad as well and does not have much of a fashion sense, because he does not care for it. Hates Cell Phones and refuses to buy one, and he almost never uses his own phone.He is a cheap bastard who suffers from depression and has a terrible life. The only plus in his life is his large video game collection, and bottles of beer. He also describes himself as "evil genius".

Job: Video Game Store Employee

Age: 24

[She gave me this] Melissa "Mel":

An agressive, dominating female who takes control of the situation and demands control. She has a love of old shows and movies, and tends to watch that more on TV than anything else. She doesn't care about style or the latest look. Her wardrobe consists of mostly dark and black clothes, slight bondage look.

Job: Dominatrix and stripper at a local club. The club is a bit more violent though.

Age: 25


The "sane" one of the group, has an extensive knowlege of pop culture, is a Democrat who SUPPORTS the War and knows we should kill the terrorists which amazes Joe, he thought he would never see one, he also has the most money and is the most genorous of the bunch. He is also the first to correct someone and make fun of them.

Job: A Comic and a Radio Personalaty

Age: 27

Mark: The oldest and grumpiest of the group, much like Joe, he hates Technology, but on a larger scale. He does not like to upgrade his appliances and is annoyed by how much the world has changed since he is old fashioned He is a Republican like Joe and he HATES Tina Fey. Joe identifies with him the most. Hates people acting wimpy and hates how dumb teenagers are, and hates how American Idol got so popular. He is cheap and he hates clutter, most of his appliances would be in date in 1995 and he is a big sports fan.

Age: 28

Job: Graphic Designer.

Dave: Has a similar personalaty to Stu, and is also quick to mock people, is known for photoshopping pictures on TV.Com. He is a moderate who just goes with what feels right in the elections, and he hates campaign ad's, but who doesn't.

Age: 27

Job: Comedian

Any more revisions, tell me fast because the late Christmas Story will begin writing tommorow [I have been sidetracked because of the new Zelda game]

Christmas Report!

I had a decent Christmas, but one great thing did happen, I FINALY GOT MY NINTENDO WII AND LEGEND OF ZELDA: TWILIGHT PRINCESS! One of the best games I have ever played and I am only past the first Level on there. The Wii also had a Sports Game packed in and I have been playing Bowling on there a lot. And to all of those people worried about me breaking the wrist strap of the remote [look it up], I am not retarded, I can hold on to a quarter pound of plastic. I also went to my Grandmas house for Dinner and I had a steak, sicne I couldnt bring the Wii with me [DAMN IT] I brought my new Seinfeld DVD [Season 7] and watched it with Homer [the cat], I also got DVD's of The Simpsons [Season 8 and 9], Family Guy [Volume 4] and I got 6 new SNL best of DVD's. Wish I could of gotten DVD's of Arrested Development [Season 1 and 2], My Name is Earl [Season 1], Married... With Children [Season 5 and 6] and Volume 1 of Whose Line is it Anyway [Uncensored], but no, hell I do have 20 SNL DVD's and my friend Jeff has Season 1 of SNL and he is going to bring that over, he is watching my copy of "Ricky Bobby: Talladega Nights" right now. Lets just get this done with and by the way, I will post pictures of my Wii soon.


Alright, tommorow I am going to only have 1 final out of 3 Classes! All I need to do is write an Essay which is a compare/contrast of the movie "Radio" [good movie] amd the Play "A Rasin in The Sun", then I go into Drama where I TA in there, I will probaly just wind up being on the Internet for 75 minutes, and in Guitar my teacher dosent do a Final, and he told me I am doing good enough [I got an 85] so I don't really need to do anything, then I go home at 11:40. And on Thursday I have Algerba [which I have failed both times I took it last year], think I will bomb it, but I do have a 100 or an A+ in Laymans terms in World History and in that one I will do great, and in Living World [Biology] I also have a score in the high 90's so I will do well, and her tests aren't very hard either. So then I am off on Friday the 22nd until January 8th, plenty of time to break in the Nintendo Wii and write some stuff. Have a great day everyone!

Lv 18: Land Shark!

I am now a LV 18 and I am hoping to rise up even further! But something terrible is happening, the point score for "The War at Home" has risin, please go to that show and give it a Zero to put it back where it belongs. Also I am finalising the Tv.Com story no I just need Mel to send everything she did over and I will begin writing.

Review Question

I am wondering, are the "Featured Reviews" ones that are highly liked? or ones that are read a lot, I was wondering since I saw my SNL review for the Ludachris episode on there. Also I have 237 reviews on here [TV.Com] and please go read em, I want people to read em.

Attention Mel, Stu, Dave and Mark, go here! TV.Com Story Stuff!

Okay guys, I am working on getting Tv.Com: The Show set up right now, but I need you to do your character descriptions for me. Mel is going to do some pictures on Dollhouse.Com, and I am working on everything else. So set up your charactars for me. And I will use them in the story, just give me how you want to act, what your job is [besides being "The Head Mods on TV.Com since I am making us all that], I am also going to make us all in our 20's since we hang out at a Bar to discuss TV Shows.

Here is mine:


An aggressive man who is a Conservative Republican with some Centerist Leanings, he is also a heavy drinker and quick to anger. He hates how TV is at the moment and preffers comedy shows, bt hates laugh tracks in most shows, he is a good person to his friends but he hates almost everyone else, he drives a Hummer because "the faster we use up the gas, the faster we will get new gas", he is also a Bush supporter and feels outnumbered in the group. He also has a passionate hatred for "The War at Home" on Fox and he makes it known. He is a tightwad as well and does not have much of a fashion sense, because he does not care for it.

Job: Owner of a Video Game Store

Age: 21 [I am thinking of aging us up as I said]

And rember, we all live in New York by Rockerfeller Center, so we can watch Conan and SNL every week live ;).

Conversation of me and Trevor

This was from me and Trevor on the School Bus on Monday. We were discussing the Nintendo Wii and the Sony PS3 Me: Are you gonna get a Wii Trevor: **** no I don't wanna wave a remote around. Me: You lazy pice of ****. Trevor: Yeah, well Nintendo sucks, all they do is make games, and the PS3 has better graphics HA! Me: So because the Wii can't play DVD's or Music it suck's right? Trevor: YES! Me: It is a "Video Game System" not a Multimedia... Entertainment System. Trevor: Should be, Sony KICKS ASS! Me: Sony builds defective crap. Trevor: Oh yeah, Erik [another friend] what do you think of Sony [Erik gestures with his hands], see 2 against 1 *****! Me: I like some stuff Sony makes, but the quality sucks hard. Trevor: No it don't! Me: Did you know the Wii has already had 1,000,000 Consoles sold while the PS3 has around 350,000. Trevor: No it dosent, the PS3 will win! Me: Yeah, and while you are saving up 600 bucks I will be playing Twilight Princess on the 25th. Trevor: No you aren't, I am getting a PS3 cause Sony rules! They do everything! Me: Yes they do... what do you really not like about Nintendo. Trevor: All of the games they make are rated "E", E is ***! Me: Elaborate... Trevor: Kiddie games arent fun they are for dumb ass kids. Me: Unlike you I can acctualy allow an E rated game INSIDE my console because I don't care about the rating, I care about how fun the game is and Nintendo is the only one that can make good games, Sony made games and they sucked. Trevor: No they did not! And I will play Grand Theft Auto you kiddie hahaha!! Me: Gonna kill people with the purple fun rod again? [he does kill people with that thing...] Trevor: Yes, it's funny! Me: And youre calling ME immature. Trevor: You are, I am smarter than you [he only has better grades in Algerba, and that is since I suck at it]. Me:Oh well, while you are saving up I am gonna get my Wii and Zelda, then I will get a 360, Perfect Dark Zero, Kameo, Gears of War, Dead Rising and a lot of other good games. Trevor: Those suck! Me: God. When that thing catches on Fire tel me so I can point and laugh and wave my Wii-Mote in your face. Trevor: It wont catch on fire, because it is good. Me: Let me ask you this uber-fanboy... do you think the PS3 acctualy looks "cool". Trevor: **** yeah! everything Sony makes looks cool. Me: **** this... you are the epitome of a Sony Fanboy, and Sony Fanboys have the greatest power in the universe, the ability to deny anything. Trevor: What? Me: **** OFF! Then we got to his stop and he got off the bus... sadly this is true, I just re organised some of it... and some was from a Myspace conversation [go on there he is "The Dark One" and I mock him a lot in the comments].