--for its horrible A.I.--
if your looking down a hallway with enemys on the other side, i put the little arrow down the hallway to my team can go kill who ever is down there, but no. they dont for some unknown reason they cant move down a hallway, they dont say why they cant but they just dont move. :|
running though a level with a bunch of doors, they get stuck behind doors, the door wont open for them, so i have to go back and get them.
they hardly ever use thier special skills on enemys.
when shooting an enemy whos behind a box or a wall...thier leg/arm is basically poping out in view, and i can shoot thier leg/arm until they die, they dont even realise thier being shot and run away.
durring some boss fight or some special geth soldier, my team stands out in the open instead of taking cover.
--for its the devs lazyness of armor/weapon models--
theres about 2 differnt sniper gun models or assult gun models.
you have about 6+ differnt pistols/shotguns/assult rifles ect... thats the same weapon model but the only difference is the gun color. so for example you have a 60damage,100damage, 140damage, 166damage, 180 damage gun... and the only differnce is one is all red, one is all black, one has a red stripe, one has a blue stripe...but thier all the same gun model.
--and for the horrible data streaming--
you open your character skill screen and the textures are N64...10secondes later its the normal graphics. this happends with in game movies, when getting out of your vehicle, when moving to a new area, or room. it ruins the feeling of the game when textures look like nintendo64 for 10seconds and then finnaly the right textures load.
Yeah, I don't care what the gun looks like, for one, just what it does to the other guy.
PS: No...just no man. You have no idea what you're talking about.
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