@jesus_knight @Darth_Tyrranus I've tried IGN before, but I have found their website to be a little more difficult to navigate than Gamespot's. That was a while ago, though, and things may have changed.
@alphardxyz @thequickshooter @Darth_Tyrranus You are telling us to go away when that is exactly what we are talking about doing....What a completely redundant and useless response.
With all the worthless articles like this that we have been getting, I'm seriously considering switching to a different gaming website for my news. Does anyone have any recommendations?
@SilentStorm85 @Darth_Tyrranus I'll be writing a real response to your post after you've learned enough grammar to be actually comprehensible. Seriously, why bother responding to someone if you're just going to write in chicken scratch?
A small vocal minority trying (but failing) to ban minors from playing M-rated games is very different from a country that actually censors the game from everyone because it contains a message they don't like.
Will this new Xbox even be able to take full advantage of an 8 core CPU? Nowadays PC companies' seem to be marking their computers solely based on the number of cores in the CPU, despite the fact that adding more cores does not necessarily increase speed or performance.
Darth_Tyrranus' comments