Poker! And don't say it's a given. That casino sits unused 5 years later in gta. Set limits or something, like $500 table limits, just get it in there.
Horseback sucks in this game. You spend most of the game doing it. That's why this game is boring. It doesn't matter how pretty the scenery is. I can only take so much of bumbling along on my horse to get somewhere and then backtracking the same path to get back to civilization. Hunting, fishing, bounty hunting are all enjoyable, but I dread the ride back almost as much as getting up for work on mondays. I felt the same with the first game, and this game made it worse because pushing your horse too hard could kill it.
This single thing leads me to not want to explore, because then I have to make the return trip. This game makes me realize how lucky I am to live in a world with cars.
@Bread_or_Decide: the problem is I think they got much worse in this game. I thought GTA 5 was fine mechanically, especially compared to RDR 1 and GTA 4. I'm still trying to find a decent setting for shooting. I've never played a game that seems to fight me so hard when aiming.
@rotchild: I cannot speak about how this game does these things, but my first thought was Fallout New Vegas' hardcore mode. I really liked how it was implemented in that game. It was important to pay attention and manage your inventory, but it wasn't invasive. Also, it was kept separate from difficulty, which Fallout 4's Survival mode seems to have forgotten... but that's besides the point.
proof that the flash suit makes you look like a giant goofus no matter who you are, and a well placed hood is usually bad ass. The original flash with the Hermes inspired helmet is much better looking.
Every one of you circle jerkers are going to buy this. Just like Destiny, just like Call of Duty, just like every EA best seller that comes down the pike. Complain all you want, deny as you will, you're still getting it, and you're going to hypocritically whisper one thing: "meh, it's not that bad".
DeFiLeDTitan's comments