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Presedential Election 2008

After much thought, and tal with other people, I've decided who I want to get the nominatio from each party. Here we are.


Barack Obama

Why?: He's the only Democratic nominee who should even consider being President. He's the kind of man who will listen to other people and do what would be best for the people, not his own interests. He seems to be a good guy, and would make good relations with other countries and handle international problems well. His policies on major issues are pretty dead on, and would be great for this country. I also like his campaigning **** He tries to be as positive as possible about himself, and tries not to trash other candidates.

Ideas on Major Issues: (+ is good, - is bad)

Abortion: Supports abortion rights. +

Immigration: Supported Bush-backed immigration reform legislation. + (about the only thing Bush did right)

Iraq: Opposed use of military force in Iraq. Once called for withdrawl by the end of 2006. Voted for war spending bill that would have withdrawn most troops by March 2008. +

Same Sex Marriage- Opposes same-sex marriage, but also opposes a constitutional ban. Supports civil unions. +, if it means he personally disapproves, but thinks they have a right. - if he means gays shouldn't be allowed to marry. (I used to think gays were weird, but I realize now it is a choice, and my family knows some gay people that are really fun to have around)

Social Security: Opposes Bush plan allowing workers to divert some Social Security payroll taxes into private retirement accounts. +

Taxes: Opposes extending Bush 2003 Bush tax cut law through 2010. Supports eliminating marriage penalty and extending child tax credit. +

His running mate should beHIllary Clinton. I think that Clinton could be good as a leader if she had limited power. Odds are, John Edwards willbe his running mate.


Why?: There is absolutely no question. John McCain is definitely the best choice on the Republican side. I pick him for the same reasons as I picked Barack Obama for the Democrats. He wants to do what's best for the people, and is open minded enough to consider other options. He is not stubborn. McCain also has a very positive campaign ****

Ideas on Major Issues:

Abortion: Supports abortion rights. +

Immigration: Supported Bush-backed immigration reform legislation. +

Iraq: Opposed use of military force in Iraq. Voted for war spending bill that would have withdrawn most troops by March 2008. Once called for an end of 2006 withdrawl. +

Same-sex Marriage: Opposes same-sex marriage, but opposes a constitutional ban. Supports civil unions. (Smae thing as Barack, the wording is confusing to me). + or - (see Barack Obama explanation)

Social Security: Opposes Bush plan allowing workers to divert some Social Security payroll taxes intro private retirement accounts. +

Taxes: Opposed extending 2003 Bush tax cut law through 2010. Supports elminating marriage penalty and extending child tax credit. Supports scaling back capital gains dividends tax cuts and re-examining tax benefits for the top once percent oof earners. +

His running mate should be Mitt Romney. Mitt would without a doubt make the second best Republican president. I like Mike Huckabee because he's a nice guy, and he has some good policies, but I'm not sure if he would make a great president. Eiher one of them would be fine as long as McCain beats them. Most likely running mate is Mitt Romney.

While I'm in a political mood, I'll give my opinion on our current president, George W. Bush.

George Bush, is NOT the worst president in the history of the U.S., as so many people say. Do I think he's good? No. Is he as bad as most people portray him to be? No. He comes off as a blabbering idiot because he has dyslexia. His IQ is actually as high as Al Gore's, contrary to belief. So overall, I don't think he's a good president, but he's not absolutely abominable. And hey, it's America's fault he got into office twice, not his, He's trying his hardest, but we got him in office, and his hardest isn't good enough.

Elmis Inspired Reviews

Elmis reviewed the entire Smashing Pumpkin's discography not too long ago. I will follow, and do the same exact thing. They go in order from best to worst.

EDIT: "Gish's" score should be 9.3, "Adore's" should be 9.2 (same), "Gish" should be 2, "Adore" should be 3.

1. Siamese Dream

"Siamese Dream" was The Smashing Pumpkins first truly popular album. It starts off with "Cherub Rock", one of the all-time great openers in my opinion. with a sonic screeching solo and catchy octave riffs. Now that they have your attention, they grab you with "Quiet" which is the exact opposite of what it says it is. A heavy, hard rock driven song, that keeps you hooked to the album. This is when you hear "Today", the most popular song off this album. It starts off with a peaceful, quiet riff, and then starts blasting your eardrums, only to return to quiet. It goes back and forth like this until you reach the second chorus, and then it stays loud, and only gets better. Then comes one of my personal favorites, "Hummer". A beautiflu slow song, which shows The Pumpkins' ability to blend slow, melodic tunes with heavy distortion and noises near supersonic. "Rocket" opens up with a catchy riff, and then draws you in to something special. "Disarm" is the softest song on this album, and definitely the best written one. From the opening "Disarm you with a smile/cut you like you want me too", to the famous, "The killer in me is the killer in you/I send this smile over to you," it has amazing lyrics. "Soma" has an amzing solo, and has true production talent showing in it, with over 40 guitar overlays. The soft "na na na na"s, and screaming solos make this great. "Geek USA" is amazing, and has spiraling solos and heavy riffs. Definitely one of The Pumpkins best. Then, my very favorite Pumpkins song ever,"Mayonaise" comes in. Don't be fooled by the name, it's a very powerful and beautiful song. "Spaceboy", probably the weakest track, while still a good song, seems a little out of place, but that doesn't mean it's in any way a bad song. "Silverf**k" takes a twist with a seemingly endless song, complete with everything, even a toy laser gun being shot off, which strangely blends in perfectly. "Sweet Sweet" is a quick, and...well sweet song. It ends with "Luna", which is a good way to put away the album. Not the best track, not the worst. It doesn't make you upset that it's over, but it doesn't make you dislike it. It gives you perfect contentment.


2. Adore (Make it #3)

I was always hesitant, maybe a little worried to buy this album because of a few things. First of all, that cover just scares the crap out of me. It looks like a clip from a horror movie, not a Smashing Pumpkins album cover. More importantly, I worried the lack of JImmy Chamberlin would hurt. I'm pleased to say that after I bought it recently, all my fears were for nothing. "To Sheila" starts it off. A soft and beautiflu song, that lets you know what the rest of this album will be like. It leads into "Ava Adore" the title track, which may sound a little too techno at the very beginning, but it becomes one of the best on the album. I think my iTunes may have the order screwed up, but "Perfect" comes next. It's nothing less than what it claims to be: perfect. By now, you've gotten use to the changed, mature Pumpkins sound, and you hear "Daphne Descends", which follows in the steps of what the album sounds like. "Once Upon A Time" is a good song, but nothing special for this album. Next come "Tear" and "Crestfallen", which are both a strange mix of heaviness, and softness. Next, the most electronic sounding song on the album, "Appels+Oranjes"
plays. I don't see it as a stand-out or anything, but it's good. I'm getting antsy too talk about the true standout, so let's skip everything else, and get to "For Martha". The piano serenades you for much of the song, with an acoustic coming in soon to join it. This 8 minute masterpiece seems like it will stay this way forever, until the elctric joins in, and the real beauty opens. This song is truly Corgan's best lyrical writing. This album is the same, the best Pumpkins lyrics. It's hard to describe most of these songs, hence why I won't review them all, it's getitng hard. Just listen for yourself, you'll know what I mean/


3. Gish (Make it # 2)

This is the album that started it all. The Pumpkins in all their glory. the unique sound, it all started here. They start their career with the opener, "I Am One", which sets the stage for every album to come. Heavy, overlayed multiple times, a distinctive guitar solo and vocals. Just what The Smashing Pumpkins are all about. "Siva" seems like an early "Geek USA", with the same type fo solo, and a great riff. It stays the course of "I Am One" and keeps the adrenaline going. "Rhinocerous" is a quick change of pace from the heavy openers. It's a beautiful song. "Bury Me" has a very agressive title, but it turns into something catchy and fun to listen to. "Crush" is a slow song that shows you that The Smashing Pumpkins aren't just another hard rock band. "Suffer" is similar to "Crush", and does the same thing for you. The production on this track especially bringe out the maximum potential of the sound. "Snail" is my second favorite track on here after "I Am One", this sounds like The Pumpkins you would hear throughout the '90s. Melody and distortion stuck in a blender and made amazingly well. "Tristessa" is fairly heavy at times, but turns into something very worth listening to. "Window Paine's" tremolo filled slow riff is an attention grabber for sure. As the closing comes near, "Daydream" starts up. It was actually sung by D'Arcy, and works out as a perfect way to close up the album.


4. American Gothic

After "Zeitgeist", I was worried that we had lost the original Smashing Pumpkins. But not to worry, here comes "American Gothic"!!! "Rose March" is a great song, which is mostly Corgan playing acoustic guitar and singing, but drums and an elctric guitar come in in the later half of the song. It reminds me of the Pumpkins glory days. If they had to put this on a studio album, I would put it on "MACHINA I" which would save that album from being absolutely horrible. "Again, Again, Again (The Crux)" is catchy. "Pox" has a very strange name, but look past it, and there is a great song hiding. "Sunkissed" is just plain great. No other way to describe it. This album itself, is a return to form (in my opinion), and nothing short of great.


5. MACHINA II/The Friends and Enemies of Modern Music

It's almost impossible to contemplated that these wre "MACHINA I" outtakes. To be completely honest, I can't find my iPod, and this got deleted form my iTunes, so I haven't given it a listen in a while. I always knew something was weird about Billy Corgan's singing on "Go", until I found out it was really James Iha singing :P.


6. Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness

Don't make me get into every song. That would be murder. This album has a few golden tickets, but it lacks the amazement of it's predecessors, and its processor. The main stand outs are "1979", "Thirty-Three", and "Zero". "1979" is to this day one of The Smashing Pumpkins' best songs. It has an very intriguing beat, followed by a mesmerizing riff, and Corgan's vocals. It has great layering in the song, and is composed very well. "Thirty-Three" is a great song, peaceful and quiet, yet powerful in some strange way. "Zero" is the the best lyrical song on this album (not saying too much), complete with a crazy solo and dirty riffs. "Bullet With Butterfly Wings" is another good song on this album, but it's almost impossible to find any meanng in the song. Overall a good album worth a listen.

EDIT: "Tonight, Tonight" is one of The Pumpkins' finest.


7. Zeitgeist

Yell at me all you like for not putting this almost last, but I actually did enjoy listening to this album. Sure it wasn't "Siamese Dream", "Adore", or "Gish", but it means The Pumpkins returned. I also did enjoy this album, for whatever reason. "Doomsday Clock" opens up and sets the bar up high. "7 Shades of Black" is one of the better songs on this album. "Bleeding the Orchid" is one of my favorite songs on the album, as it has an inspiring tone. "That's the Way (My Love Is)" is clearly the best on the album. It's the closest they get to their '90s sound. "Tarantula" was the first single, and one of the better songs on the album. "Starz" is kind of weird, but not a horrible song. "United States" was a great song, that reminded me of "Silverf*ck" a little. "Neverlost" is a kind of annoying song. "Bring the Light" has got more radio play than any other song off of "Zeitgeist.", but it's not near the best, it's prety good though. "(Come On) Let's Go!" is a catchy poppy Pumpkins song. "For God and Country" is okay, but nothing too good. "Pomp and Circumstances" is a good song, but like the rest of the album, is nothing special. The bonus track ony my version, "Zeitgeist" is okay, "Death From Above", which I downloaded was also pretty good, but the bonus track that was truly better than any song on "Zeitgeist" was the iTunes bonus track, "Stellar". It would be right at home on a different album. The biggest complaint I have is that Billy Corgan stopped whining and started singing politically. Leave the politics to punks, do your job and whine Billy.



This was a huge disappointment. I had been told this rocked, that it combined their early sounds of "Gish" and "Siamese DReam" with "Adore". Of course, that was completely off-course. This was nothing short of an abomination for The Pumpkins. I adore "Stand Inside Your Love" and "The Everlasting Gaze" is good, but nothing else can hook me. There's no distinctive solos, or even The Pumpkins traditional sound. While "Zeitgeist" wasn't great or anything, it was definitely a step in the right direction after this. I actually thought this was okay when I first got it, but after listening to the whole thing, terrible. Skip this album, get the other ones.


That took a long time. I still need to get "Pisces Iscariot", the B-Sides album, but I wouldn't count that anyway. I still need it.

I'll do this for The Red Hot Chili Peppers, Foo Fighters, and maybe Radiohead later.

Badass Money Gouging

I gouged a crap load of money over the past couple days, on CDs, DVDs, a game, and even a shirt. I got.

"Adore" by The Smashing Pumpkins

That's a pretty creepy cover, might turn a few people away from it. That's a shame though, as it truly is a great album. Definitely The Pumpkins third best after "Siamese Dream" and "Gish."


"Immagine in Cornice" by Pearl Jam (Live DVD)

It was this or a live Pixies DVD...I chose this obviously. Awesome DVD. The performance of "ALive" on this is the best performance I've seen of any song ever.


"Live! Tonight! Sold Out!" by Nirvana (Live DVD)

I regret picking this over "Unplugged in New York". Pretty good, but some of the songs get cut off, and there's very little on the DVD. The great performances of "About A Girl," "Negative Creep," "Drain You," "Lithium," and "On A Plain" save it.


Pixies Shirt

Can't find a picture, but it's too badass.

10/10 (funny to rate a shirt)

I also bought a badass flannel because my other one is too thin and I'm freezing. :P Mmmmm, pointless nostalgia :lol:.

Cover Recording Started!!!

Well it's about time. I'm using Garage Band instead of the complicated program the system came with, and it's actually just as good quality. I'm recording "Where Is My Mind?" first (and because it's so easy), I should have it up tonight. The recording quality has a good bit of static, so adjustments are needed (the main one being the fact that whenever the lead guitar stops playing I have to stop altogether and record each verse, chorus, and the solo individually). I've recorded the first verse and chorus, and so far it's great. Not the best sound quality, but not bad for home recording.

Music Quiz

I'm going to test you're knowledge on music (I've done this based on guitar before) so let's see if you can get them all.

1. Who formed first, The Red Hot Chili Peppers or Jane's Addiction?

2. What famous song's riff is this the start of?







3. What song is this lyric from, "She lives with a broken man/I cracked polystyrene man."

4. easy question) Who is "God"?

5. What guitarist of what band played the solo to "Them Bones"? (basically, who is the song by and who's their guitarist)

6.What was The Smashing Pumpkins first single?

7. Name every band Slash has been a member of.

8. What song is this lyric from?

"The sky was your playground/but the cold ground was your bed."

9. What day did Kurt Cobain die on?

10. What song has this basic chord progression (Hint: the lead riff along to this uses only three notes, and two strings)?

E Ab A (all barre chords)

11. What was Velvet Revolver's first single?

12, Name the only guitarist from Sonic Youth who is no longer in the band.

13. What was The Screaming Tress last studio album?

14. What was Pearl Jam's fmost successful single from "Ten?"

15. What level has Soundgarden's "Superunknown" been certified by the RIAA?

In rocking news, I created an artist page for myself on The link's

on my about me, but it won't take you there because I need to record and

upload a song before they accept it. I'll record "Mayonaise" once I figure

out the recording thing.

I named my project "Where Is My Mind?" after The Pixies song, and the first

"album" I record will be semi-ironically titled "Finding My Mind", with this as the artwork.

An Elmis Inspired List

I've decided to make a list of songs that should be in the next Guitar Hero or Rock Band. I still have yet to play Rock Band. but it sounds a lot better than GH. Here we go:

1. "Alive" by Pearl Jam

Yes this was on Elmis' list too, but I can't stand that "Evenn Flow" and "Life Wasted" were thought of for use before "Alive". This has easily one of my five favorite guitar solos ever (maybe single favorite ever), and the riffs reek of bottom-kickocity.

2. "Superunknown" by Soundgarden

This is an unusual pick. "Superunknown" was an incredibly popular and overall amazing album, but this was never even released as a single. Okay, now listen to the song, and tell me that opening riff isn't badass. Contiinue listening, the chorus riff is also awesome, but wait, there's a guitar solo! It's insanely fast, and would be hard to play in the game. This could be on Rock Band because it has awesome drums, bass, and vocals as well.

3. "Geek USA" by The Smashing Pumpkins

Another song shared on Elmis' list, but I've been hoping for this song to get on GH for about a year. The riffs would fit perfectly into the gameplay, and that solo, wooo.

4. "In Your Honor" by The Foo Fighters

In my opinion, the best song of "In Your Honor", easy. I can picture playing it on Rock Band easily, from the awesome chord progressions (and I believe octaves somewhere in the song, not sure), and incredible drumming, it fits perfectly.

5. "About A Girl" by Nirvana

A great song, that would take a little engineering to get work in a game, but I can picture the solo riff fitting greatly in the game.

6. "Electioneering" by Radiohead

Tell me those riffs aren't mind warping.

7. "Animal" by Pearl Jam

Another PJ tune would be perfect in here. This is a better candidate than "Even Flow" and "Life Wasted" combined, and those songs rock too, this one just rocks harder).

8. "Readymade" by Red Hot Chili Peppers

I can see this working pretty well.

9. "The Righteous and the Wicked" by The Red Hot Chili Peppers

This song has some of Frusciante's best riffing ever. The interlude would work perfectly in the game.

10. "Mayonaise" by The Smashing Pumpkins

This would be strictly playing lead, rythm would be no fun,

11. "Rusty Cage" by Soundgarden

If I ever trust an opeing riff to turn somebody onto a band, I'll trust this one.

12. "Mommy's Little Monster" by Social Distortion

They miserably failed at putting "Story of My Life" in GH III, but this could make up for it.

13. "Teen Age Riot" by Sonic Youth

This would be nearly impossible to put in the game, but if they got it right, it would be very fun.

Now, I dug up an old survey from Elmis' profile, about the only survey that's been pushed at me that I haven't responded to.

1. Is your name really Elmis?- Obviously no because that's not even Elmis' name.

2. Are you of the male persuasion- If that means I'm a guy, then yes.

3. Are you 16 years old- Nope.

4. Do you wonder whether you will use periodic phenomena outside of Math?- I'm in Algebra 1/2 (highest my grade can get), how the f**k should I know.

5. Is Pearl Jam the greatest band of all time- Yes.

6. Is Eric Clapton God?- To quote, "you can't argue with vandalism."

7. Arer you fly-kicks almost as badass as Jackie Chan's- ALMOST? Five times as badass.

8. Why aren't chicken shops badass like Jackie Chan's fly kicks?- If the place is good, and you're the customer, they ae as badass. For working there, I have no clue.

9. I don't know where your from- Who said that?

10. Where are you from- California

11. I work in a chicken shop and it seems rather badass, what do yout hink?- ?????????????

12. Do you like Chuck Norris- No, he's selling out his roundhouse kick, plus he's nothing compared to my fly-kick.

13. What is your favorite song of all time?- I don't know for sure, "Alive" by Pearl Jam, "Mayonaise" by The Smashing Pumpkins", "Fight Like A Brave" by RHCP, "Fake Plastic Trees" by Radiohead (thank you Elmis for addicting me to this song).

14. Why not? You have a favorite band?- Well, not rwally thers's a three way tie.

15. What do you think of The Arctic Monkeys?- Read the name, and that's all yo uneed to know, then pray you don't hear a song by them on the radio.

16. Favorite TV show?- South Park, Heroes, The Colbert Report

17. Why?- They kick-bottom.

18. What do you think of Lost?- If this comes on, do me a favor and shoot yourself in the head for watching it.

19. What do you think of Prison Break?- Not as bad as Lost, but it still reeks of bottom-suckingness.

20. What do you think of Curb Your Enthusiasm?- Pretty funny.

21. Did I just waste my time reading some useless FAQ?- I sure did.

22. Why?- Because I'm bored, and it's either this, or reading a crappy book.

I'm also going to make a guitar video of "Alive" because without vocals, the song is a little empty.

I'll also record "Mayonaise" very soon. Following that, I should record something esle, like "Silver Rocket" (my noise jams kick some bottom).

I'm Going To Make An Honest Attempt at Making a Band

I've been thinking of how to get a band together forever. Finding people with similar music tastes to me isn't very easy. I only know one, and he doesn't own an instrument (he borrows somebody's bass though). I'm going to widen my search, to more of the South Bay. If I find one member (bassist, rythm guitarist, vocalist, drummer), I'll put up ads at Dietz Bros. (local music store/lessons place) to find the rest. I'm hoping to (if even on a very small scale) revive grunge around here. You'd be shocked at how many people haven't heard a single Pearl Jam song! It's so bad, somebody tries to tell me that the "Pumpkin Smashers" suck, no matter how many times I tell him it's "The Smashing Pumpkins" (except his friend told him that it's The Smashing Pumpkins...and then said they suck...then said that they actually don't suck and he likes them :lol:). Nirvana is just about the only grunge band known throughout the school. I'm probably the only one (maybe one other person) who knows who The Screaming Trees, The Pixies (pre-grunge), Sonic Youth (Noise Rock/Punk, not grunge but still bottom kicking), Soundgarden, and Alice in Chains (yes, it's so sad that only about five other people know SG and AiC). I considered getting my friend (who happens to be my producer/mixer as soon as we find time for recording) to play bass, but his music taste is borderline bad, and borderline good (likes great bands, but also like some crap). I could get him to play on "Where Is My Mind?", "I Am One", and maybe "Mayonaise", but he'd be of little use. I need a bassist like Jeff Ament or Flea. Flea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I need a rythm guitarist like Stone Gossard, I need a drummer like Matt Cameron, and a vocalist like...well, any grunge sound (Cornell, Vedder, Staley, Weiland (fine he's not completely grunge), etc.). That's asking for a little much though :P. It's not like I'm Hendrix, God (Clapton), or McCready myself, but I am your God, as you're a measly peasant. Wait, where was I........................................................................


........................................oh yeah. I'll really try now. Bye.

P.S. If anybody is ever near the South Bay (group of suburbs around L.A.) and you play something, let me know.

I'm On a Mission, To Get...

five live DVS (and one that onl comes as a VHS). I'm looking for the following.

Red Hot Chili Peppers- "Psychedelic Sexfunk Live From Heaven"

This is a live VHS of RHCP back in the good old days, on the "Mother's Milk." I've seen one video from it, and I have to say that it was one hell of a performance. I need this.

Pearl Jam- "Immagine in Cornice"

I've heard this is the best PJ live DVD, and that's saying something.

Nirvana- "Live! Tonight! Sold Out!"

I've been on a quest to get this for a birthday or something forever, and I never do. I'll buy this soon.

Foo Fighters- "Everywhere But Home"

First of, the Foo's fukcing rock live. This has a good setlist too.

Radiohead- "Radiohead The Astoria London Live"

Radiohead fukcing rock. If I need say more, I'll personally burn you :P.

The Pixies- "Live at The Paradise in Boston"

I've recently taken a great liking to The Pixies. I feel that this DVD could show me all of their good stuff.

Yes, I will get all of these after I can finally find a copy of "Adore" by The Smashing Pumpkins :evil:.

Five Badass Videos

Hand picked by me. (the best Pixies song, and one of my favorite songs ever) (currently my favorite Pearl Jam song along with "Go",
"Alive" and "Why Go") (look how young they are! Best SY song ever) (this is probably the only live version of the whole band playing in existence) (why the f**k don't they rock out like this anymore? This has to be one of the greatest RHCP performances I've ever seen)

Those all rock. If you don't agree, you must fly here to kick my a$$, only to have your a$$ kicked back th whereever you came from.