@Aninha26 @Darnasian Aninha26, I don't recall playing a good looking female character that does nothing in a video game. I mean Lara Croft is a Tomb Raider, Bayonetta kicks lots of ass and who doesn't like Lydia from Skyrim?
I don't think I would a enjoy a game where my character just looks good.
No Aninha26, all these games give woman a lot more attributes besides looking good.
@MazNator Not always the best approach, story wise if its centered around a male character keep it that way and give me a great story. Same holds for a female character.
@Chronosknight I meant I wouldn't want to play the ugly person. Sure they may be all nice and pretty on the inside. But as a gamer give me the good looks and I am fine =)
@ggregd Great talent or a well executed game will always win over. Adele is not the prettiest artist but she can write/sing like no other. Minecraft is not the prettiest game out there, but it's a fun/memorable gaming experience like no other. But as with my chosen artist and game, not everyone will agree.
Or you can have the best of both worlds, Bayonetta is a great game and I am pretty sure gamers don't mind that the main character is hot as well.
Deevoshun's comments