@Gigglebytes Their point of view is "woman don't really look like this" but there isn't a woman in the world that wouldn't want to look like them. Why cosmetics sell so well and why implants are on the rise.
Even a game like Skyrim which I felt was pretty balanced as far as the portrayal woman, such as woman Yarl's and armor that left nothing for the imagination...
The most popular mod's are the woman armor mods, for every male armor mod there are 50 skimpy female mods.
Gamer's don't care for your point of view Anita, they really don't.
@gamingqueen @Slash_out Sex sells, just ask if the music industry will change that, never. Although talent overcomes everything Adele = Minecraft ugly but beautiful.
@FireVixen I agree it does belong in a gaming site, this person is trying to ruin gaming as we know it. I'll take always online (Diablo 3) over this sh7t
Yea no kidding, the girls I know love that kind of sh7t, they love MAC, they love Victoria's Secret and they love the attention. I to love that they love that. WTF is the matter with this writer? <looks at pic> oh..never mind.
Can't wait! I purchased Metro 2033 awhile back on steam but just recently loaded and started playing it. I love this game, I just couldn't put it down, it's too bad it had a rough start because this game is excellent and deserves a lot more than what other FPS get.
@professorXzaver Agree! Also for me part of the reason I am ok with Epic's DLC is because it never feels like content that should have already been in game at launch. But rather something extra for those who want it.
Deevoshun's comments