But hear me on this, the last thing I want is a gaming company diluting a good story for a male character (or female) for the sake of letting a gamer choose both genders.
If the story is about a male, keep it that way and make it good. Last thing I need is Master Chief to turn up to be a woman with that man voice he has. Metroid...
@Whitebloodsun @DaCriLL Nothing at all my friend, it's not like our games are making woman out to be stupid. They are just sexy, like most actors and artists we see on TV.
You and your wife must hate or not watch a lot of media. Hate to break it to you, but a lot of those actors and artists are sexy, with fake boobs or hit the gym 6 hours a day. I mean c'mon who doesn't like 007? That guy is what every guy wants to be, agent, drives all the cool cars, guns, and always gets the hot chicks.
@calvinsora Stupid to have an attractive person do it? I disagree, more viewers equates more ad revenue. It's business and in this type of media to be successful you need to go with the masses.
We as humans are attracted to beauty and you'll have a hard time changing that. Don't get me wrong, I do believe woman can do just a good a job as men in any skill/job/career. My wife is a great example, she's beautiful, sexy, and smart. Why I married her, why I am attracted to her. I don't call her beautiful just because she's my wife, seriously she's HOT and she knows it. She's confident because of it and that's a turn on. You can also ask her why she married me, I am not bad looking myself...
@calvinsora We can discuss them all you want, change really won't happen. Everyone in the media know's this, even things such as having a pretty woman giving us the weather, it's surprising to see how much more viewers a TV station can get on something so boring.
Generalizing? Challenging view? Sex sells for a reason, people love pretty things. It's more than a way of thinking it's something primal. Men and woman alike are both attracted to beauty.
Deevoshun's comments