@FLEEBS I have no doubt that they had no intention of releasing this game for current generation machines... just look at. Not to mention the total lack of system confirmation at the time of the announcement... because the systems this would come to be released on weren't officially announced them selves. The current installed user base doesn't matter for a New IP to be successful it really needs to be a title for the generation of machines it will primarily be on.
I doubt that if it is on hold, it was intended to be put on hold, how ever now that ILM and the rest of the lucas group are all busy working on new Star Wars movie it makes since that the games became second priority.
The PS3 is the worst console I have ever owned.... One terrible gran turismo, one MGS that I did enjoy watching, resistance was utter crap, One God of war title... What a waste of money buying this Bluray player, for $400. Sony will not be selling me a PS4.
@Sindroid I recently got to hang out with one of his sons Ahmet Zappa! He was a really cool guy. Smart... Super Smart. Like mind blowingly out of the Box Smart.
One hardly has to play the game to know that it is the same dumbed down version that the second game was... I don't need to fire one arrow from that retarded Bow, to know that the game isn't at all like the original Crysis.
DemannameD's comments