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Ireland trip continues

So where have I been in Ireland?? Belfast The M4 Scrabo Bangor Portaferry Newcastle Ardglass Mourne Mountains County Mayo Westport Roundstone Leenane Achill Island Dublin Guinness Storehouse Templebar Almost to Galway Enniskillen Belleek and a few places that didn't come up on the navigator, but we still made it back to our homebase here in Belfast. We've got another 10 days here yet to enjoy the beautiful scenery before heading back to London. Its a wonderful place here, I recommend all to visit once in a lifetime to take in the mountain air and the local beer, Guinness. Till next stopover, Live Long and Prosper

Travel-log stardate 240808.1

Well, the last 48 hours has been a good test of my ability to get from one point to another... The story goes like this. Up on Friday @ 4am to get my wife and kids ready to goto the airport to catch the flight from Singapore to London @ 8am. Well the wake up call was on time, the taxi bus was 10 minutes late but that wasn't too much of a problem .... incidently, thanks to everyone in Singapore, you have such caring people, they all greated us and the children and were very polite, thanks .... anyway back to the story, got to the airport and thru the several security checks and onto the departure gate. Boarding the plane 1st, they let people with children on before the rest of the passengers, we were all sitting on the plane ready to go when the captain said "Our engineers are checking a small oil leak in the cargo hold"... 10 minutes later .. "sorry all passengers, please leave the aircraft as we have a major oil leak and this aircraft cannot fly. So we all piled off... okay everyone has their hiccups, we all got off, the nex plane didn't arrive until midday, so our flight was delayed about 5 hours. Now I HATE flying and anything other than a 10 minutes bus ride gets me nervous. So a 12 hour flight had me a little worried. So will 4 movies, some music, a whole heap of food later, we landed in Heathrow at 7.10pm, 10 minutes late for the connecting flight to Belfast. Well then things went pear shaped... We attempted to get to the BMI terminal straight away but there was no more flight for the night. BMI threw their hands up and said it aint our problem, $1200 for new tickets.. Well what I said cannot be spoken here but we soon left disgruntled. So we tracked back all the way from terminal 1 back to terminal 3 to Singapore airlines to get things sorted out. They were great, they'd booked us transport to a hotel, dinner, a night's sleep, breakfast and the 1st flight out. So what started out as a 12 hour flight, has now taken 24 hours to get here. BUT WE@RE HERE in Belfast now. More travel-logs to come soon

Holiday - 1st Stop, Singapore

Well I couldn't help it, first sign of internet access in the hotel, and I'm on here again. Here's where we are staying, can you guess what floor we're are on. Look for me waving, no not really, this is just a stock photo of the Swissotel Stamford in singapore. Hopefully when I can get to a computer that doesn't have the USB port covered, I can upload some real photos.

Turns 40 & Holiday

Well I finally made it to the golden age of 40. Apparently life begins at 40 according to various sources so we'll see what happens. Had a nice day with the family whilst off work. Well I've not actually got a job until I come back from my holiday. I've scored myself a nice engineer's job with the local government power provider... NO MORE SALESS... YEAH!! And now onto the holiday, leaving Wednesday morning, 1am, I'll be off to England, ireland & Paris, then Euro disney, so you may not see me on here for awhile, I'm not due back until the middle of October, so to all my GS friends, live long and prosper.

Everyone's Future is in the hands of the scientists

The Large Hadron Collider Well for those who are interested the the creation of the universe, the answer lies with this little gadget due to be tested in 2-3 days time. Some of us may be a little worried though as a antimatter collision could spark the end of everything in the blink of an eye, but rest assured the scientists would'nt be switching it on if there was even a slightest chance.

So to all of you its been great. Here's some weblinks for you to look at; Wiki's Large Hadron Collider page Homepage for LHC Lots of pictures Watch the cooling process before they set it off

The Future Look Of GS

Everyone else has talked about this so I thought I'd jump on board Check out the new profile. Beta Profile Obviously designed for the larger screens, better layout, more to see and read, RSS feeds, longer pages. Lots of changes. One thing is that they load all your blogs so loading your pages can be much longer.

Post E308

Well another year of super event is coming to a close tonight, there's been plenty to see and take in with lots of new games to add to the xmas list. For us here in Australia each event has been at midnight or 2.30am for the Sony, so the last 3 nights have been very late for me and countless others I dare say. Unfortunately missed out on the MS emblem because the site crashed and couldn't get on until about 40 minutes later but still a good show. The Wii held alot of interest for me as there' plenty of interactive games coming, esp Force Unleashed. and finally the sony annoucement of the cheaper PS3 made my ears prick up, just have to hint to the wife for the xmas list. So I hope everyone had a good time and these are the nice little emblems or combinations that we've picked up.          oh and these ones for the GSers that watched and soaked up all the E3 events.

What's this taggin about then?

so I've been tagged, mmmm, so here's the 10 things; 1. Live in Australia 2. Going overseas for 8 weeks to sunny Ireland, England, Scotland, France. 3. Owned a Commodore 64 and an a Amiga 4. Only even driven Ford cars 5. Loves my wife and 2 children 6. Turns 40 in August. 7. Enjoys Sci-fi movies and series. Favourite being Blade Runner, Close encounters of the 3rd kind and Empire Strikes back 8. Listens to trance music. 9. Has had cancer twice and has survived the mental and physical strain. 10. Loves talking to people.

Its definately Indy Week

Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull What a movie, thorough enjoyed it. Its taken a long time for spielberg to come up with the goods for this one. Grabbing a past flame and the new boy from Transformers, he's out to grab the power away before the russians try to take over the world. A great story, special effects and a great score, make this the 4th installment worth watching for all you indy nuts and adventurors. Its been so long since I seen The Last Crusade at the movies..... Indiana Jones Game Well soon as this came out it was off to the shops to keep the Lego franchise kicking along until the Batman one comes out. Have been playing it to death and its quite different to the star wars game having a more open level and a whole set of different moves for the characters. Plenty of hidden bonuses to discover, Having only finished the Raiders level so far, there's plenty of playability left in this one. one final note, daughter's surgery went well, everything is going great guns over and out

The World According to Devvy

New Job Well I started my new job today after 7 weeks off work looking after my children. Got my own office, laptop, phone etc and ready to hit the customers already. Don't have a view of the river but oh well, I can still see it from the board room. I'm taking my mascot to work as well so I've got a little bit of home with me... by the way its Wile E Coyote, a little toy picked up from Mcdonalds a while back. My darling daughter She's got to go into hospital next week to have eye surgeory to correct her lazy eye. I know its the best thing for her, but as a dad you always worry about your family being in hospital. Its just a day operation so we can bring her home and give her lots of icecream. :) The PS3 Vs Wii What to do???? I was looking at a PS3, but I want to play my old ps2 games so until they bring out the next 80gb version over here. I hav to wait, BUT my wife wants the Wii and from all accounts they've got a better game base and the Fit. What do people think honestly? I don't know which way to go.... AMD vs Intel Looking a building a new compy and with this contest always hotly contested its hard to decide. I've always been a AMD person and have never had a stability problems using AMD with nvidia cards. I was thinkin about the new 9800 nvidia card and the AMD quad 2.4ghz.. What do the PC guru's out there think? The Trip Its exactly12 weeks to my big holiday and I've finally got the job and they know about my little 8 week trip so everything's falling into place. I've just got to sort out the card hire in Ireland. so far about 700 pounds for 4 weeks.. for a ford mondeo. Then we'll be set.. Might see some of you around if your in ireland, england, scotland, france.. I'll keep you posted. Lego Death Star You may of noticed I'm the leader of the Lego union so with that I thought I'd just let you know I won a Lego Death Star off ebay for $316 coming from somewhere in America. Get that, its cheaper to buy it there than here in Australia. The lowest I see it in the shops was $525. Stamp Collection Anyone fancy swapping australia stamps???? I've got way too many to sort so if you want some, PM me, I'll sort somthing out. Posting would be just like posting a letter to somewhere in the world .. anyway my lappy's getting hot in my lap so I'm signing off and see you around the unions... Cheers Devvy