I don't see anything I'm to interested in through the Arcade Cabinet program they've been putting games out for recently, but Capcom has secured my monies with this and the D&D Collection.
@TheArcade DuckTales was my personal fav of the Capcom Disney games, but I totally am in agreement that seeing remakes of all of them would be great, especially Micky Mouse: Mystical Quest.
Having been a fan of Monster Hunter since the original PS2 game, and putting quite a few hours on all the handheld games and the Wii game, that followed, I am a little disappointed with MH3U so far. Much of it seems to be brought over from the Tri. Identically in fact.
The tablet features are pretty useful and definitley welcome, but the 3DS functionality isn't properly implemented yet, and requires players to have a Wii-U to play over the internet which is just a huge WTF at Capcom in my opinion.
It's true that I haven't played any of the Japanese releases in the series, but as a Western gamer, I've seen much of this already. I'm still having a good time with it, as I most likley would with any amount of times they rehashed existing material and called it something new. I like the series a lot. I also like Dynasty Warriors so take my opinions with a grain of salt in regards to this, I'm just really ready for an entirely NEW Monster Hunter.
@Succumbus @DinoBuster @Nax38 I'm not discrediting his efforts, and while I personally didn't care for Fez, I can appreciate the time and energy put into this game, or any other for that mater. It's Fish's attitude that has turned me off to his endeavors in the field.
@Nax38 @DinoBuster No doubt, I would bet money that most of my "gaming heroes" have egos big enough to sink a ship. Difference with Phil Fish, is the ego he's developed has lead him to be blatantly arrogant and disrespectful to others in his industry. Others that I may also add have accomplished far more than he most likley ever will.
It is really cool that they do things like this. Gearbox is kind of on my shitlist at the moment, but putting Mike Mamaril in Borderlands 2 was super classy and definitley awesome.
Hard not expect anything but greatness based on this. I wish them the best of luck with their first game, and will definitley be on the look out for updates.
Fixing the bugs (if they are fixed that is); doesn't change the fact that it's a product of a self absorbed, self important moron. Also, I can respect that others enjoyed the game, but I was far from impressed.
@jspillen @vaillant085 @santinegrete Yeah, he was a silent protagonist in part 1. I thought his character was pretty well written in part 2, and in part 3 he was just an errand boy. He had some great unintentionally goofy lines though. "FUCKING THING!"
The Matching Service version of Darkstalkers on Dreamcast was a pitch perfect representation of all the games. Only in Japan though, and the DC controller eats. This version is pretty faithful though, and even if the extra characters cost $10+ each, it would be a better than buying the Matching Service import that probably sells for an obscene amount of money these days.
DinoBuster's comments