I thought the first game was an interesting collection of ideas, but was in serious need for some tweaking and tuning. I was really hoping the sequel could get some of the mechanics and flaws ironed out, but no.
Riptide is easily one of the most lazy sequels I've played in some time and it truly is an expansion masqueraded as a full on follow up. The characters skill trees are identical, and virtually nothing has been tweaked from the previous game. I've played 10 hours into it thus far and save for the rudimentary weapon proficiency skills, a single new playable character whose personality is about as appealing as the original cast's, and being able to ride a freaking boat, I have experienced nothing new. The $10 less than standard retail must be due to a guilty conscious on Deep Silver's behalf.
@torrne667 @DinoBuster I have a vested interest in the game series in question. Notice how I don't even mention "Nintendo" in my comment. Not only do I own a SNES, Wii, and Wii-U, but I own all three generations of Playstations, and both Xboxs as an example. The reason for this? I like to play games, and have no particular loyalty to any one of the front running console companies. If you want my money, release games I want to play and see more of and you'll get it. be your product on a Sony, Microsoft, or Nintendo platform. Read and comprehend my friend. We all aren't mindless fanboys. Some of us appreciate games.
Earthbound has remained in the top 5 of my all time favorite RPGs for well over a decade now, and even though I still own my original SNES package with the player's guide and scratch n sniff stickers, I can't tell you how hard I'll be buying this once it goes up.
Even if it's a slight tip in favor of getting some kind of release of the GBA game, original NES game, and any other potential installments in the series outside of Japan, it's money well spent in my opinion. To me, this series is a definitive example of the awesomeness that can be had when game designers take a chance at doing something completely opposite of whats to be expected.
I really liked Farcry 3, and the concept of this spin-off is positively insane. I'm super interested and for me this is definitley a day one DL. I'd love to see more developers take chances with quirky aesthetic concepts like this. In my experiences with games, playing "the same old thing" with a radical and creative direction can potentially turn a "been here, done that" game into a memorable one.
I never could get into Minecraft, but the combination of building, fighting enemies and bosses, and discovering/crafting all kinds of weapons, armors, and items comes together really well in this game.
Since I was fortunate enough to play through the Saturn version of Princess Crown, I found both Odin Sphere and Muramasa disappointing in comparison. They are both really good games regardless and visually astounding, but Princess Crown was absolutely amazing.
The game is worth the asking price for the opening narrative cinematic alone. I've got a bit tired out with platformers recently, but the creativity and oddball concepts in BattleBlock just fixed that.
I've been watching out for this awhile myself, and am glad to see it's finally going to surface. The old Grindhouse biker movies influence is a great way to present it as well.
DinoBuster's comments