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Edited By Dogmatic923

They make a panel with a bunch of hipsters who are too cool to buy a XBX and don't even own a 4k UHD TV LMAO, and expect people to take them seriously? Do you guys even try to hide your bias anymore? Ya, listen to those guys.

Disclaimer: I get it if your a guy/gal who plays on PC or PS4 cause thats where your heart is and don't see any justification for a premium console experience since it comes with a heafty price tag. However, let's get real for a second, there's more to the market other than just people who already owns a PS4 or games on PC. Granted, it's not the majority right now but coming from that minority market as someone who only plays on XBX, it's been the best console experience in the last 30 yrs of gaming.

Please don't tell me I have no games to play lol. I have over 250 in my digital library and it's become increasingly difficult to chose which game I want to play. From new to old, exclusives to multi plates, I've been baptized in gaming glory. However, this may not be appealing to sole PS4 or PC players but as a pure XBX I know I'm happier than I would've been if I was soley a Sony player. PC does not offer the console experience I prefer so the fact that high end rigs out performs the XBX is irrelevant to me. Furthermore, before Sony players blast me I've owned every generation of PlayStations ever, (minus the mid gen upgrade: Pro) and I'm not into the flavor of Sony exclusives and distain the PS online functionality, services, controller and dash board.

Therefore, coming from the perspective of just your normal XB player, I'm very pleased with the fact I now play on the best console for multi plates as well as preferred exclusives , an ever growing list of free upgrades to my large library of games and the backwards compatibility with superb online features as well as dash board, I can't give MS's XBX experience nothing less than an A+ if you own a 4k, HDR10, U HDTV. If I'd own just the XBone then I'd give it a B. Nevertheless, sites like these and Sony Ponys are still living in the days when XBone first lauch. When even the most die hard fans were fuming. Back when even i'd give them a F-. However, we live in a new day but sony fanboys and sites like these are just down playing the monumentel success of the XB brand.

I get it though. Gamespot's subscriber base is probably 95% sony fanboys and if their staff can't even afford a 4k UHD TV then they're living rough. What gamespot is to Sony is identical to what CNN is to Democratics and what Fox is to the Republicans. If my meal ticket was based on some special intrest group and had no other means to survive then I'd do the same to feed my kids. Nevertheless, if your an unbiased reader then don't expect to find objective based information here.

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Edited By Dogmatic923

@hollywood1: I fired up D2 on my X to check out the uprades and I agree with you it looks amazing. Its just a shame they won't do 60fps in normal PvP. The excuse that there is too many things going on in a 4v4 match doesn't hold up. Its already proven the X can do it on other titles in even more taxing environments, but bungie pandors Sony players by giving them exclusive content and don't want to piss them off or remind them they are inferior. For that reason i'll wait a year for a dirt cheap discount on the season pass to ensure they only profit scraps from me cause that's all they're worth. Besides, there are old, new and future games that are competing for my game time. PUBG is targeting 60 fps on XBX and will be my next game i'll buy. I simply will no longer fully support bungie who treats the old fans of their work like second class citizens. Therefore, as a second class citizen i'll be paying second class rates.

With that said, your posting on a gaming website where XB players are not even considered citizens. We're more like illegal aliens with no chance of a green card with orders to be deported. Gamespot staff in this analogy is the government and all the Sony fanboys are their ICE agents. Watch your back ;/

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Edited By Dogmatic923

@KaptenHaddock: I see your point. Casual players are definitely getting the short end of the stick in this case because of their limited time thet get to play, presumably. I'm just one of those guys who rises early goes to bed late playing games so i feel the long process to progress just adds to the incentive to play more which i like. I feel as though EA needs a higher return on investments and are treading uncharted waters. They are making some people happy while pissing off the rest which may cause dooms day to come where base games will be 80~100 bucks plus another 50~60 for seasons passes. It seems they are looking for ways to avoid that. If that happens, then in my case i'd be buying 50% less games a year which i think most would as well. Then development of games becomes even more risky. I feel what they tried doing to avoid that is fine by me. If people want to throw money away for a temporary advantage and it saves me money why should i care lol

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@KaptenHaddock: trust me, no buyers remorse here. I've logged over 100 hours into the game and been loving every minute. I never put a dime into MTs even when i could have and never felt the need. I'll give you some ground though and say there is a strong illusion that MTs are a short cut to become super powerful, but its just that an illusion. I have two heros (Vader and Skywalker), a starship (intercepter) and two troops (infantry and sharpshooter) that i mainly play all with the best cards for me at rank 3, as well as some others, that were fairly easy to get. Yeah it will take some time to get my core group all up to card rank 4 and possibly a few hundred bucks but its only going to raise the stats by almost an insignificant amount that would only make a difference in the rarest of situations.

If anyone is looking for a way to fault this game it shouldn't be because its a pay to win game, but rather because it made people think it was. Its more or less was pulling money from folks who thought they become gods but instead got a promotion from a rat to a mole rat. I remember playing with a guy on our team who had an assault trooper that was leveled 121 but he was in the bottom 3 three of the leaders in that game. I still dont know how thats possible because even with every star for that class maxed to 4, it only equals 86 i think. Thus, i can conicede that this game MTs preyed on the mind of compulsive gamblers and maybe even on the mind of fools. However, for the level headed gamers who didnt indulge we'd get free DLC, the enjoyment of countless hours of rewarding gameplay in terms of earned progression and EA could pay the bills while still pleasing the investors. It seems we still get the former for now but since the latter is taking a hit it remains to be seen what the blow back will be. I'm guessing lower quality DLC down the line.

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@Utnayan: down with you instead. BF2 is a great game. The stupid bug has spread faster than a zombie plauge and you've been infected. In fact, you the worst. case i've seen. So you want a game company to go down and stop making great games. What do you purpose we do instead? Join you on the holy war internet crusade to chat down with everything? Go on, let the internet continue doing all the thinking for you, your just another victim of its 'dark side' as a result your brain dead.

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@mephisto1138: if you didn't read it how do you know i don't like gamespot? Besides that you have a point. It maybe because i have fond memories of this place starting 13 yrs ago and for several years after that so its a force of habbit that i still come here.

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@ziltoid: Well, I just read EA is taking out the ability to purchase loot crates with cash but now we are left with your main point: loot chest are tied directly towards loot crates. On that point, I'll say that only half the story, because on the one hand we can earn credits to buy boxes, but on the other hand you earn credits to buy those boxes from merely playing the game and completing challenges buy which you buy crates. Well after you get what you get from the crates you also aquire another currency called crafting parts and you get them from certain challenges as well. With the crafting parts you can upgrade whatever class, hero or star fighter you want. For example, after the 25 hour mark I saved up aroung a 1000 parts. In 10 mins time my lvl 7 assault class went up to lvl 23 after i figured out how it all worked.

Thus, the progression system isnt 100% tied to pure chance. Sure there's a dash of luck involved, but the meat of the progression is about exploring all the classes, star cards and heros. Then after a certain amount of time you can choose which area you want invest. Hence, dont judge too quickly, there's more than meets the eye.

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Edited By Dogmatic923

@ziltoid: Well I appreciate your level headed approach and feel it deserves a reply on a few points. First, the model I'm referring to is that which offers MT's in exchange for what equates to free season pass, roughly a $40~$50 dollar value. Sure people may have a minor edge in infantry battles and if done right a moderate edge in space battles but that person would at least need to spend $100.00 to have an noteable edge over a hardcore player for a mere few days. Granted, against a casual it maybe a few weeks. In fact, based on certain YouTubers who laid out exactly what they achieve with a $100 bucks+5 hours of some mandatory leveling I achieved roughly the same results in 25hrs+$0 bucks. You know, if people were smart they'd be more afraid of the players who will be no lifing this game because thet will become the most powerful and skilled players. They will be constantly on and reaping the same benefits as someone who rarely plays but pays to sport the same gear as the die hards, yet won't be as skilled.

Thus, in that sense you make a valid point. The try hards and the pay hards will be in a constant competitive power struggle, a war versus time and money. Well where does this leave the middle man? In my view if he/she is good at games but with limited time and resources they can rest assured they'll still have fun. Infantry upgrades are really not game changers even cards at max level. However, starship battle is where the critics gain a foot hold because the cards are more powerful and needs a bit of a nerf or balance. Almost out the gate you can get significant boost to turning speeds and damage dealt with a deposit of $100 bucks. However, this can be overcome with a bit of time. It's not like people can buy things no one else can't earn in the game. In pure FTP models you can never get certain things without money. The popular response is that this game is a $60 game therefore no trace of FTP models should be allowed. Well, we are getting free content so a watered down version of it is justified and fine by me.

Finally, regarding your comment regarding Shadow of War. The reason I put so much time into the game wasn't so i could get all those orcs, they just came by playing the game, shadow wars and online seige. I got all my assault rating to 1000. I was just having a hella good time. Never at any point in singal player or online did i feel the need for me to buy packs. The mass hysteria a month ago is a carbon copy of todays cries. From my perspective I know those folks are the same people crying this month. I proved to myself they were 100% wrong back then. Granted, the circumstances are drastically different here with this game being online, but i'll be dammed if i'm going to be spoked by Johnny crying wolf yet again. After i put 100 hours into this game and see what we get for free, i'll have my own final verdict. However, preliminary data makes a good case the herd instict is in full effect here, just like last month and folks have abandoned reason in exchange for sensationalisms.

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Edited By Dogmatic923

Most of you are a classic examples of Frederick N. description of the herd instinct, your just following the person right in front of you right off a cliff. It's amazing witnessing how truley infections ignorance is and how fast it spreads. If this was a zombie infection and spread as quickly as it has in this case, 99.4% of the world would be zombies by 4:20pm next monday.

This movement of complete hysteria last showed it's ugly head when shadow of war was bashed for same reasons as here. After i put 300 hours in that game i bought around $25 worth of packs just to test if the Orcs i got were OP. They weren't, in fact had it not been a test i'd have been pissed because even though i got a few legendaries i'd never used them because thet had weaknesses i just couldn't live with. I have a full garrison of 300 and scraped over 200 already. That $25 was a drop in the ocean.

And here we are a month later and history already is repeating itself. I see nothing but benifits from this model. I'll be getting 100s of hours of game time for $60 bucks, FREE DLC, plenty of rewards to unlock and challenges to complete. All that i get and the worst thing that could happen is i get killed by someone slightly stronger then me in the first 20-30 hours of game time. Big deal, even after that time i catch up to him i'll still be getting killed by dudes who are lvl 0 anyway.

The game is gorgeous, the gun play is 10x better than SWB1, i like deep and complex progression systems, i love the classes, the power up is based on points instead of pick up, story does suck but i play for MP so idc, DLC is free. Point is, i'm getting hella bang for my buck. In less than 12 hours i'll be enjoying myself in a great game while you miserable toads continue your make believe witch hunt, /cheers