Looks like less is more with Gamespot's reviews. I like how he says SoW "tries to be larger than it's. predecessor." TRIES? Sorry, they didn't 'try,' the succeed 10 fold. I just get this vibe the reviewer treated this game as just another run of the mill game to review and he tried to burn through as fast as he could to check that box and earn his pay check for the week.
As a fan of the game that has seen hours and hours of indepht game reveal footage, the Gamespot review reads like a 5th grader book report by a student who was give an assignment to cover the rise and fall of Rome. All the while Johnny, or student, was dumbfounded by the amount of historical content he had to cover all the while wishing he had picked a less complicated assignment like the Biography of Dora the Explorer, so he could back to things that matter most, like playing Call of Duty.
What true hearted fan of the game would "want less" out of this game? I think any unbiased fella would be hard pressed to find one. However, I get it that if your not a fan of this game cause you don't like the play style or genre that's fine, but let's take the reviewer's logic down to his level: "the new Call of Duty is offering 10 muliplayer maps at launch" he'd reply, "oh no, i want less. Please only release 5. Please don't 'try' to give us more than usual cause that may double my work load for the week"
Please Gamespot, for the love of all gaming, get this man away from the keyboard and resign him to a job where less is more. Like his pay is less and his work is more. Like outside picking up trash in the parking lot. No reasonable fan wants to see their game have 'less' ok...
wow what a disappointment. I mean the review and not the actual game. The game has already been revealed in so much depth. I watched hours of youtube videos that poured over many of the aspects which have been expanded on in over the top detail.
From a fan of the game who has put well over 200 hours in the original game, i'm extremely excited to play this game. The minor infractions the reviewer covers are dwarfed in comparison to vast improvements this game offers over the first. It seems "fake news" claims another victim.
The review barely treats the greatest aspects of the game as mere foot notes. It's clear Gamespot has some political reason behind such irresponsible behavior in presenting a crass representation of what this game truley is in essence. I have my suspicions as to what that is but it's irrelevant.
The fact remains Gamespot truley is not interested in presenting quality content to gamers, rather they are caught up in a whirlwind of irresponsible behaviorisms that has blown them way off course into rough waters. Their own self intrest is the end to which they labor towards and are no longer about informing the public the truth. I think this is the final nail in their coffin. Memorial services will be held Oct. 10th, 2017.
ill be buying halo 3 just because its halo 3 but im more exicited for Battle field bad company when that comes out than this. So i suppose the game developers understand this about most people so they appaerntly didn't go over the top on this game cause it really doesn;t look like a true next gen verison of halo. It just looks like they bumped up the resolution. But whatever, thankful we have other games that are better.
Dogmatic923's comments