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Edited By Dogmatic923

@pcps4xb: You know, i've never totally understood this argument that if you own an XB, you'll have no games to play. Currently, I'm a XB only gamer with 200 plus games in my collection. With STILL more games I want to buy but need to wait. Ya I get the break down of how this argument went, that all multiplates were better on PS4, and if you'd owned a PS4 you'd only be buying the XB for Gears, Forza and Halo, which many calculated not worth the investment, thus many people invested all their multiplates into the PS4.

It now almost feels like a bait n' switch. You PS players enticed the world to invest all multiplates into the PS4 because of better performance, and only to have MS a few years later have XB turn around and upgrade a lot of those games to run better on XBX now. I get it, PS players are gut renched inside. I mean I'm sure some of you have thousands invested into your gaming collections with just multiplats alone, because at the time it was the logical thing to do.

For me however, just a lem, my faith has been rewarded. I have thousands invested in games that will be getting upgraded right off the bat. However, guys like you with all your games on the PS4, it's not practical to go back rebuy all those games on XB. There are many games I get to go back and play the enhanced verison for free.

We've reach a monumental point where the paradigm has shifted. It's now smarter to buy multiplates on XB, AANNNNDD it's also RETROACTIVE. So ya, cows have a good reason to be salty, and i don't blam them really. Had i'd went with the flow of popular opinion i'd feel the despair no doubt.

Nevertheless, i'll aggree MS needs to double down and make a varity of exclusive games if they want to bring in the masses. However, true fans of MS are going to see more value in the XBX then anyone else making the switch over because our already existing library is getting free enhancements. It will soon become a reality that multiplates are better on XBX retroactively as well as in the future and the exclusives are the icing on the cake.

All I can say is I've never been so pround to be an Americ....I mean a MS fan /cheers

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@pcps4xb: You know, i do aggree with the fact PS4 has a larger selection of diverse exclusives. That's one reason, among others, why I bought one to check them out. However, I guess I'm just an Americanized gamer cause I've found a large portion of those games appeal to foreigners. The PS4 is so diverse from my point of view, the large numbers of exclusives are irrelevant to me personally because only a handful are something this western gamer would play.

Naturally, if your using a bait that appeals to a variety of fish, you'll be catching a varity of fish. The thing with MS is they are using power bait to go after this trout while ignoring the 'big mouth' bass or catfish in the lake. You see, PS uses a dirty worm that almost every fish will bite on, they bring in the bottom feeding catfish and big mouth bass, and sometimes even a trout.

If your the trout as I am you can't resist the alure of what MS is putting out. I'd say the 'big mouth' bass are obviously PC players for obvious reasons and well ya that means our catfish are indeed the bottom feeders cause they eat (or play) just about any thing that sinks to the bottom. From my perspective as a trout there's a lot of dank that floats to the bottom that I just can't have anything to do with. So ya, trouts in this lake are very happy to see the introduction of power bait in our lake, so please gut my wallet and fry my brain, i'm ready baby.

As for your comment regarding PS4 players not acting like the fact the PS4's power advantage was the flagship of their navy fleet your out of your mind. Now that MS dropped the H-bomb on that tiny ship PS4 players are definitely denying it ever existed, lol. Now, a flag ships not going to win the war but it was the holy grail for the 4 years for PS4, if your denying that well, i can also direct you to the 'earth is flat' club. Now that those days are numbered it's time to go back to being the bottom feeders, but hey, down in that dark dank world there's so much to eat, i mean someone out there has to be willing to consume all that shat, right.

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@shamatuu257: lol, let the salt flow freely.

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Edited By Dogmatic923

@onehitta323: I've bought into the PS hype every generation. I've owned every PS console since the 1st gen. However, since XB1, MS has out performs PS at every turn. From the controller, online functions and even exclusives I've prefer XB and it has always had the edge.

I'm not saying PS is bad and if MS ever dropped out of the console market, i'd become a cow in a heartbeat, but as of now I see XB as being several levels above the PS. I will admit, I was extremly pissed how this gen started with XBone, and if they'd continued on their suicide course i'd have bailed, but they quickly got back on track and I think the success of the PS4 deserves credit for helping them regain focus.

However, i've stopped supporting Sony and long sold my PS3 and 4, so I was in no way ever going to buy a PS4 Pro. To be fair had I, then i would have skipped out on XBX cause i'd been happy with what i got i'm sure. Nevertheless, i held out for XBX and i'm glad i did, for $500 buck i had to scrounge up in 3 months, it's well worth it. And I don't have a PS4 Pro to compair but there is mounting evidence from 3rd party devs the 40% increase in power the XBX has over PS4 Pro is significant and note worthy.

You're better off just coming to grips with the fact you live in a new world now. You bought the best Sony has a year ago for $100 cheaper than what the best MS will be releasing in a month which will be 40% better than what you got. Overall who cares. The last three years I heard how PS4 had better performance so I bought one and felt the overall package wasn't worth the slightly better performance, but i never denied PS4 out performed XBone on certain game yet the minor differences didn't bother me so i sold the PS4.

Thus, in the following months when you start seeing more stories about XBX you're better off not trying to make it seem theres no difference and $500 bucks ain't worth it cause you'll be taken for a fool. You'll be better off sticking to the script that even though XBX performs better you just prefer PS4 exclusives, cause quiet franly, thats your last and now only line of a credibile defense. That's an abstract releam of preference that can't be legitimatly attacked, your only safe haven. Any attack you launch outside of that proves your just another butt hurt fanboy which is exactly what you sound like right now.

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@santinegrete: True about PC's being upradeable and thus someone with deep pockets could easily out perform XBX, but what we get out of the XBX Forza 7 proves at this brief point in time, granted, we can stand toe to toe with PC's running on ultra settings. However, the PS Pro is no rival and hardly a match. Imagion if these two consoles were teams in the finals in a chamionship basketball match on the final game. The end score was 100 XBX to 60 PS4 Pro. You can really see how team XBX dominates there so called rival by the 40%.

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Edited By Dogmatic923

See what kind of culture you created gamespot by turning into a anti-MS propaganda website? Now that MS is releasing a juggernaunt of a console that rivals PC and dominates the console world, you have no choice but to compliment it, yet when you do the only response you get is from fanboys you indoctrinated that are experiencing an identity crisis, because you've taught: Microsoft BAD! Everything else GOOD!

Just stick to your roots. Anyone here whose witness your holy war against MS won't let you forget it. Also, your cult of MS haters will just be turned to pure jelly if you speak the truth about XBX. They can't handle it so just ride out the storm and hopefully for your sakes Sony can answer back in a few years. Highly unlikely but its the best shot you got.

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@Janpieterzun: Go back to your rig you sold your mother for cause no one gives two craps what you think. For a megar $500 bucks were getting a box that can either match or out perform 90% of what you PC Masterb***r race has. And if your in the top 10% and spent thousands on a rig no game can even take full advantage of /cheers, still don't come here cause still dont care.

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Edited By Dogmatic923

@joeshock: pfff you'd never get everything this game has to offer from a rental. And if your the type of gamer who waites for deals, no problem smart move. However, when you say the game scream those things truly shows your either ignorant of what this game is offering or your just a jelly cow whose has realized this game will play 40% better then the best system ya'll ever produced.

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@madcat_mikie: no they've been in a coma and on life support with a faint pulse. After this review Gamespot finally bit the dust.