@Zorlac: See that's the thing: "If it didn't have the RE name attached". Problem is, it did, and as such needed to live up to higher standards which it failed to do horribly.
This isn't really a "rival" thing at all. Sony Music is treated as a different entity under Sony than Playstation, so this sort of announcement would be the equivalent of announcing Virgin Records creating a videogame publishing element for Switch games.
The microtransactions and the whole issue with this DLC is what killed my interest for this game despite the game itself looking great, but I have to admit that WB doing this has actually rekindled some of my interest in the game. I'll definitely give them credit where it's due, so well done with admitting to the mishap regardless of if the original PR for it was intentional or by mistake
Imagine if you're a developer and are looking over articles published about your games. Would you like to see an article that's SUPPOSED to be about your game, advertise for another game's article in the first friggin' paragraph?
That's a bit of a dick move on your part against Runic Games.
@xnshd: No, the problem people are those who purchase the new shaders with in-game money. If people buy the game and don't buy the shaders, it sends the message that such crap isn't ok even if the game itself is good.
Doomerang's comments