@Mevrick: Because games like these heavily focus on text for lore, progress and depth, and mediocre localization can and possibly will ruin the immersion.
It's a thing with most RPGs. Even games like sword art online: hollow fragment would be more enjoyable had it not been in really bad engrish, and that game was fun to begin with.
@heqteur: Nintendo kinda did that with their PR. "Zelda is the only playable game in E3, and don't expect NX news." They pretty much did nothing but "anti"-hype their presence, not even mentioning there will be other games shown off even if not playable.
So MS is allowing people to make custom content... For a game that you can't even play fully on PC save for testing out your creations (and they made even that a pain).
I can't help but shake my head at the nonsensical approach.
@z827: While I agree with the silliness of the Native-American to Cowboy look, it actually ends up fitting better as a cowboy as the person who uses that job uses rifles.
@ACMC85: I'm near the end of the game. The grind is far less here than Default. No stupid repetition, and the small amount of repetition that is there is handled humorously and is dealt with quickly. I strongly suggest playing it even if you hated the grind/looping in BD.
Holy crap, the original Animated Series actors AND director/animators, AND being allowed to get an R rating so they can be as faithful to the comic as possible?
When Square announces games like this, with the release window a few months from announcement, it's always a mobile game. I got my hopes up due to the article title for nothing :(
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