Why can't Microsoft do this with XBOX Live? Online multiplayer would be so much more inviting if all the foul-mouthed elementary school kids were completely removed.
It's sad. I have a lot of good memories of this magazine... but those memories are from back when Nintendo was a fierce competitor.
Now that the magazine is full of predominantly Wii and DS content, is it really that much of a surprise that this was going to happen? Still, I will say that it's pretty cool that they're planning something special for their final issue. I just might pick it up for nostalgia's sake.
Enough with the inconclusive "analyst" stories! Stop teasing me with screenshots and videos! It's making the wait even worse than it already is! D:
Just give me an official release date... I don't care if it's this fall, or pushed all the way back to October 2013. An actual solid date to look forward to will give me at least a tiny little peace of mind. ;A;
Why is the announcement of an already multiplatform title hitting a console considered news? Are you guys bored in your cubicles, and desperately fishing the web for an article to type up?
Here, let me give you a sarcastic finger-twirl with my middle finger. :|
Watch Microsoft butt into this article like they did with the last "next XBOX" story, claiming that THIS information is also a mistake, while adding that it's meant to be an even slimmer model of the 360 instead...
@Cozm1kaos @Toysoldier34 Actually, it's worse than that. Because if one's to assume the tablet market being the ideal platform for gaming, then prepare to be spending about $600 for a new one every 18 to 24 months.
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