EXCELLENT! Let's start separating people in the GAMING community now!
"Inclusive and diverse"? Then eliminate the LGBT separation and include everyone in one whole group. Quit bringing real-life politics and controversy into our gaming worlds.
"... dispel stereotypes..."? You're creating a separate environment specifically for these people, how does this solve that? And I laughed at the whole "... safe place for gamers..." What, are our own homes now considered "unsafe" and "dangerous" grounds for people to play games on just because they choose their own sexual preference?What does any of this have to do with being entertained by video games? Why is this any of our damn business? Why should I care about who complete strangers sleep with at night?
First we have the stupid presidential election crap invading XBOX Live.... Now the whole Gaymercon thing... I look forward to the next article that talks about religion in the gaming community! :D
@Abysshalolover Oh gee, I don't know. IGN, Gamespot and several other sources pointed out their drop to 9.1 million only a couple weeks ago. At one point they peaked at 12 million in 2009.
It also helps when you simply do the research yourself. But you obviously just want to sit around and troll. And such a cute cuddly troll you are! I JUST WANNA HUG AND SQUEEZE YOU! :D
@Sky_Stifler @7_armageddon_7 Or maybe.... this is just hypothetical speaking here... they still pay for it because they still like the game?
I know this is hard for people like you to understand, since you're obviously hellbent on assuming that all WoW players are mindless sheep that flock together from expansion to expansion.
My heavy-playing WoW days ended in 2008, and I've moved onto other games myself. I'm enjoying the crap out of GW2 like many others... and will for a loooong time. I even bought the collector's edition. :D
But I'm also buying the collector's edition of Mists. Why? Because unlike people like you, I play games I enjoy, not games people TELL ME I should enjoy. It IS entirely possible for someone to have fun with WoW and GW2 simultaneously.
But hopefully this works out better than it did when I bought the collector's edition of SWTOR... boy was that a mistake on my part. :|
@Stiler @n0matter Actually, since Pandaria was announced, WoW fanboys have kinda taken a backseat to all the folks who've been openly making fun of it with the same jokes over and over again. Yes, it's a silly expansion, but the trolls have been behaving like small children who keep telling the same unfunny jokes, while laughing and running away.
I bought Guild Wars 2, and it's great. I'm enjoying the hell out of it. But it is not the "end-all-be-all" of MMOs. And I'm really amused at the polarizing one-sided stances people are displaying with that game, pretty much saying that since it came out, why bother playing anything else?
You know what's going to blow your mind? And a lot of people's minds in here? I'm playing GW2 (I don't plan on stopping anytime soon).... and I still occasionally play WoW. Yeah, worlds are about to collide folks! There's some CRAZY person who happens no like multiple games! I even plan on cramming Borderlands 2 in between! THE HORROR!
Hell, I remember getting funny looks from people back when I told them I owned a PS3 AND a 360, and still loved playing PC games.
Now, WoW is not the ultimate MMO out there either. That game hit its peak over three years ago, and it will never hit that mark ever again. It's aging, and everyone knows it. But because of these anti-WoW fanatics, NO ONE is allowed to like the game, even for nostalgic purposes. If you show any shred of mild enjoyment out of it, you're labeled as a sheep.
You want sheep? Go to the Madden/Call of Duty articles.
DragonRift's comments