@Xx_Kares_xX Keep in mind that it's Enix that's in charge of Dragon Quest, and not Square. Just because the companies merged doesn't mean they're directly working together on all their projects.
@lightningff Okay, did you know that Half-Life 2: Episode 3 is in my hands, and it's completely amazing in every shape and form? Because I say this to you with ABSOLUTELY NO PHYSICAL PROOF of it, I must be telling you the truth, right?
Your EB friend is full of crap. Why would a game that's so hyped and so LOVED of Japanese gamers be deliberately absent from two of the biggest game shows of the year?
Go love your XIII. Have fun with your teeny bopper third-person action game that has no redeeming RPG qualities whatsoever. Or hell, you could simply be trolling, and I just took a big flipping bite.
Let it die. Please. I want the worlds of Cocoon and Gran Pulse to be buried. The whole "Fabula Nova Crystalis" trilogy idea for XIII was silly even back in 2006 when they announced it. Every sequel doesn't need to have its own series of sequels!
How about you put some focus on fixing what went wrong with XIII and XIV and turn XV into something that brings people BACK to Final Fantasy. We want an adventure. We want to explore rich fantasy worlds.
And have someone else be in charge of the art design. I'm really getting tired of all the overly pretty men, insanely ridiculous weapons, chains, zippers, asymmetrical clothing, funny hair, and everything else that Tetsuya Nomura has stereotyped the series with for the past 15 years.
@blackwingzero @kabuto1990 You gotta be trollin' there, fella. XIII was an "actual RPG"? You actually typed that with a straight face?XIII has virtually zero comparison to the first twelve games. The game's "adventure" felt more like running across a collapsing bridge that fell apart behind you with each step you took. You couldn't travel back to old areas. You couldn't wander off track in order to discover new places and hidden secrets.
And no, Chapter 11's weak little free-roaming valley on Gran Pulse does not even come close to helping your argument. XIII had "interactive CG movie" written all over it, even the battle system operated mostly on auto-pilot. Hell, you didn't even have to refill health or revive anyone after battles. Everything was done FOR you.
You could argue that previous FF games were linear, but at least those games allowed you to travel where you wanted to at any given time. You could always go back to older areas and find extra things to do.
I've been attached to FF ever since the first game came out, and I have defended each and every chapter.... even XII, which I happened to like more than most people did.
The world of XIII needs to be let go. It needs to be buried. It's the only entry in the series I've ever regretted purchasing.... yes, even moreso than X-2.
@kabuto1990 They were bad enough to make me consider being done with the franchise. I want an adventure. I don't want my hand held from beginning to end while I narrowly venture down one straight path to the next.
I, for one, am hopeful that Versus XIII may have been cancelled. XIII was not good enough to warrant a mass of pseudo-sequels, and I honestly cannot understand how it generated so many fans who equally loved the previous games. Aside from some themes and a few little touches, XIII played nothing like an RPG.
Square should focus on trying to bring the series back to what made it amazing to begin with. Especially after the immense failure XIV was.
This is kinda old news. Quite frankly, the only people who should be making a WarCraft movie are the Blizzard staff themselves. Being that you guys mentioned a film being "in the works" way back in 2007, the fact that you STILL have no one attached to direct just goes to show that you're just as slow at film making as you are at game making.
I say let it go. It doesn't need to happen. Just focus on games.
@mathfool Don't call him a fellow gamer. He doesn't associate with us! D: NORMAL gamers have enough common sense to stop and get food, or at least have a friend go get take-out.Are we supposed to feel sorry for this person? "SORRY!! I CAN'T STOP TO EAT ONE CHIP! TOO BUSY CLICKING!!!"
Why are all these incidents in Asia? Is it that friggen' difficult to bring a couple giant bags of Doritos, some sandwiches, and a couple two liters of Code Red with you when you partake in a gaming marathon?
I have no sympathy for basic stupidity. If you can't tend to simple common sense needs like hunger, you don't deserve to continue breathing.
I was on the fence about buying Witcher 2 for a couple months.... Now I think I will. This mentality needs to spread to other developers. Nickel-and-diming gamers has gotten out of hand to the point where they're spending far more than the game's value for iddy-bitty supplements.
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