Goddammit, why do these limited editions keep climbing in price?! Remember Assassin's Creed II's limited set being only $80? I can see if it came with a giant hardcover 200-page art book, for that alone runs around at a $30 value.
A flag and a belt buckle aren't enough to justify the $100+ price, sorry. :|
Blizzard... if you still need more than six months to polish a game before release, then it's not "99% complete"... At this absurd rate, we'll see Legacy of the Void by around 2017, and no news of a WarCraft IV until 2022.
Look, I love your games, but you guys really need to step things up a bit in terms of speed, efficiency and productivity. I'd like to play your so-called "Titan" before I turn 50, if that's not too much to ask.
Then they need to ditch everything they've done to the series since X and go back to what made the games so mesmerizing to begin with. XIII was a complete disgrace to the franchise, being that it took away the one thing that fans loved: freedom and exploration.
Seriously. Go back to the way it was and evolve the series from that. If Enix can succeed in doing that with the Dragon Quest games, then Square can do it with Final Fantasy. Because right now? If they want to keep things on the same path as X and XIII, XV may be the first game in the franchise I deliberately skip.Ditch the teeny-bopper themes. Get rid of the hand-holding linearity. And for god's sake, make someone else the character designer! If I see one more character that's overly feminine, with weird spiky hair, chains and zippers all over their clothes, and a ridiculous weapon that defies all common logic, I'm not buying it. Oh yeah.... and the pretty men have got to stop.
@EPaul Even though the source dates back to mid-2010, which was BEFORE the original Kinect was released?
Wow... A bit gullible, are we? The article paints a pretty picture, but you're not going to get a new XBOX system for $300 with all that built-in. The XBOX 360 launched around $400, and if I remember correctly, that sucker sold pretty damn well.
Just because MS pulls it, doesn't make it automatically true. That's like saying "Well, if it's on the internet, then it MUST be true!"
Yeah, no. I'm not shrugging off the specs or the Kinect V2 (or the silly augmented glasses thing for that matter), but for $299? You only wish!
I had to laugh at this little blurb: "thus removing the need to purchase new hardware ever again"... Yeah, until your hardware BREAKS, which is something we can surely rely on happening in the system's first two years.
I support cloud-based technology, but we shouldn't RELY on it. It needs to be there as a convenience to consumers.
Actually, I'd like to say the same for the Kinect V2 and the "Fortaleza"... Not everyone wants that, and I'll be hoping they'll sell a version that comes without those gimmicky enhancements.
@tduhon07 More than enough reason to get people to lose interest.
Some of us like owning physical copies of our games and movies, without worrying about losing all access to everything we "own" if our hardware crashes or becomes compromised.
Usually, when people are disappointed with a gaming experience, they put it away and move on to something else. Why can't you people do that with this?
Get... over... it...
You're making the fanboys who pissed and moaned over Greedo shooting first in the 1997 re-release of Star Wars look civil in comparison.
I remember MS physically showing off the 360 in 2005, however, there had been pretty strong talks about new hardware in late 2004. Just nothing was confirmed. But as for Sony and Nintendo?
18 months has often been the norm. Examples are the Wii-U, PS2 and PS3. The original Wii didn't show anything physical in 2005, but they had the whole "Revolution" thing hyped to hell at that year's E3.
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