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Dragoncub Blog

My New Banner!

Normally I don't even mention any changes in imagery - like my new blog header, for example, I never mentioned that.
Oh, whoops. now I have.

But I am sooo proud of my banner! Whoop! I LOVE Doctor Who - the modern one (although I'm sure I'd love the old ones too if I saw them) - so I decided to make a new banner. And, lo and behold - DRAGOn and DOCOTR have the same number of letters, as do CUB and WHO. So I docotored my own Docotor Who logo (this is the modern one).

Zoo Tycoon - Complete Chaos

Anyone who knows me, RELLY knows me, would know that of the (very) few Pc games I own, Zoo Tycoon - Complete Collection (the ORIGINAL) is my favourite. However because Zoo Tycoon 2 came out not long after, there weren't really any great updates for it, and trying to find new animals and buildings to work with proved nigh impossible.

But now I am happy! I found Zoo Tek Phoenix, which specialises in user-made downloads of all sorts of stuff for the original! Plus, now, some things are provided for the second aswell, though I'm not interested in those.

So now, I hAVE DRAGONSSSS!!!!!! Yesssss!!!! And waterfalls, which is great! And I'm going back to find the 'invisable exhibet' fence that is referred to, so you can have IMVISIBLE fances or use in conjunction with decorative fences (Animals can escape decorated fences as they're only for guests).


Why I'm Not Here Very Much

...but am now...

The truth is that 'THE' laptop is well and truly dead.

I am actually using my older old sister's old laptop, which (although is has net access) freezes after a few hours (but at least it isn't a few minutes) and it extremel,y old. To get an idea of how mcuh, it is a Windows 98 OS and only has 10GB ROM. Depressing. But it plays Sims (roginal) plus My Zoo Tycoon (also original) plus the VisualBoyAdvance Emulator (though it sometimes starts running at only 30% normal speed - eurgh). So, although no MSN - it isn't on this laptop - there is net.

But I am not here because the only erason I was really here so long in the first place was for TSP. Now that a more modern, mopre easily navigated TSP has been created elsewhere, that is where I am working now.

Fan Fail

Previously I had been working from home up-loading wallpapers, using MSN etc etc. Unfortunately, the selfshutting-down laptop I was using, has shut down for good. Although it turns on, it lasts no more than a few seconds because the fan no longer works, as we are all warned each time we attempt a start-up with a painfullly shrill tone...


Karsciyin the Drygress

As you can see, this is an image of Karsciyin that I edited in Photoshop. Most of you probably saw this at Invision TSP, but this is for the benefit of those that aren't here (like FZ).

I also finished the encyclopaedic entry on drygers. And because it was written by me, you know it makes grammatical sense! Send me an email at dragon-cub@hotmail.com and I will send you an attachment. It should open in all versions of Word and in Open Office too. That said, I haven't fully tested it. It is a *.doc file.

*Just Testing*

I made a 3-page long 'encylopaedia' file on Drygers (and therefore Karsciyin the drygress). It isn't even finished yet! I want to post it here eventually for those interested in it but I don't want it to take up room for those that aren't. So I am testing spoilers.

BUT I would like to know if anyone else has any better ideas on how to manage a large file like this? Well, not large, but long...

[spoiler] TESTING SPOILER [/spoiler]

I'm Still An Artist

No one has sent me requests for a long time, and I'm starting to wonder if they think I am incapable of actually doing anything anymore. I can still do artwork at school, since they have Photoshop CS2, and you can send me PMs with details about what you're interested in.


MSN Again

For the THIRD FREAKiNG TIME (because the net keeps 'malfunctioning'): THE SELF SHUTTING DOWN LAPTOP HAS MSN. I AM ON IT. IT MAY GO FOR 1 - 2 HOURS. LOG IN IF YOU ARE ONLINE. i WILL COPY AND PASTE THIS MESSAGE IN CASE IT FAILS AGAIN (this was originally typed as the THIRD attempt to blog)

PC-WD Overhaul

Everyone actually in the UNion may be tired of hearing all this by now, but I want it all to be done as quickly as possible and as a result I am publishing it EVERYWHERE!

Please click on the word 'visit' in my Blog Header to go to PC-WD and read the latest bulletin. This will mean EASIER NAVIGATION of the board, LESS SPACE taken up, and (depending on board formatting) you will be able to post comments in each other's threads. HOWEVER you cannot post wallpapers in each other's threads regardless of how they are set up, you must instead post them in your own.