Okay, I haven't done anything wrong, not really. Unless the act of leaving typos in a message is sufficient grounds for arrest. But I have noticed that my blogs are becoming shorter and boringer - er, more boring. So, here are the bulletin bits I might talk about if my typing style was still coloured grey:
~+~ I have a cartoonised picture in my Images now.
~+~ I am still discovering words in New Zealand English that are different from American and/or British (eg: floaties (known as floaters or water-wings in other places).
~+~ I have learnt that I will never, ever again, eat gingernuts without milk and/or tea. The bitter taste is still with me.
Anyway, in an attempt not to be as boring as before, I will now talk about my various collection of cats and all the antics they get up to!
Haha, bet that got you worried. The only pet I have is a little sister. 15 years old but remains as loud as her birth cry, and is equally annoying.
In fact, I could have a little rant about this 'pet' of mine. Here are her top most annoying things:
(5) - Unreliable
Sometimes she loses her library card (or socks, or spends her money, etc). She wants to get books because she's bored, so I lend her my card. On the off-chance I get my card back right away, without having to ask three days later, the books on my card (which I am responsible for) are brought into the toilet, where it seems she spend most of her day reading (I think she wants to open up a private library in there). The books are then left there, or in her school locker, or in her school bag, or in her shoe-box (don't ask me how, I don't know). The books then rack up enormous fines, which she still expects me to pay because she doesn't think it is her fault that a book was mysteriously hidden under a tossed dressing-gown. Similar things happen to socks, money is borrowed and never repayed (in fact, she actually brings in parents saying she doesn't owe me a thing!) Like... the noodles incident.
Calvin and Hobbes have a noddle incident of their own (which is never revealed) but I will reveal mine - I get $6 a week pocket money. I have no regular job. The jobs I do do are either worth squat, or just contribute to my pocket money which never grows anyway. So, when I spent $2.50 (New Zealand dollars) on a pottle of noodles for my Pet, it was a big act of love (or at least eagerness to stop the whining). She then denied everything, saying I had never said anything about money (even though her 'argument' for 'deserving' noddles was "I'll pay it all back!" This links to (1) on the list). She even ran about, rounding up the family to get as many people on her side as possible. Fortunately, because of (3) (and evidence in the form of a plastic fork) I managed to get compensation. The amount wasn't the issue so much as the fact that she denied all responsibility for it.
(4) - Tattle-tale
I'm not saying there's anything wrong with reporting bad things for people's own good. But my Pet goes beyond that - she lures you into doing things so that she then feels justified to tell on you. On top of this, she breaks rules scandalously herself and then gets in a snot when I tell someone, even when there is nothing in it for me whatsoever. Whereas when I get in trouble, she may get a pat on the head or even an indirect reward - for example, I get banned from using the computer and she is now able to use it for longer herself. Worse, she breaks rules continuously that have been up for a long period of time with good reason. "Don't eat food upstairs" - she leaves the dishes up there and they go crusty. "Don't take ice blocks without permission" - Mum finally buys us something nicer, and better than the cheap ones - Pet asks for only the first two, and smuggles the rest whenever she feels like it, resulting in me only ever getting ONE of about TWENTY. I found wrappers upstairs, so she broke those two rules simultaneously. She stays up hours after her bedroom curfew (like a bed-time when she isn't expected to actually go to sleep right away). She opens ice creams in the freezer and steals bits at a time. She had an entire box of Eskimo pies (which I have never ever in my life eaten) and took them all for herself, one by one. Yet she still feels fit to whinge if I have so much as a plate upstairs (even though sometimes she brings them to me!)
(3) - Chronic Liar
She lies to cover the truth. She lies to cover her lies. Her lies, told within as little as 30 seconds of each other, say completely opposite things. She lies to get out of work, responsibility, money, school, bag-pipe band practice. If I got a dollar every time she told a lie, I wouldn't just LIVE in New Zealand - I'd own it! There is really nothing more I need to say on this topic, except one example which ties in also with (1), which I will leave until then because I think it has more of an anger value, and I want as much of this to be as civil as possible (although my Pet has never really been a topic on which I can be civil).
(2) - Hypocrisy
This is quite high on the list because I hate it so much, although it doesn't need much describing. Apparently, she's pedeophobic - 'pede' for feet (hence pedestrian) and 'phobic' for scared - she is apparently hideously disgusted by feet. However, this does not stop her 'stretching' so that her feet come within inches of my face. I suppose she thinks this is the ultimate insult, but I know that she is jus doing it to be annoying. Feet is the big thing, but she is a hypocrite in many things.
(1) - Selfishness
Everything is about her - how can she get more time of the Playstation, how can she get This with the promise of That, whilst still holding That back for herself? Here's an example.
It is the Easter holidays, and the PS2 (taken because of our 'dependence' on it) has been brought out until Tuesday night. The Pet has borrowed Sims 2 (for console) from one of her friends (how she gets friends is beyond me). With the condition that she and her (different) 'friend' play my Jak X game (Pet's suggestion, once again - not her friends! She's too controlling to allow that), I was allowed to play Sims 2 as long as I liked on Tuesday.
This doesn't mean she couldn't have a turn, it meant that whenever I had a turn, I did not just have 36 minutes for the whole day (which happened last time, since she played Jak X for 36 minutes. I felt cheated). However, when this came around, I only got about one and a half hours. The Pet played for her turn (turns are one hour but are sometimes unofficially extended since that player never reminds another that a turn is finished.. they keep playing until the other actually asks) - which somehow became two hours. When I 'kicked her off' (after she got double-turn! I only got that ½ hour because she was out - as soon as she came home I was off!), she got really snotty and said "I said you can play it all day... and now it's evening, so you can't play it anymore." These are times that make me want to lose control and call her things that would make Eminem blush. This time, however, I somehow did not even say 'crap'. Amazing.
To tell the truth, there are (unfortunately) a lot more than this. Some are humourous, some are definitely not! If I were to list all of them, most of you would probably throw yourself into the nearest lake of fire (or blaze of water). Now, if I publish this, I will be very very stupid. Which means you call call me a pukeko (New Zealand slang for 'idiot').
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