1. Stop putting microphones in front of the French.
2. Stop letting console developers talk about technology.
Nothing the Ps3 can't power? Well Skyrim seems to not want to run at more than 20 frames a second at best on it. Idiot. Just stop talking. It's not even worth explaining why this dunce is talking out his ass.
The more detailed and complex something is the longer it takes to design and create. The bottleneck is no longer technology, it is time. Publishers today are not going to give developers the time needed to take advantage of technology. Next generation you're going to see the same streamlined, oversimplified, linear, popped out of a aluminum cake mold crap with a short development time to placate the non gaming shareholders and board members just like we got this generation.
@metallic lol @ quality and Sony. Sony has been trying to sell it's electronics based on name only for years now. And they have always been overpriced even when the quality was actually good.
These analysts just don't know what they are talking about and no one seems to know what they are doing in this genre.
SWToR is failing because the game is terrible, same ol' s***, and is more like KoToR3 with an online component than an MMORPG.
World of Warcraft is losing subs because there is literally no reason to keep playing because everything keeps getting so damned easy from expansion to expansion people are finishing all the content at record times and are quitting. And Mists of Panaria looks REALLY bad.
MMORPGS were doomed when they stopped using MUDS and sim elements as their influence and started being quick gratification single player style RPG's with online play.
Every single game doesn't need multiplayer or coop, damn it. All the time and resources they waste trying tack on some half assed co-op mode could be spent making the single player better.
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