@ILuvAnju It's just Activision being lazy and cheap. They don't want to have to spend time getting another control scheme to work. They would rather not have that taking up their time from pumping out another reskinned generic military shooter every 10 months.
@JohnMafia @endorbr What they need is faster and cheaper broadband. All digital when most of the internet providers are capped per month or aren't up to speed? Not going to happen.
This is the problem with the industry these days. Too much mismanagement of funds and pretentious overproduction of nearly every title that comes out. Every game, even major ones, doesn't need overpriced voice actors, special effects, and a Hollywood budget to be good.
Overspending on this crap is sinking the industry. If it takes 2 million sales to just break even you are doing something VERY wrong.
Stupid article. Stupid study. Games on smartphone are essentially free. So anyone with a phone is playing games. May as well count all those overweight stay at home soccer moms playing Farmville and pogo all day as they pound down potato chips and bon bons as legit "gamers" too.
I could go outside and jump on a skateboard, that doesn't make me a "skater".
Every person here cooks food at home because you have to eat. That doesn't make them a "chef" or a "cook".
Another Rockstar game sensationalizing organized crime and thug life for the sideways baseball cap wearing bro' crowd. One trick pony. Move along nothing to see here.
Dumachum's comments