@Oozyrat Anything that costs more money than it is worth is a GREAT idea for Apple because their zombie fan base will buy EVERYTHING they put out no questions asked. They can name any price they want.
@Marky360 PC Gamers don't care about console ports. Ever. If it comes out fine, if not ---/shrug. No calender counting, no 12 year old Bayonetta 2 console kiddy cryfest. Got better better things to worry about on our plates.
What the hell is up with obnoxious developers these days. They are all rude, arrogant, and outright hostile to each other and their consumer fan base.
In the early 90's I just couldn't imagine Shigeru Miyamoto, Richard Garriott, or John Carmack saying "F*** that loser" publicly to another developer or fan. The industry today disgusts me.
Dumachum's comments