There was a surprising lack of Doritos, Mountain Dew, Taco Bell, and Pizza Hut logos at the reveal. I expected more pandering to corporate Americas vision of what a "real gamer" buys judging by the amount of TV, Sports, Cars, and "Call of Dudebros" vapidity they already included.
@PcGamingRig @gamergath Which is funny because that is the opposite of what they said right before they showed the (below average) pre rendered crap at the reveal which easily could have been mistaken for late current gen.
@danielbirchal Other than Steam does not require you to always check in to play your games. $60 on Steam is like $200 in a Gamestop or on XBL market. Steam has competitors to keep them in line where is MS has totalitarian control over their platform.
@CommodoreRaslin You mean all the "obvious and necessary" things that practically NO ONE includes in their RPGs today because that would make them way too "RPG" for the mass audience that the shareholders seek?
Ultima titles almost never had a "last boss", they were almost never about fighting a "decidedly evil" individual or group. They almost never required you to go into most of the dungeons or even fight monsters to finish the game. Levels and gear were generally irrelevant. Every character in his games had a place in the world and a personality with no "generic inn keeper type npcs".
@somberfox What Sega is doing? You mean no hardware, terrible games, and screwing over fans by copyright claiming their youtube accounts for talking about Sega games?
Nintendo isn't doing anything that makes any sense for the last decade but "walking dead" is just as easily applicable to EA these days. People just can't keep their mouth shut, especially at EA it seems.
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