Total BS. The genre that I have met the most complete idiots and random non gaming pop culture tards "enhances memory" lol. Center screen on thing you want to kill, press button.... IM GETTING SMARTER!!
@VisualPendulum Because they are targeting casuals and the pop culture fad gamers who love that stuff. They don't even like to use the term "gaming" with what they are selling anymore. Should give a hint.
@Mecamatt @Dumachum Everything they are going to be doing has already been done with PC tech they're just going to be putting it all under one roof and charging you for what has already been free for a long time. lol XBL.
First thing I thought of was Wolfenstein since they are publishing for ID now. Just hope it gets back to being wolfenstein and no more metaphysical scifi nonsense that the last game was.
"Don't like the way a publisher treats you? Don't sign a contract with that particular publisher"
Awesome idea guy lets see that only leaves like Activision and EA...and um....Bethesda and what besides Ubisoft? Oh yeah, NOTHING. There AREN'T a lot of major publishers around anymore and because of that they know they can bully developers into selling all their rights away if they want any financial help. Like the news media the games industry is now ran by a handful of parent companies.
When you make as many mistakes as EA does you are either completely incompetent or were doing it 100% intentionally, because you thought you could get away with it, so why bother trying to apologize?
EA spat this same placating lip service out a few years ago after DA:O and Dead Space trying to get consumers back on their side after which they immediately went back to screwing people over and being a generally malevolent bunch of corporate asshats.
No one is falling for it again. People who have been around the block since the 80's know what EA is and how they operate.
Microsoft doesn't care about the consumer. They think whatever they do people will buy it anyway because gamers at the moment haven't proven otherwise that they can't be bent over and taken advantage of at any opportunity.
Dumachum's comments