Yeah right. Consumers are all talk and no action. No matter how much they complain they'll cave and keep buying from EA, Capcom, Gamestop, Activision, etc.
it will take both PS4 and 720 tanking for AMD to get slammed. But that isn't really out of the question. This coming generation looks to have the lowest initial install base in a long time.
The more interest there is the less chance EA hands back the rights to the Alice IP even for a large amount of money. They would just keep it and put out some halfassed "mass accessible" sequel if they did anything. I don't get this.
@Hurvl The MMORPG genre is oversaturated with both product and people who really don't like MMO's but are just hanging around because it's a fad and don't know what makes a good one.
If a MMO isn't worth paying a sub for it isn't worth existing. f2p just ruins everything.
@Gallowhand Sounds like the steambox is what is aimed at a "niche". Any half serious PC gamer will go ahead and build their own mid range system at minimum.
The weekend warrior console people who only come over for WoW and LoL and stuff like that will mostly stick to their Intel integrated or whatever budget card came with their prebuilt.
No one goes to PC where the whole point is to do things your way and make your own experience to buy proprietary hardware.
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