lol Bushnell. After the 2600 Atari FAILED AT EVERYTHING they ever tried. They succeeded with the 2600 because they were the only major console at the time. Then Intellivision came out and was superior. Then the NES and Master System came out and they were superior.
ET = fail
Pacman = fail
5200 = fail
7800 = fail
Atari ST = fail
Lynx = fail
Jaguar = massive fail redefining the meaning of fail.
Never has Atari ever proven they know anything about the industry. Didn't this guy get fired from the company HE FOUNDED because he screwed up so many times?
Again, the cost of developing a title hasn't gone up. The amount publishers are spending has gone up. There is too much needless spending because no one knows how to make a game without spending hundreds of millions of dollars and then it becomes impossible to turn a profit without selling some unrealistic number of copes (4+ million)
You don't need to spend a Hollywood budget to make a "AAA" title. Wtf is a "AAA" title anyway? It's become just another made up buzzword in the industry that really doesn't even have a true meaning.
@PSBEATSALLDEAL @Kr3isen Ironside quit because he didn't like the direction of the character. Konami didn't even go to Hayter. Maybe for the best both series are laughing stocks now.
CoD is still running on a modded Quake 3 engine, They don't get to talk about "next gen visuals". Like Kottick and his cronies would even let them take the time to make something actually impressive. Got ot get those rehashed dudebro shooters out like hotcakes off a griddle.
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