Dunbake's forum posts
my best deals so far:
Arc the Lad collection - ps1, mint, complete with everything for $20
Uniracers - 50 cents at a yard sale /snes cart only
xenosaga I-III mint complete ps2 - $5 each
Free: who doesnt love free stuff i know i do...
sega genesis with soldiers of fortune, streets of rage, street fighter, and chakkan and controllers (free)
super mario rpg (woo hoo, score!) friend said it didnt work i said i would take it if he didnt want it. cleaned it real good plays fine. (free)
various assecories (free)
and my best purchas deal is...
slim ps2, two contollers, three crap games, and all the hook ups
gameboy advance sp with the good backlit screen, three crap games, car charger, home charger, and a case all for
my aunt has a second hand store and some guy screwed her over on something so i got his stuff on the cheap.
Thread necromancy strikes again! :D
Really, I think all the ones worth mentioning have all been mentioned, so I'll just say:
Secret of Mana, Secret of Evermore, Final Fantasy IV-VI, Illusion of Time/Gaia, Shadowrun, Phantasy Star II-IV, Chrono Trigger, Earthbound, Super Mario RPG, Shining Force I-II...*
*most of which are on my to-buy list, a significant number of which were never released in Europe (grr) and all of which can go for a pretty penny on eBay.
thread necromancy? talking bout me posting in old threads? im new to the union so i was looking over the old posts, and a couple i thought i could contribute to.
i think the op was looking for cheaper games thats why i left earthbound out. it gets expensive, and why i left off several good rpgs for the saturn. but yeah if he is willing to spend some loot earthbound is a cool game. i borrowed it from a friend cause i didnt want to pay the going rate on it.
Nightcaster II: equinox for the xbox - 1.9
i havent played it. it came with a game lot i got. i imagine i will try it out to see how awful it is, maybe it will give me a newfound appreciation for all the great games i play.
I have a SNES, GENESIS, Saturn, Dreamcast, and N64 (I have other consoles, but am not really considering them for this topic).
Saturn - your not really going to find any cheap on this console. i got albert odyssey, and dark savior for a reasonable price. blazing heroes is the only one i got fairly cheap, but i havent played it yet so i cant recomend.
Genesis - shining force and phantasy stars
snes - actraiser, secret of evermore, and illusions of gaia can be obtained cheap, and if your willing to spend a bit more you can get breath of fire I and II, lufia's, secret of mana, and chrono trigger
dreamcast - skies of arcadia (and yes it has a ton of random battles, but in the second disc you can avoid most of them, still a great game), grandia II (still one of my favorite battle systems, no random battles), record of lodoss war, draconus: cult of the wyrm, and elemental gimmick gear
n64- pretty much no rpgs, also why i dont own an n64
why do some of them have the extra prongs? like most games have one in the middle of the cartridge like:
and the others are like:
---- ---------- ----
for instance: super mario rpg, starfox, and the gameboy player.
skies of arcadia
grandia II
draconus: cult of the wyrm
egg: elemental gimmick gear
soul caliber
record of lodoss war
jet grind radio
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