I'm more of the 'screw it' variety of gamers. I finish my game, and along the way I compulsively complete the side quests I find. I can't however, be bothered to replay a game just to complete them. I was going to make a comment about the girl doing the video as hot, but thought that a bit creepy.... Guess I did do that so, meh...
@starsmith4_spot It's called an honorable mentions category. Games that, while good and/or broken, still deserve some form of recognition. GS just put a name to said recognition.
I'm just glad DayZ managed to get some form of recognition this year. Yes, it's still in alpha and is still very broken, with a learning curve akin to that of a brick wall, but despite being a game with zombies, it somehow manages to pull it off. There have been several times when I've been exploring by my self, thinking I'm alone only to have another player just enter the area. Not shoot at me, just come into close proximity. Although the zombies can prove either a challenge of just plain frustrating (one particular incident involving me and a bike stands out) when the game glitches out, you're fellow man is the ultimate wild card. Never has a game put me so on edge with the simple introduction of another human player as this. It's simply the uncertainty of outcome, will they shoot on sight, or be scared off by your presence? Is there someone providing overwatch from a nearby, just waiting to take you down after you deal with his hostile friend? That uncertainty ultimately leads to suspense that when combined with the organic exploration, leaves this game as my favorite in a very long while.
@saucex4 @Gelugon_baat Although I never did get much into TF2 and haven't played DOTA at all (not my knid of game). I think praising Valve right now is pretty poor. Though I didn't purchase it myself, the recent controversy surrounding WarZ should speak volumes. I've played a lot of DayZ, and have often thought poorly upon those that praised the other, but actually felt myself feeling sorry for those who bought that horribly unfinished game. Valve isn't all powerful, and their recent utter failure should go as proof of that.
@HADES2001 @aovannor Oh, and Hades, the problem is engine optimization. Nothing can be done until the inevitable string of patches. What do you expect with a new F2P game with this kind of focus? Personally I wouldn't mind some dedicated tutorials, call me an idiot, but it took me a while before I figured out why the teleporters weren't doing SFA for me...
@thenephariouson If you want a game that consistently has the ability to make you jump, you should check out the DayZ mod for Arma II. There's nothing quite like looting a building you think is empty, only to have another player either sneak up on you and shoot you, or even just say something. There has been more than one occasion where I've almost dirtied my pants when, whilst thinking I'm alone, someone pipes up over the direct chat just to say 'hi.' Although the 'shoot you' option is usually the more likely of the two. I can't wait for that Occulus Rift thing to come out. Ah the heart attack moments that will come from that kind of immersion...
@EliOli I agree with you (with the exception of the whole boycott thing), manditory online DRM is one of the most asinine concepts that has ever been crapped out of the anus of the gaming industry. Honestly, what is the point of implementing a system that does nothing but infuriate the honest gamer? In less than a month someone will have cracked the game and put it on pirates bay or somewhere similar, and the only thing that the people who download those will be missing is the online multiplayer, which, in my opinion is secondary to the single player mode. Thankfully I'm working in the city right now and come home to a good internet connection, but when Diablo III came out I was doing a lot of out of town work, and the places I was staying didn't always have an internet connection. So for weeks at a time, I'm prevented from playing a game that I just payed $65 for. It's punishment for the honest gamer.
@poznan79 @JCSBEARMEAT The problem with your graphical comparison of FC3 to COD/etc. is that you are comparing completely different games. Far Cry is an open world game. If any of the shooters you mentioned had to render a world the size of FC3, their engines would sh** a brick. Yes, BF3 had some massive maps compared to COD and I haven't played MoH so I can't attest for that, but when you compare what are essentially multiplayer arena shooters to an open world game (even if it's also an FPS game), you just end up looking daft. So you don't like the game, and I'm sure there are those of you who don't, if you're going to complain about it, at least compare it to a game the same genre.
@poznan79 @thenephariouson You may not care about respect, but you have made the colossal mistake of thinking that on the internet anyone cares about your opinion. Oh well, it's a lesson everyone has to learn sometime.
ESPM400's comments