@Jestersmiles Oh, well, I didn't really mean it in a strict sense. Just that you get them for free and get a taste of what a game is like before spending money on them.
Ha, that may be so. But I'm pretty sure he got locked up and sent to a Siberian prison by Microsoft prior to the Xbox One reveal 'cause of the shitstorm he would've caused. XD
@MuddVader The dude's a troll. I've been seeing him trolling several articles and games. Honestly, I don't think if there's anything he likes.Or maybe it's all a front.
Samus, Lara, Jade (Beyond Good & Evil) and Femshep say hi. I don't like Bayonetta 'cause she's a typically sexualised female character. I'm glad Tomb Raider got rebooted.
@TheShutup Stupid username; stupid comment. Are you going to keep telling everyone to shut up? That's not gonna get you any recognition on this site. I don't care if you have a right to say whatever you want; you don't have a right to be that dumb. Oh, wait, maybe you do...
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