Free speech was intended to open an avenue for free and open discourse, not to grant the freedom for people to be loudmouthed assholes. That was simply a necessary consequence.
@Nightrain50 Because "homosexual sin" is so logistically different than a male female relationship? It obviously distracts far more than straight "sin." Sounds to me like they're simply excluded from the elite crowd who are granted a spot on your fluffy dream cloud. You can enjoy all the exclusive heaven you want after you die, so why not try and be less of an ass here on Earth?
@Dandyslayer13 @Bread_or_Decide This post isn't a review for the game. You seem to be fluffing up this comment section with little more to offer than an "I have more refined tastes than Bioshock has to offer" type commentary.
@maitkarro @Evanrocknuma I agree on the profit side. But I think it should be proven first that they'd make a profit. Sure, I have my own suspicions that they might use the funding money for shiny new cameras and what not but we don't really know. The article stated that they got all the rights to the music, so they at least made it half way.
From a visual design standpoint, the new ones are obviously better. Black text on a white background stands out more than the opposite. Made some of the lines stand out more. A good but simple re-design.
@aovannor @Evanrocknuma I do agree with you there, somewhat. The main problem is probably the 400k budget though. If it were much less I doubt if Square would even touch it.
@aovannor @Evanrocknuma I'm in the same field buddy. Not rubbish. There are contradicting presidencies out there that allow for examination on a case by case basis. Yes, it does tend to go in the way of whomever holds the rights. However, especially in the field of virtual reality (as seen in court cases governing Second Life lately, see Curio vs. Hush), there is a lot that still need be written. Much of that is concerning itself with this new wave of fanfiction and content made and sold inside someone else's IP.
@aovannor @Evanrocknuma @Renunciation I understand that position. I do. But I'm also not keen on anyone blocking aspects such as fan fiction. Stealing your unknown work to make it big is much different than stealing well known work to get an in.
@aovannor Ah, that's why. Might I tell you that copyright law hasn't been largely revised since 1976. That was well before anything digital. Therefore, most digital copyright cases are considered on a strictly case by case basis.
@aovannor @Evanrocknuma @Renunciation Yes, but you're completely undermining the elements of film via cinematography and what not. Granted, it would be more of a learning experience than a well exacted form of self expression. If it were a complete copy, they could just hand you the game and tell you to piss off. All I'm saying, is that there are other elements at play here than just Square Enix's content.
Evanrocknuma's comments