I was finally able to write another review. It is not as long as usual, but hey, i haven't been in a blogging mood for a while now. LOL. Thanks for checking it out!
I was finally able to write another review. It is not as long as usual, but hey, i haven't been in a blogging mood for a while now. LOL. Thanks for checking it out!
Well, it is the first Friday of the new year, so (after a long layoff I must add) I finally decided to post another entry into my GameSpot blogosphere.
2012 came and went without much bang, many memorable blockbusters and frankly with a big sense of bleh when it came to gaming. Everything started out very promising, almost dream-like. In February came the release of Fallout New Vegas Ultimate Edition a collection of all previously released DLCs of what is my all-time favorite game and series. When it comes to DLC, I never buy it when it is first released i.e in a soft format. I prefer to wait for a hard copy release of the title. Well, my excitement went down through the floor when I played my second-most-awaited game for February The Darkness 2. It was nothing like the first game, the campaign was weak and I wasnt too fond of the pixel-shaded graphics the new devs decided to use (in a way to give it the comic book feel that Darkness started out as).
March rolled over and that provided me with the grand finale of the Mass Effect series Mass Effect 3. Much has been said and entertained about the titles ending, in fact so much that BioWare was forced to alter it. I enjoyed the series, even the third game. I spent countless hours with single-player campaign and some multiplayer. There were another couple of games that I intended to get but never did both Silent Hill games (Downpour and the HD Collection). I am not sure if I will ever play them.
A dream came true in April. I had always wished to play The Witcher series, but a lack of a gaming rig left me devoid of that chance. Well, CD Project Red ported Assassins of Kings to the 360 and what a remarkable job and game they did! Dark fantasy, mature story and themes and rich characters left me wow-ing. Definitely, the second best game I played last year (after FNV:Ultimate Edition of course).
Then the dry spell started. There were many potentials there dont get wrong Max Payne 3, Dragons Dogma, Lollipop Chainsaw, Risen 2: Dark Waters - but nothing materialized. I was most excited about Lollipop Chainsaw because after Shadows of the Damned rocked my gaming world I was super-duper excited about the next Suda 51 game. Unfortunately, reviews and user feedback left me wanting. The gaming drought continued through September with games like Skyrims DLCs, Sleeping Dogs, NHL 13, FIFA 13 and Borderlands 2 that I never got. I dont know why, I played some demos, I did some research and decided that my hard-earned money was better suited for something else.
The last game I bought last year was Dishonored (October). I really liked it. But I guess not enough to bring myself to finishing my review of it a piece of work I started late October and yet to finish. Maybe this year, or maybe not.
They year ended and my hunger for games (note: NOT Hunger Games lol) is waning down and down. In a nutshell, very weak year for me and I am glad to see the back of it. A little hope will come the first quarter of this year, when close to 6 games that I am really interested in are being released.
With positive thoughts for a happier new year,
It seems I will finally have some new adventures and challenges coming my way soon. Games-related, not anything more exciting than that of course. Ha Ha
I was so bored with gaming nowadays, that I had to re-play some franchises again, just to keep myself from forgetting how to work a controller. After a plunge into the deep space with Mass Effect, I am now caught in the middle of necromorph-infested space stations and planetcrackers in the Dead Space series. In between, I was part of a TWO-man ARMY in wait for it Army of Two series of course. Fun stuff right!? I love re-playing worthy games!
Anyway, I am also solving cases in LA NOIREs Complete Edition, since I hadnt done any of the DLC cases that came out. It is a brilliant game to be honest, one with a truly engaging storyline. Some future purchases are coming up also. I am talking about Fifa 13 and Dishonored. More excited about Dishonored frankly, because after playing the demo for Fifa 13, it seems there arent many different aspects from Fifa 12. I will buy it of course, as it provides me a good basis for a late-night, good-food-and-good-wine-infested nights with buddies. I am also a bit cautious about Dishonored. Every time I hear some vibes about this game, I get a deja-vu feeling related to what happened with Brink. I was highly anticipating it and then it flopped really bad. I hope this does not happen with Dishonored. We shall see.
Just on a side note, I purchased some new music CDs the other day. If you havent heard about Delerium you should check them out. A Canadian duo, producing a blend of electronic, pop, ambient and easy listening tunes with outstanding female vocals. The other album I bought was Nightwish's new CD called Imaginaerum (symphonic rock/metal with great female vocals and tunes). I did not even know they had a new album, until recently and I am a fan. Both bands are great, if you are fan of that genre of music of course.
'Till next time,
I don't know if you are in the same boat, but i haven't bought any new games recently. Even more pathetic is the fact that there aren't any coming out in the next weeks, that i am really interested in. I am kind of excited about Dishonored, but so i was about Brink and it turned out to be my most hated game ever.
I was initially excited about Borderlands 2, but it is a game that i enjoyed playing in a local co-op mode. I am not sure i would enjoy playing it by myself - the first one gets repetative and boring to be honest. Kind of like Dead Island...
Anyway, due to lack of new acquisitions, i decided to - once again - re-play some of my older titles. A Biotic playthrough on the the Mass Effect franchise seemed like a decent idea. That plus the fact of getting some of the Biotic-related achievements on the 360 is always a welcome idea. :D
Honestly, Mass Effect is an outstanding game. Not so much the second and third installments, but the first one takes the cake. Eat that EA! I hate EA...
Cheers and good day,
As some might know, I have an utmost hate for downloadable content. There are very few games that deserve my money for an extra content. Another interesting tidbit is the fact that I hate purchasing DLC in soft format. I would much rather wait for a Game-Of-The-Year Edition of a certain game, and then I purchase all available add-ons on a physical media. Well, for the past five weeks I re-visited my favorite game (series) of all time Fallout New Vegas. I had purchased the Ultimate Edition and I hadn't played any of the DLCs that came out previously. As I am writing this , I have this delightful feeling which resulted from the outstanding DLCs that Obsidian created and which I have experienced recently.
The four DLCs that came out for FNV are very different in their premise, writing and size but one this they all have in common is the one reason you SHOULD consider getting them all - they provide a conclusion and a significant chunk of backstory of the Courier. Rarely, I see an open worlds western RPG that provide such a well-written story and specifics for a generically created character with only a known nickname - a Courier, Vault Dweller, Lone Wanderer etc...
Throughout the DLCs you would hear a little bits of information how the Courier came to be, what he did before the New Vegas job and also you would know more about certain very important characters that were only mentioned in the vanilla game, but ones that undoubtedly you wanted to know more about the moment they were mentioned. I won't spoil anything, but suffice it to say all DLCs are connected in a nice fashion.
I want to provide some general tips and briefings on the DLCs, because some of them might be challenging if approached at the wrong time. Dead Money is the first content that came out, but I wouldn't necessarily play it as first. It has a survival gameplay, where you are stripped off your gear in the beginning so you have to find ammo, weapons, armor and aid items. It can be pretty tough if you approach it before you are leveled up enough (maybe at level 20-25).
Honest Hearts was the second DLC and provides us with a beautiful canyon locations in Utah to explore. The DLC could be perceived as the easiest of all, but one that is a breath of fresh air .
Old World Blues was the third DLC and we get to explore a crater call Big Mountain. It could be pretty hard if you haven't leveled up enough but having good skills in dealing with robotic creatures certainly helps. It is the humorous of all Fallout DLCs and I have played all of them.
Lonesome Road is the conclusion of the Courier's story and as such, it HAS TO be played last. It is simply not fitting if you do not play it last. Besides it could be pretty heavy on tough opponents, it is kind of linear exploration of The Divide - a land, hit heavily with nuclear firepower.
The order I played them was Dead Money, Old Worlds Blues, Honest Hearts and Lonesome Road. I had some problems with Dead Money and Old Worlds Blues, because of the factors mentioned above. But, as long as you play Lonesome Road last, you should enjoy the DLCs as much as I enjoyed them. Well, maybe not, since I am very fanatical about this franchise!
Enjoy and don't forget to give kudos to Obsidian for the brilliant writing and role play they created in Fallout New Vegas and its DLCs.
Check out my Rage review here!
If you liked Rage, you might also like these suggestions:
Fallout New Vegas -a post-apocalyptic Role Playing game
Fallout 3 - see above
Borderlands - a post - apocalyptic shooter with RPG elements
Enjoy the review,
Today is my second year anniversary here at Gamespot.
It has been an enjoyable experience, something that turned into a little hobby of mine as i went along. I was never into blogging or posting on forums, but my love for gaming led me to this website. I still remember the very first game that made me look for Internet gatherings, where I can discuss it in details ? Deadly Premonition. It was my very first game review also, but now that I look at it, it kind of seems short and not very professional. I guess I have improved a bit since then. :D
I will keep it short today, so 'adios' and 'till next time,
Hi there trackers!
I haven't been very active for a while now. You know, it sounds a little clichéd but when people say "time is money", they thoroughly MEAN it. I have been so busy lately that even a little participation on Gamespot became an unviable option. From my sports affiliations to the fact that I finally realized a lifelong dream, I barely found any time to "compete in the gaming world". Well, now that the English Premier League (football or soccer) is over and my favorite hockey team has been eliminated from the Stanley Cup playoffs, I finally found some time for some other things to do.
Firstly, I managed to find a second job. As some of you might know, finding a good paying part-time job is close to impossible, but I was able to find a good fit. Nevertheless, a little extra income is always welcomed.
Secondly, I finally decided to go ahead and "bite the bullet" to realize a lifelong dream. To put it redundantly - the dream of owning a car that I have dreamed of owning for twenty years and have been saving money for about nine straight years now. I am talking about a 911. As the famous motto says "There is no substitute..."
I had gotten into an accident with my previous car, which was completely totaled. It was not my fault, so I got a check from the other driver's insurance company. The decision to buy my dream car was not easy to make. It was to either spend a big chunk of my savings for a used BMW or go ahead and finally purchase the 911. I am convinced I made the right decision as nothing has been able to wipe the smile off my face for the past couple of weeks. I am a very happy person right now!
As far as gaming goes, I have been struggling to get into any of the games I had started playing. The last game I was "wowed" by was The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings, which I have posted a review on earlier today. I hope you like it?
Check out my The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings - Enhanced Edition review here!
Then, I have tried finishing Batman Arkham City but kind of lost interest or maybe did not have the required time to get into it more. I am sure I will finish it eventually. The big news this week was the release of Diablo 3 - a game that I do not have the means to play i.e. I do not own a gaming PC yet. At some point, I would be excited to finally play it. A buddy of mine at my day job brought the Collector's Edition today and it looks...worthy.
Well, I think this covers very memorable (for me at least) couple of weeks. In the next ten days I hit a GameSpot anniversary, so I would be posting another blog then. Oh, and if you liked The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings you might also like Dragon Age Origins, the Gothic series and Risen.
Until next time,
Check out my Dark Sector review here!!!
If you liked Dark Sector, you might like:
Dead Space series - both games are dark and gritty, with good storyline
Singularity - atmospheric game, taking place in Russia
Metro 2033 - see above
Enjoy the review,
Where is the love for Two Worlds 2?
I admit the first game was below par, even playing the demo was painful. I do not know what made me purchase Two Worlds 2. Maybe all the interviews and videos that i had seen, showing the devs of the series talking about how they would improve every little aspect in the second game. For some reason i believed them. I purchased the game a year ago and i absolutely loved it. Of course there are some major and minor bugs with it, but, just like with Skyrim, you look at the big picture. And the big picture is utterly fun and addicting game, with good sense of humor and longevity.
Just a quick note: Two Worlds 2 is a fantasy RPG with ridiculously good gameplay.I have a review on it so if you need more info just check it out.
So, back to the main topic.
Over the weekend i finally got a chance to play the ONLY downloadable content for Two Worlds 2. Actually, i would not call it a DLC. It is a mini-RPG. It has a brand new story, characters, weapons, map and armor. The side quests are so interesting and unique. The main quest is outstanding. Actually, there are two main quests going simultaneously. The characters have strong personalities.It is more story based and the story is simply staggering!
The Pirates of the Flying Fortress is a must-have DLC. It took me 20+ hours to beat. It is simply the best fantasy RPG DLC i have ever played.
Two Worlds 2, man...Ahhh, such an underappreciated game...
'Til next time,
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