[QUOTE="Eyezonmii"]PS3...don't get a wii...you'll regret it. too_much_eslim
not in 2009. Wii is great in 2009. Maybe so, but the PS3 has a much better looking 09, IMO. Getting a wii, alone isn't a good idea, you'll regret missing out on this gens HD gaming, which isn't something to pass on...considering how good some are.
how is the PS3 like the dreamcast? How can people compare SONY the giant to SEGA? If anything the 360 is the Dreamcast, looks, great games, online..its overall earlier entrance and ahead of time games. But in reality both console will be nothing like the dreamcase due to SONY's and MS deep pockets. People forget sony have many other electricals to rely on, Sega was a financial wreck with nothing to fall back on.
Lol, this reminds of the PS2 days, how people foresaw its early death...yet it killed all. People need to stop riding what CNN and other silly articles, that exaggerate stuff to get publicity. I know lemmings are desperate to beat sony, due to the dominance they have had for 2 generations, but that's not the way to go. Sony is doing good and it'll only get better starting next year.
Gears 2 is better single player-wise...but Gears 1 is better multplayer-wise, IMO. Gears 2 online is just too broken. As for the system of the year..tough one, i'd say both PS3/360
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