[QUOTE="BioShockOwnz"][QUOTE="Pariah_001"]The point here is that the poll is not a discussion. It's just another example of an ass-backwards democracy (like all democracies). Obama danced a jig for whatever demographic he could and created a bias for his image that defied actual politics. Likewise, all polls here suffer a dramatic bias from people who are more concerned with seeing their favored game/console win a vote that actually giving an honest answer.
I get what you're trying to say, and when it comes to the public policies or politics of present day, I'm way out of the "mainstream", which is where the sheep graze. Anyways, when it comes to Gears 2, I agree with the majority of Gamespot users. I've seen all the console contenders with my own eyes, and I can easily say that Gears 2 beats them all in the graphics department. And believe me, I won't let any bias get in the way of what I truly do believe. Killzone 2 will dethrone Gears 2, and there's no one that can honestly say otherwise.
Yea, I really can't believe you're serious but everyone is entitled to their own opinion. The character models in RE5 are awesome but the environments of Gears 2, MGS4, & Uncharted all look better to me... perhaps RE5 will have later levels that change my mind. But based on the demo, I'd have to say no way. I enjoyed the demo and it doesn't look bad by any means... but there is noticeably less 'detail' to the enviornment than some of the other blockbuster titles to come before it.
I also think the color/art is a little flatter/duller than the others. Now I play on a 60"1080P set and my 360 doesn't have an hdmi port... but unless the hdmi cables make that big of a difference, I'm really not sure how you could be seeing that much of a difference, but whatever.At any rate, I did not create a 'console king' thread and I'm not sure why you all are acting so definsive over some magazine scans?!:P As you readily admit, KZ2 looks to own all (so far)... so why even bring up another game as far as graphical performance goes???
Capcom chose to upper the detail to character models...so textures in the environments were sacrificed...but this is a demo, the final version could iron all that out, we'll see. But so far, RE5 models kill gears 2 ones and every other game.
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