you are not really a re fan if you think the pause menu is bothersome, it's actually one of the reason Im not liking re5 right now + it's getting very western for its own good. As for me an re fan who also loved re4 I don't understand why you are hating on that"action" masterpiece so much. It's a last gen game and in many ways better than many current gen games.edo-tensei
lol how is it getting very western? Its many western games that looked at RE4 for ideas, due to it pretty much making 3rd person shooters standard with its camera/over the shoulder left side behind view.
RE5 is pretty much the same thing, there is still a pause menu, etc.
can't count the many games of this generation that use the over the shoulder and camera gameplay of RE4. IMO, RE4 revolutionized the 3rd person shooters genre.
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